RFID Hacking 神器 --- Proxmark3

来源:岁月联盟 编辑:exp 时间:2010-07-02

旺財用空 CD 盒给 Proxmark3 作了个小屋. 这可是 RFID Hacking 的神器来着. 不过在 Linux 下运行的不是太顺. 据说在 Windows 下表现更好 (这个叫旺財有些意外). Anyway, 接下来先啃些 Proxmark3 的文档先. Mifare 卡破解源代码也有的下了, 很期待测试的那天 ....


This device can do almost anything involving almost any kind of low ( 125 kHz) or high ( 13.56 MHz) frequency RFID tag. It can act as a reader. It can eavesdrop on a transaction between another reader and a tag. It can analyze the signal received over the air more closely, for example to perform an attack in which we derive information from the tag’s instantaneous power consumption. It can pretend to be a tag itself.