四 发展中国家应当采取的立场与对策
[1]参见“Bushwon’tprobe labor practices in China AFL-CIO says U. S. lost1. 24 million jobs aswork wasmoved to China”,The Buffalo News(Buffalo,NY)(July 22,2006):D6。
[2]参见WTO,Understanding the WTO,p. 74. Available at http://www.wto. org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/under-standing_e. pdf, last visited on March 16,2009。
[3]参见International Labor Office,Rues of the Game:A brief introduction to International Labor Standards,International Labor Organization,2005,p. 23。
[5]参见Robert Howse,“The World Trade Organization and the Protection of Worker’s Rights”,The Journal of Small and Emerging Business Law,Summer1999,p. 4。
[6]GATT Dispute Settlement Panel Reporton United States—Restrictions on Imports of Tuna,circulated on 3 September 1991,unadopted,DS21 /R. GATT Dispute Settlement Panel Report on United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna,circulated on 16 June 1994,unadopted,DS29 /R.
[7]参见Robert Howse and Donald Regan,“The Product/Process Distinction—An Illusory Basis for Disciplining Unilateralismin Trade Policy”,European Journal of International Law,Vo.l 11,2000,p. 249。
[8]参见Howard Mann and Yvonne Apea,“Dispute Resolution”,inTrade and Environment:A Resource Book,edited by AdilNajam,Mark Halle and Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz,IISD、ICTSD and The Ring,2007,p. 67。
[9]参见RobertHowse,“The World Trade Organization and the Protection of Worker’s Rights”,p. 7。
[10]在“海虾—海龟案”中,美国禁止从一些国家进口海虾,理由是这些国家在捕获海虾时使用的方法伤害到了海龟。参见United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products,Appellate Body Report and Panel Report adopted in October and May 1998,WT/DS58(herein after Shrimp-Turtle)。
[11]Shrimp-Turtle,Appellate Body Report,paras. 127-131。
[12]参见Robert Howse,“The World Trade Organization and the Protection of Worker’s Rights”,p. 8。
[14]United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna,DS29 /R,para. 5. 35.
[15]Thailand-Restrictions on Importation of and Internal Taxes on Cigarettes,Panel Report,adopted,BISD 37S/200,para. 74.
[16]European Communities-Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products,Appellate Body Report,WT/DS135 /AB/R. (2001),para. 172,175.
[17]Resolution of the European Parliament on the Introduction of a Social Clause in theUnilateral and Multilateral Trading System,Official ournal of the European Communities,no.C61,28 February 1994,p. 89.
[18]参见Shrimp-Turtle,Appellate Body Report,paras. 185-187;Steve Charnovitz,“The Law of Environmental‘PPMs’inThe WTO:Debunking theMyth of Illegality”,The Yale Journal of International Law,Vo.l 27,2002。
[19]United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products,Recourse toArt. 21. 5 of the DSU by Malaysia,Panel Report and Appellate Body Report,WT/DS58 /AB/RW,para. 153.
[20]参见OECD,Trade,Employment and Labor Standards:A Study of CoreWorker’s Rights and International Trade,Paris:OECD,1996,pp. 171-172。
[22]例如,2007年,在美国同拉丁美洲几个国家签订自由贸易协议的过程中,劳工标准和环境问题就成为主要的争议点。参见Weisman,Steven R.,“Democrats offer deal on foreign trade pacts.(Finance)”,International Herald Tribune(March 29,2007):15。
[23]参见“Bushwon’tprobe labor practices in ChinaAFL-CIO saysU. S. lost1. 24 million jobs as work was moved to China”。
[24]参见Richardson Michae,l“Developing Nations Resist WTO Scrutiny;Malaysia Bars Group From Looking at Rights”,International Herald Tribune(Dec 12,1996):15。
[25]参见Marcus Schlagenhof, “TradeMeasures Based on Environmental Process and Production Methods”,Journal of World Trade,Vo.l 29,1995,p. 130。
[26] 参见Robert Stern and Katherine Terrell, “Labor Standards and the World Trade Organization:A Position Paper”。
[27]参见Robert Howse,“The World Trade Organization and the Protection of Worker’s Rights”,p. 13。
[28]参见Jansen and Lugard,“Some Considerations on Trade Barriers Erected for Non-Economic Reasons and WTO Obligations”,Journal of International Economic Law,1999,p. 532。
[29]参见J. H. Jackson,William J. Davey and Alan O. Sykes,Legal Problems of International Economic Relations,St. Paul,Minn.:WestPub. Co.,3ed (1995),p. 565。
[30]Singapore WTO Ministerial 1996:Ministerial Declaration,WT/MIN(96) /DEC,18 December1996,para. 4.参见RobertStern and Katherine Terrel,l“Labor Standards and the World Trade Organization:A Position Paper”。
[31]参见Magda Shahin,“Trade and Environment:How Real is the Debate”,in Gary P. Sampson and W. Bradnee Chambersed.,Trade,Environmentand the Millennium,Tokyo:the United NationsUniversity Press,1999,pp. 46-49。