「合理多元主義」是民主公共文化的永久特徵,但是現代社會的思想主 流卻是經濟主義。它將人類文明引入了嚴重的生態危機。因此,我們需要普世倫理來解決這一全球性的問題。而建立普世倫理則應當通過世界上各種文化之間的不斷對話,其中,中國傳統思想是一種重要的思想資源。作為《聯合國人權宣言》的倫理論據,普世倫理應從各種文化和道德的重合之處產生,因此在內容上應是最小限度的。但它又應當是超越的,並能被人們的深層信仰所支援。深層信仰是關於終極實在的信仰,人們應當對關於這種信仰的不同表述持寬容態度。只有當經濟主義退出思想的主導地位時,普世倫理才會真正獲得實踐有效性,我們的子孫才能夠安全地生活地球上。
Although "reasonable pluralism" often characterizes the public culture of a democracy, the mainstream ideology in modern times is economism. This ideology is leading human civilization into a terrible ecological crisis, and a universal ethic is needed to deal with this global problem. The establishment of a universal ethic through dialogue should be the ceaseless pursuit of every culture in the world, and ancient Chinese thinking undoubtedly plays an important part within such an task. As an ethical support to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, a univer ethic should come from the overlap of values and moral norms of all cultures in the world. Hence it should be minimal in content, and yet be of transcendental value, supported by the deep convictions of all people. Deep convictions themselves imply belief in an Ultimate Reality or human Ultimate Concern. People should be tolerant of different understandings about Ultimate Reality and Ultimate Concern. Only when economism drops out of mainstream ideology can a universal ethic have practical validity and will our future generations be able to live safely on this earth.