Translation is not merely translating one language into the other language. In C-E translation, there are equivalents or nearly equivalents between the source language and the target language in a few situations. Translation from Chinese to English is by no means a mere matter of finding equivalents between the source and the target language. It needs to plot from various levels and angles, and be meticulous in design and construction. Before translation, such course as adjustment, carding, induction, refinement, investigation and research should be implemented in advance. This paper illustrates the translation methods of words, sentences and paragraphs. As to words, we should choose the meaning of words according to context and consider the cultural significance of words. As to sentences, their structures often need to be changed. And as to paragraphs, the alternative forms of language structure and sometimes even the content should be taken into consideration as a whole.
Key words:C-E translation; practice; re-creation
翻译是许多语言活动中的一种,它是用一种语言形式把另一种语言形式里的内容重新表现出来的语言实践活动。 [1](P.3)它是一项非常复杂的社会活动,在翻译实践过程中译者往往要发挥自己的主观能动性与创造性,运用各种创造性的手段来进行翻译。即翻译是一种再创造。翻译的再创造指的是在忠实原作的基础上,不完全照搬原作的语言形式和字面意义,而是根据目的语的特点和,用规范的目的语的语言形式来反映原作。再创造性的翻译“不是拜倒在原作前,无所作为,也不是甩开原作,随意挥洒,而是在两种语言交汇的有限空间里驰骋”。[2] (P.9)
In the old days, Chinese people preferred to live in extended families with up to four generations under the same roof…now things are quite different. The feudal extended family has given way to the nuclear family.
分析:如果从字面上来翻译,“大家庭”跟“小家庭”应该分别译为“big family”和 “small family”。但是在英语中,相当于我们中国人所讲的“大家庭”和“小家庭”的概念,分别是extended family 和nuclear family。在中,extended family 的定义为:family structure(as in parts of Africa)where uncles, aunts and cousins are regarded as close relatives, with an obligation to help and support each other大家庭(数代同堂的家庭)。
nuclear family的定义为:(sociology社)the family considered as mother, father and children only, and not including any less close relations 核心家庭,小家庭(仅有父母和子女组成,不包括关系较远的亲戚)。[4](P.509 P.1003)
big family一般指多子女家庭
West Lake dishes, which originated in the Southern Song Dynasty, have been well-known for their taste and flavor.
分析:如果按字面意思翻译,“南宋风味”就要译成了style and taste of the Southern Song Dynasty,而把“南宋风味”用一个定语从句which originated in the Southern Song Dynasty 译出了内涵,即现在的杭州菜源于南宋。
原译: A great scientist not only devotes himself to the material civilization of humanity,but also,with his lofty sentiments, offers noble wealth to the human spiritual civilization.
分析:“物质文明”可以翻译为material civilization, 但是“精神文明”翻译成spiritual civilization则颇有争议。至于“道德情操”译成sentiments,显然是用错了词,这都是由于译者只顾词的字面意义。[5](P.59)
此句应改译为:Distinguished scientists not only make contributions to the accumulation of material wealth with their scientific achievements, but also leave behind them rich cultural heritages with their exemplary integrity.这里,把“物质文明 ”和“精神文明”分别译成material wealth 和cultural heritage,把高尚的道德情操译为exemplary integrity都遵循了意译的原则。
Some farmers are making round dumplings. This is a kind of stuffed dumplings made of glutinous rice flour served in soup. It’s traditional food for Chinese in some southern parts of China. The round shape of dumplings signifies family reunion, for the spring festival is the biggest occasion for family reunion in a year. Others are preparing fish for New Year’s Eve Dinner. As the Chinese character "fish" is pronounced "yu", which is homophonic with another character "yu", meaning "having surplus of more than necessary", eating fish at the New Year’s Eve means you will have more than necessary in the coming year.
Hangzhou served as the capital of empires for 237 years, first as the capital of the kingdom of Wuyue (907-978), during the Five Dynasties Period, and again as the capital of Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).
He really suffered a double loss instead of making a gain.
