微软Office 14将在2009年发布
Office 2007还没有用熟悉,又有新的消息传来,Office 14,最大可能的商品名是Office 2009将在2009年发布.
虽然微软没有正式公布文本,但在一些QnA中已经很明显透露了这一消息.在一段CodePlex的问答中,微软回答将在2009年发布SharePoint 2009.不过相关的程序员透露直到现在为止他们也不知道这款产品正式叫什么名字,但它毫无疑问将是与Windows 7同属一个时代的产品,尽管它们不会一起发布.
Q: What features of PKS will be part of SharePoint 2009?
A: The SharePoint 2009 feature set has not been publicly disclosed yet. We know the video storage story will be improved.
Q: Tagging is a future SharePoint feature - how would that future feature be compatible with the custom one developed here?
A: The answer is unknown at this point and will be better understood when the first public release of SharePoint 2009 is available.