【摘要】 目的对不同来源的黄连及其炮制品的水分、灰分和浸出物进行测定,为2010年版《中国药典》黄连及其炮制品制订相关的质量标准。方法按2005年版《中国药典》附录IX H水分测定法第1法、附录IX K灰分测定法、附录X A浸出物测定法测定。结果黄连原药的水分不得过14.0%,总灰分不得过5.0%,50%乙醇热浸出量不得少于18.5%;黄连饮片的水分不得过12.0%,总灰分不得过3.0%,50%乙醇热浸出量不得少于17.0%;酒黄连饮片的水分不得过10.0%,总灰分不得过3.5%,50%乙醇热浸出量不得少于17.0%;姜黄连饮片的水分不得过11.0%,总灰分不得过3.5%,50%乙醇热浸出量不得少于18.0%;萸黄连饮片的水分不得过11.0%,总灰分不得过3.5%,50%乙醇热浸出量不得少于17.0%。结论其研究结果可用于2010年版《中国药典》黄连及其炮制品质量标准的制定。
【关键词】 黄连;黄连饮片;酒黄连;姜黄连;萸黄连;水分;灰分;浸出物
Abstract:ObjectiveTo determine the moistures, total ashes, and ethanol extracts of the crude and processed rhizome of Coptidis with different resources,in order to establish the quality standards of Chinese Pharmacopoeia of 2010 edition.MethodsAccording to the appendix IX H, IX K and X A of Chinese Pharmacopoeia of 2005 edition, the moistures, ashes, and enthanol extracts of the crude and processed rhizoma of Coptidis were determined respectively. ResultsThe moisture in Coptidis was less than 14.0%, with the total ash within 5.0%, and the 50% ethanol extract was not less than 18.5% by hot soak. The moisture in Huanglian Yinpian was less than 12.0%, with the total ash within 3.0%, the 50% ethanol extract was less than 17.0% by hot soak. The moisture in Jiuhuanglian was less than 10%, with the total ash within 3.5%, the 50% ethanol extract was less than 17.0% by hot soak. The moisture in Jianghuanglian was less than 11.0%, with the total ash within 3.5%, the 50% ethanol extract was less than 18.0% by hot soak. The moisture in Yuhuanglian was less than 11%, with the total ash within 3.5%, the 50% ethanol extract was not less than 17.0% by hot soak.ConclusionThe results might be used to the quality standards of the crude and processed rhizoma of Coptidis about the moisture, total ash, and ethanol extract for editing Chinese Pharmacopoeia of 2010 edition.
Key words:Rhizoma of Coptidis;Huanglian Yinpian;Jiuhuanglian;Jianghuanglian;Yuhuanglian;Moisture;Ash;Extract
黄连为常用中药材品种,来源于毛茛科植物黄连Coptis chinensis Franch.,三角叶黄连Coptis deltoidea C. Y. Cheng et Hsiao或云连Coptis teeta Wall.的干燥根茎,具有清热燥湿,泻火解毒的功效,用于湿热痞满、高热神昏、痈肿疔疮等;酒黄连善清上焦火热,用于目赤口疮;姜黄连清胃和胃止呕,用于寒热互结,湿热中阻,痞满呕吐;萸黄连疏肝和胃止呕,用于肝胃不和,呕吐吞酸[1]。近年来,有关黄连及其炮制品化学成分、药理作用、产品研究与开发的报道很多,但关于其质量标准的研究却很少,《中国药典》2005年版仅对黄连及其3种炮制品的灰分作了相关的规定,不能满足全面控制药材质量的要求。为了进一步规范其质量,制订《中国药典》2010年版中黄连及其炮制品的质量标准,本实验对62批不同产地和来源的个黄连原药、黄连饮片、酒黄连饮片、姜黄连饮片、萸黄连饮片的水分、灰分及浸出物进行了测定,并建立了相应的标准。
2.1 水分测定 取不同来源的药材粉末(过2号筛)约3.0 g,按照《中国药典》2005年版一部附录IX H项下第一法(烘干法)测定,结果:黄连原药见表1,黄连饮片见表2,酒黄连见表3,姜黄连见表4,萸黄连见表5。