John Kenneth Schiefer 27岁,来自洛杉矶,被联邦法院判刑4年监禁和支付2.250万美元的损失和为约四分之一感染万台电脑,盗窃信息软件的罚款。该黑客在过去的几个月 里一直是Mahalo.com的技术员 ,公司在没有检查他的背景时,雇用了他。
Schiefer,他的网上绰号是“acidstorm”,工作是所谓3G通信的IT安全顾问。然而 ,在空闲的时候,从事专业的非法流氓安全活动,其中包括利用这些恶意软件增加军队的 僵尸电脑感染,窃取钱财损害帐户,并发起拒绝服务攻击。
16个月前,关于网络罪犯的有罪协议已经被登记,但那时他还等待宣判。他继续在业 界寻找工作 ,大约5个月前,最终他在Mahalo.com获得一个工作职位,该公司运作的搜索 引擎是依赖于人工参与的。
一个有趣的事是,该公司的管理人员发现了Schiefer最近的历史和故事,尽管这样 ,还是决定继续雇用他。显然Mahalo首席技术官的决定是错误的,Mark Jeffrey,错误的 原因在于没有在雇拥之前简单的用google搜索引擎查询一下。
“后来经过认真的审议和严密的观察他能造成什么危害,我们提出了一个富有同情心的 决定,在他去监狱之前,让他工作。” Mahalo公司首席执行官Jason Calacanis 解释登 记事件。
与此同时,Mark Jeffrey 保证同意不久讲被因僵尸亚军而监禁。“在次期间,我知道 John一直是一个模型雇员,并且甚至,这种情况的人,我还会再次雇佣他们”Mahalo公司 首席执行官说。
在他的博客上,Jason Calacanis为Mahalo用户作了说明,并担保他们说:“John的 工作以及监督,Mahalo严密的安全规则,并且反正我们不在任何地方存储敏感数据。”他 进一步解释说:“即使我们的雇员中的一个变坏了,他们大多数的访问你的问题和回答 Mahalo答案--对所有的公众来说没有什么损失。
按照法官的裁决, Schiefer将在90天内到检察官那里自首并准时开始他的服刑,只 有时间才能告诉我们,他的故事仅是另一个黑客交换双方例子。很多知名IT专业人士今天 从事可疑活动时,都很年轻,并且他们中的一些甚至进入监禁期。
最近,我们报道了罗马尼亚黑客在意大利的身份盗窃正在经历3年的刑期。事后他的教授 惊奇的从Milano理工大学和意大利媒体那里得知他在信息领域的智慧和技能,当局正考虑 改变自己的判决表示将软禁和雇用他来帮助检举起诉和防止网上犯罪。
John Kenneth Schiefer, 27, from Los Angeles, has been sentenced by a federal court to four years in prison and the payment of $22,500 in damages and fines for infecting some one quarter million computers with information-stealing malware. The hacker has been working for the past several months as a technician for Mahalo.com, the company failing to check his background when employing him.
Schiefer, going by the online nickname of "acidstorm," used to work as an IT security consultant for a firm called 3G Communications. However, in his spare time, the rogue security professional engaged in illegal activities, which involved raising an army of zombie computers by infecting them with malware, stealing money from compromised accounts, and launching denial of service attacks.
The cyber-criminal entered a guilty plea agreement 16 months ago, but while awaiting his sentencing, he continued to look for work in the industry. Eventually, around five months ago, he was extended a job offer from Mahalo.com, a company running a search engine that relies on human-decisions.
The interesting fact is that the firm's management only found out about Schiefer's history and story recently and, despite this fact, it decided to keep him employed. The mistake was apparently made by Mahalo's CTO, Mark Jeffrey, who failed to do a simple Google search before hiring him.
"After really a lot of careful deliberation and looking at exactly what damage he could do here and how he was being supervised, we made a compassionate decision to let him work up to the day that he goes to prison," Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis commented for The Register.
Meanwhile, Mark Jeffrey vouched in favor of the soon-to-be incarcerated bot runner. "In the time that I've known John, he has been a model employee, and indeed, a model human being. I would hire him again in a second," he said.
In a post on his blog, Jason Calacanis made a note to Mahalo users, assuring them that "John’s work is well-supervised. Mahalo follows strict security policies and we don’t store any sensitive data anyway." He further explained that "Even if one of our employees did go off the deep end, the most they would have access to would be your questions and answers on Mahalo Answers–not much damage can be done there since they’re all public anyway."
According to the judge's decision, Schiefer has 90 days to turn himself in to prison officials and start serving his sentence and only time will tell if his story is just another example of a former-hacker switching sides. A lot of well known IT professionals today engaged in questionable activities when they were young, and some of them even served time in jail.
We have recently reported about a Romanian hacker who is undergoing a three-year-sentence in Italy for identity theft. After amazing his professors from the Polytechnic University of Milano and the Italian media with his intelligence and skills in the field of informatics, authorities are considering changing his sentence into house arrest and hiring him to help them prosecute and prevent online crime.