
来源:岁月联盟 作者: 时间:2015-06-05


【摘要】  目的 研究3个主产区蔓荆子在扫描电镜下的特征,为鉴别不同蔓荆子提供参考。方法 采用扫描电子显微镜对山东、江西和广西3个蔓荆子主产区的蔓荆子进行观察和比较。结果 山东、江西两个产区蔓荆子果实表面特征非常相似,与广西产区的蔓荆子有明显的区别。结论 根据扫描电镜特征可以对3个产区的蔓荆子进行鉴别,该方法简便易行。

【关键词】  蔓荆子;中药鉴别;扫描电镜

  Abstract:Objective To study the pericarp surface of Fructus Viticis from three main production area under the scanning electron microscope (SEM), and to provide evidence for distinguishing the Fructus Viticis and its false and the different variety of it. Method Using scanning electron microscope, the pericarp surface characteristics from three main production area were comparative studied. Result The pericarp surface characteristics of the fruits of Vitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham from Shandong and Jiangxi were extremely similar, but they were obvious different with the fruits of Vitex trifolia L. from Guangxi. Conclusion The pericarp surface characteristics of Fructus Viticis from three main production area under SEM were obvious. The methods was simple and provides the new reference to discriminate the Fructus Viticis from different places.

  Key words:Fructus Vitics;pericarp surface;SEM


  1  实验材料

  1.1  药材

  1.1.1  山东产区(威海) 


  1.1.2  江西产区(都昌县多宝乡)
  2003年秋农民采收的野生蔓荆子,2004年春笔者进行产区调查时从当地农民手中购进,经笔者鉴定为单叶蔓荆子。江西蔓荆子分布在鄱阳湖周围的沙山上,原植物为单叶蔓荆。据当地文献记载,传说自明朝为防沙化从山东引种,据分析也可能为野生,兼有引种。环境与山东相似,夏季高温干旱,春秋大风,冬季寒冷,极端低温-20 ℃左右。
