Vista: 150 个问题, 0 个被解决

来源:岁月联盟 编辑:zhuzhu 时间:2007-07-12

微软宣称,通过错误报告和解决方案功能,Windows Vista能够比所有先前的操作系统更好地进行错误记录,并且提供相对应的解决方案.

Would you like some assistance?: This sounds like a perfectly reasonable offer, and it would be good to know why my machine is crashing slightly more frequently than its XP predecessor.


You certainly have some issues:: 150 problems on a two-month old installation? To be frank, that doesn't inspire confidence. But let's go ahead.

But wait, there's more!: After grinding through seven-score-and-ten problems, Microsoft wants additional permission to send information about seven of them. Why bother re-checking?


Size matters: A-ha, that's why. Uploading 39MB of data is not something you'd want to casually undertake, but we'll press on. Post-compression, this went down to 3MB, which is still rather large. Warning to dial-up users: don't try this at home.


And the winner is: After logging the 150 problems, Vista happily tells me that the number of solutions it has found is . . . none.


Desk drive: None of this is very helpful, but Microsoft's suggestion that I should check my "hard desk" for errors is an interesting one. Don't they have a spelling and grammar checker lying around somewhere?
“Desk Drive”:这其中没有一个是有用的,但是有一个相当有趣的建议:微软建议我检查“Desk Drive”,来修复错误.不过我十分想知道,这个“Desk Drive”是个什么东西?难道微软连个检查拼写的人都雇不起么……?

D'oh!: Or maybe I won't. Based on this, I certainly won't be running Problem Reports and Solutions again for a while.