分析:“赔了夫人又折兵”是个三国典故,意思是说损失惨重。把它翻译成“suffer a double loss instead of making a gain”既能体现原文的简洁性,又能使译文读者接受。但是如果按字面意思把它翻译成“give one’s enemy a wife and lose one’s soldiers as well”,则会使不了解这个典故的译文读者感到十分费解。
⑦ 邓小平理论概论
本课程系统讲授邓小平理论科学体系的基本内容,深入分析邓小平理论的思想精髓和科学内容,阐明邓小平理论的历史地位和指导意义,阐明建设有中国特色社会主义的路线、方针和政策,帮助学生提高对高举邓小平伟大旗帜的认识水平,提高建设有中国特色社会主义道路的自觉性,提高以邓小平理论为指导研究 分析我国社会主义改革开放和现代化建设理论和实践问题的能力。
This course involves examination of Marx’s economic theory, concentrating on the theories and value and surplus value, the theory of accumulation, the theory of money and circulation, and the concept of socialism, consideration of some selected work of later Marxist economists and discussion of some criticisms of the Marxist theory。
the fundamentals of the scientific framework of Deng Xiaoping Theory
the essential thinking and scientific substance
the historical impact and guiding significance
the line, policy and strategy for building China-specific socialism
the attitude towards holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping
the initiative for building socialism with Chinese characteristics
the ability to apply…to the study of the theoretical and practical dimensions of…
the pith and marrow of Deng Xiaoping Theory
the initial stage of socialism
the essence and fundamental tasks of socialism
the reform of socialism
the socialist market economy
the development strategy of the modernization program
the leading core and buttress force for building socialism
the enhancement of democracy and the rule of law
the strengthening of the vitality of civilization
the leading core and opening policies
the “one country--two systems” and the reunification of the motherland
cross reference between theory and practice and between history and reality;Scientifically sound and interestingly effective
Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
This course involves examination of the fundamentals of the scientific framework of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the exploration of the essential thinking and scientific substance of the theory, the consideration of its historical impact and guiding significance, and the discussion of this theory regarding the line, policy and strategy for building China-specific socialism.
The course aims to heighten the awareness of the students for holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping,to enhance their initiative for building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to increase their ability to apply the theory to the study of the theoretical and empirical implications of the socialist reforms and open policies and the modernization program.
The subjects to be expounded in this course will be the pith and marrow of Deng Xiaoping Theory, concentrating on such aspects as the initial stage of socialism, the essence and fundamental tasks of socialism, the socialist reforms, the socialist market economy, the development strategy of the modernization program and the leading core and buttress force for building socialism. This course also touches on Deng Xiaoping’s directives on the enhancement of democracy and the rule of law and the strengthening of the vitality of civilization, the guidelines on foreign affairs and the open policies and the concept of reunification of the motherland in the “one country--two systems” context.
The lectures, which are intended to be scientifically sound and interestingly effective, will feature cross-references between theory and practice and between history and reality. [8](P.27)
Legend has it that some four or five thousand years ago, there once occurred in the Yellow River valley a terrible flood which washed away whole villages with their houses and inundated large areas of cropland. Many people lost their lives in the flood and those who were fortunate enough to survive were forced to abandon their homes and go and live on hillsides or migrate to places far, far away.
分析:汉语原文中,“(洪水冲毁了)房屋和村庄”是并列的,译文用了从属结构“whole villages with their houses”。对于“淹没了田地,淹死了许多人。活着的人……”的翻译,英语译文进行了重组,把“淹没了田地”放到前面,与“冲毁了房屋和村庄”并列,把有关“人”的描述都放在后面一句当中(淹死的人和活着的)。这样安排才符合英语的逻辑。
The beauty spots in the seven nearby counties form a vast area for tourists with West Lake at its center. To the north of Hangzhou stands the Chao Hill, and to the west Mt.Tianmu. Going up to the Qiantang River one finds oneself at Stork Hill near the Terrace where Yan Ziling, a hermit of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), loved to go angling by the Fuchun River in Fuyang County. Nearby are the Yaolin Wonderland in Tonglu County, the Tongjun Hill and the three Lingqi Caves in Jiande County, and the Thousand-Islet Lake at the source of the Xin’anjiang River.
The river’s special physical features account for this remarkable natural phenomenon. Its outlet to the ocean, Hangzhou Bay, is extremely wide, shaped like a large trumpet. When the sea tide rises, it brings with it a huge amount of water, pushing inland at a great speed. However, the river’s sandy bed prevents the water’s smooth progress. As waves follow
one after the other, the tide surges and creates a gigantic wall of tidal water, the so-called "tidal bore". [9](P.90)