
来源:岁月联盟 作者:于颖 时间:2014-06-25

  然而,目前第42条可以解释为,一般情况下要适用消费者经常居所地的法律,而不论所涉其他国家法律的保护标准是否高于消费者经常居所地法律的保护标准;如果消费者选择商品、服务提供地法律,就要适用之,而不论该地的法律对消费者的保护标准是否低于消费者经常居所地法律的保护标准。那么同一个案件,我国与世界主流法律体系对消费者合同的法律适用结果会大相径庭。这种立法理念是与国际私法整体发展的观念相违背的。法律适用结果的一致性是立法机关制定冲突法应当考虑的重要因素。[40]适用结果的不一致将会增加法律的不确定性,导致当事人挑选法院(forum shopping)的情况发生。所以,法律适用结果的一致性必须在立法时予以充分地关注。





[3]See 1. Ramsay, Consumer Law and Policy,Weidenfeld and Nicolson Publishing, 1989,p. 57.
[4]See T. Puurunen,The Judical Jurisdiction of States over International Business-to-Consumer Electronic Commerce from the Perspective of Legal Certainty, 8 U. C. Davis J. int’ 1 1.&Pol’ y,2002,p. 143.
[5]See T. Wilhelinsson, Consumer Law and Social Justice, in I. Ramsay(ed.),Consumer Law in the Global Economy-Na-tional and International Dimensions, Ashgate Publishing, 1997,pp. 218-222.
[6]See C. Howells, I. Ramsay and T. Wilhelmsson, Consumer Law in Its International Law Dimension,in G. Howells,1.Ramsay and T. Wilhelmsson with David Kraft(eds.),Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law, Edward Elgar Publish-ing, 2010,p. 13.
[7]See 0. Lando, Consumers Contracts and Party Autonomy in the Conflicts of Laws, 42 Nordisk Tidsskrift Int’1 Ret 208,1972, pp. 208-219.
[8]See T. C. Hartley, Consumer Protection Provisions in the EEC Convention, in P. M. North,(ed),Contract Conflicts, Am-sterdam: North-Holland Publishing, 1982,p. 112.
[9]See J. Dolinger, Evolution of Principles for Resolving Conflicts in the Field of Contracts and Torts, Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law 283,Martinus Nijhofl Publishers,2000,p. 260.
[10]参见前注[6],G. Howells等主编书,第1页。
[11]参见前注[8],P. M. North主编书,第1ll页。
[12]See J. Hill, Cross-Border Consumer Contracts,Oxford University Press,2008,p. 6.
[13]See A. T. Von Mehren,Law Applicable to Certain Consumer Sales, Texts adopted by the Fourteenth Session and Explanatory Report, Actes et Documents de la Quatrorziime Session du 6 an 25 Octobre 1980,II-39.
[14]See O. Lando, and P. A. Nielsen,The Rome I Proposal, 3 J. Priv. Int’ 1 L. 38 2007,p. 38.
[15]Regulation(EC) No 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008,On the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations(Rome Ⅰ).
[16]See D. P. F. Arroyo, Current Approaches towards Harmonization of Consumer Private International Law in Americans,ICLQvol 58,April 2009,pp.411-425.
[17]OAS Brazilian Proposal, Inter-American Convention on the Law Applicable to International Consumer Contracts and Trans-actions.
[18]See A. T. Von Mehren, and D. T. Trautman, Constitutional Control of Choice of Law: Some Reflections on Hague, 10 Hof-stra L. Rev. 1981-1982, p. 35.
[22]See M. Giuliano and P. Lagarde, Report on the Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, Official Jour-nalC 282 of 31 October 1980,pp. 0001 -0050.
[23]参见前注[7],O. Lando文。
[24]See R. Schu, The Applicable Law to Consumer Contracts Made Over the Internet: Consumer Protection Through Private In-ternational Law? 5 Int’1 J. L.&info. Tech. 1997,p. 200.
[25]See Neuhaus,Die Grundbegriffe des IPR, 1962,p. 172,cf. C. Lima Marques, Consumer protection in Private International Law rules: the need for an inter-American Convention on the law applicable to some consumer contracts and consumer transactions(CIDIP),in Bourgoinie, Thierry(Org.).Regards croises sur les enjeux contemporains du droit de la consommation, Yvon Blais,Quebec,2006,pp. 145-190.
[26]See N. Reich, Cross-Border Consumer Protection, in Hans-W. Micklitz, N. Reich, and P. Rott,(eds.),Understand-ing EU Consumer Law, Intersentia Publisher, 2009,p. 267.
[27]See G Ruhl,Party Autonomy in the Private International Lawof Contracts,Transatlantic Convergence and Economic Effi-ciency,in E.Cottschalk,et al.,(eds.),Conflict of Laws in a Globalized World,Cambridge University Press,2007,p.167.
[28]See T.C.Hartley,Mandatory Rules in International Contracts:The Conlmon Law Approach,Collected Courses of The Hague AcademyofIntemationalLaw266.Martinus NijhoffPublishers,1997,p.345.
[29]See D.F.Cavers,“Habitual Residence”:A Useful Concept?,21 Am.U.L.Rev.1971-1972,pp.475-478.
[31]参见前注[25],C.Lima Marques书,第145-190。
[32]See N.Reich,Consumerism and Citizenship in the Information Society-The Case ofElectronic Contracting,inT.Willlelms-son(ed.),Consumer Law in the Information Society,Kluwer,La Haye/London/Boston,2001,p.170.
[34]OAS Brazilian Proposal, Inter-American Convention on the Law Applicable to International Consumer Contracts and Trans-actions. Arts. 4 and 5.
[35]See H. Kronke,Applicable Law in Torts and Contracts in Cyberspace, in K. B. Woelki and C. Kessedjian,(eds.),Inter-net-Which Court Decides? Which Law Applies? Kluwer, London, 1998,p. 82.
[36]See 1980 Rome Convention, Art. 5 (2).
[37]See S. C. Symeomdes,Choice of Law in the American Courts in 2005:Nineteenth Annual Survey, 54 Am. J. Comp. L.623,2005.
[38]See UCC of USA§1-105,and Restatement( 2nd) of Conflict of Laws § 187(2)(b),and The Unfair Contract Term Act1997 of UK,§27(2).
[39]参见前注[27],E. Gottschalk等主编书,第170页。
[40]参见肖永平:《法理学视野下的冲突法》,高等教育出版社2008年版,第314 - 318页。
