【关键词】 脉压水平
【摘要】目的 探讨体检人员脉压水平与冠心病之间的关系。方法 根据计划方案对1071例参检人员按年龄分为两组,并进行询问病史和测量血压。结果高血压患者,年龄≤50岁,患病率为2.95;年龄>51岁,患病率为12.36%。脉压≤40mmHg,冠心病患病率为0.24%;脉压41~80mmHg,冠心病患病率为3.26%;脉压≥81mmHg,冠心病患病率为9.73%。结论 当收缩压(SBP)相同脉压不同时,随着脉压的增加,冠心病发病率增加(P<0.05)。当SBP逐渐增高,舒张压(DBP)逐渐下降,冠心病发病率也增加(P<0.01)。在50岁以上人群中,无论SBP正常还是增高,只要脉压增宽,冠心病的患病率就增加。
【关键词】 冠心病;脉压水平
Investigation of the correlation between the level of nervation and coronary heart disease
【Abstract】 Objective Investigation of the correlation between the level of nervation and coronary heart disease of patient.Methods 1071 person were divided into two group in order to take part in check blood pressure and ask for medical record.Results The blood pressure patient,age≤50years olds,the rate of sicken was 2.95%;age>51years olds,the rate of sicken was 12.36%.The level of nervation≤40mmHg,the rate of sicken of coronary heart disease was 0.24%.The level of nervation between 40 and 80mmHg,the rate of sicken of coronary heart disease was 3.26%.The level of nervation≥81mmHg,the rate of sicken of coronary heart disease was 9.73%.Conclusion When constriction is same but the level of nervation is different,the rate of sicken of coronary heart disease was increased as level of nervation increased (P<0.05).When super blood pressure (SBP) was slowly increased and depress blood pressure (DBP) decreased,the rate of sicken of coronary heart disease was increased too (P<0.01).Over 50 years old, no matter how SBP was normal or increased,if the level of nervation was invcreased,the rate of sicken of coronary heart disease was increased.
【Key words】 coronary heart disease;nervation
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 参加体检人数1071例,男753例,女318例。平均年龄(40.93±0.35)岁。按年龄分为两组,≤50岁组785例,>51岁组286例。
1.2方法 体检医生采用台式水银柱血压计,连续测量3次,取其平均值,根据SBP水平分为3组,即SBP≤130mmHg、131~149mmHg、≥150mmHg。在上述每组中,按脉压水平分为3个亚组,即≤40mmHg、41~80mmHg、≥81mmHg,统计各组及各亚组中冠心病患病率。
1.3 统计学方法 采用SPSS 10.0软件进行统计学处理,计量资料用以(x±s)表示,组间均数比较采用t检验,计数比较采用χ2检验。P<0.01为差异有非常显著性。
2 结果
3 讨论
无论SBP正常还是增高,只要脉压增宽,冠心病的患病率就增加,与Mitchell GF等报道结论相一致。尽管可以用收缩压、舒张压的高低来预测心血管事件发生率的高低,但脉压可能要比收缩压、舒张压与冠心病的关系更加密切。
Roman MJ等观察到冠心病与收缩压、脉压呈显著正相关性[2,3]。随着高血压病的,引起左心室肥厚(LVH),导致血管压力负荷增加,动脉硬化程度随之加重,管壁弹性进一步下降,脉压则更加增大[4]。因此,在门诊治疗高血压患者的同时,还要重视那些血压在正常范围但脉压增宽的人群。
1 Mitchell GF,Moye LA,Braunwald E, et al. Sphygmomanometrically determined pulse pressure is a powerful independent predictor of recurrent events after myocardial infarction in patients with impaired left ventricular function. SAVE investigators survivaland and ventricular enlargement. Circulation,1997,96:4254-4260.
2 Roman MJ, Saba PS, Pini R, et al. Parallel cardiac and vascular adaptation in hypertension. Circulation,1992,86:1909-1918.
3 Roman MJ, Pickering TG, Schwartz JE, et al. Association of carotid atherosclerosis and left ventricular hypertrophy. J Am coll Cardiol, 1995,25:83-90.
4 Cavallini MC, Roman MJ, Blank SG, et al. Association of the auscultatory gap with vascular disease in hypertensive patients. Ann Intern Med,1996,124:877-883.