
来源:岁月联盟 编辑:zhuzhu 时间:2007-08-14







左右外连接 (常用就不讲了)

全外连接 FULL JOIN(不常用)。

合并连接(一般不用),是选出不匹配的记录 等于全连接减去内连接的集合。


Full OUTER JOIN 和cross join 有什么区别?

答:交叉连接是属于内连接中的一种特殊的连接。根本不存在任何条件连接,应该说是范围最大的连接。就是笛卡尔乘积。 而 全外连接是首先进行内连接,然后将所有没匹配上的记录也选出来,但不在对不匹配的进行笛卡尔乘积只是加进来。 而交叉连接是会将没匹配上的也要进行乘积。



You are a database developer for an automobile dealership. You are designing a database to support a  web site that will be used for purchasing automobiles. A person purchasing an automobile from the web  site will be able to customize his or her order by selecting the model and color.  The manufacturer makes four different models of automobiles. The models can be ordered in any one offive colors. A default color is assigned to each model.  The models are stored in a table named Models, and the colors are stored in a table named Colors. Thesetables are shown in the exhibit.You need to create a list of all possible model and color combinations. Which script should you use?(分析,这里是要列出车型和颜色的所有组合,而根本不涉及条件,)


A SELECT m.ModelName, c.ColorName  FROM Colors AS c FULL OUTER JOIN Models AS m  ON c.ColorID = m.ColorID  ORDER BY m.ModelName, c.ColorName (分析,这里是全外连接,因为车型表里只有一个颜色ID(缺省),那么这里就只有8(4+4)条记录选出来了)



B SELECT m.ModelName, c.ColorNameFROM Colors AS c CROSS JOIN Models AS mORDER BY m.ModelName, c.ColorName (答案在此,交叉连接就是列出所有的可能组合20(5*4)条记录,根本不用条件)



C SELECT m.ModelName, c.ColorNameFROM Colors AS m INNER JOIN Colors AS cON m.ColorID = c.ColorIDORDER BY m.ModelName, c.ColorName (分析,内连接,缺省的情况下只能查出4条记录)



D SELECT m.ModelName, c.ColorNameFROM Colors AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN Models AS m (分析,左外连接,缺省情况下只能查出5条记录)ON c.ColorID = m.ColorIDUNIONSELECT m.ModelName, c.ColorNameFROM Colors AS c RIGHT OUTER JOIN Models AS m (分析,右外连接,缺省情况下只能查处4条记录)ON c.ColorID = m.ColorID  ORDER BY m.ModelName, c.ColorName



E SELECT m.ModelNameFROM Models AS mUNIONSELECT c.ColorName (分析,这个是合并连接,是查询不匹配的行。 应该是 8-4=4 条记录,就是车型表里不存在的颜色)FROM Colors AS cORDER BY m.ModelName