
来源:岁月联盟 编辑:zhuzhu 时间:2007-08-06

例:通过Sybase mobilink实现两个数据库之间数据同步(客户端与服务器),其中牵涉到数据的下载,在进行数据下载时,如果通过调用存储过程实现的下载流获取,那么实际操作中同步老是报错,原因如下:




远程数据库(客户端):sybase ASA



Oracle requires that a package be defined. This package must contain a record type for the result set, and a cursor type that returns the record type.Create or replace package SPInfo asType SPRec is record (    pk     integer,    col1   varchar(100),    col2   varchar(20));Type SPCursor is ref cursor return SPRec;End SPInfo;Next, Oracle requires a stored procedure with the cursor type as the first parameter. Note that the download_cursor script only passes in two parameters, not three. For stored procedures returning result sets in Oracle, cursor types declared as parameters in the stored procedure definition define the structure of the result set, but do not define a true parameter as such. In this example, the stored procedure also adds the script to the MobiLink system table.Create or replace procedure    DownloadMyTable( v_spcursor IN OUT SPInfo.SPCursor,v_last_dl_ts IN DATE,v_user_name IN VARCHAR ) AsBegin Open v_spcursor For select pk, col1, col2 from MyTable where last_modified >= v_last_dl_ts and employee = v_user_name;End;CALL ml_add_table_script(   'v1',  'MyTable',  'download_cursor',  '{CALL DownloadMyTable({ml s.last_table_download},{ml s.username} )}');



按照文档描述,进行相关设置后,进行同步,但是在同步进行中mobilink服务器报错,信息如下('EAPP_BARCODE_DOWNLOAD' 为存储过程名字):


错误: ODBC: [MERANT][ODBC Oracle driver][Oracle]ORA-06550: line 1, column 8: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'EAPP_BARCODE_DOWNLOAD' ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:PL/SQL: Statement ignored (ODBC 状态 = HY000,本地错误代码 = 6550)I. 05/17 20:05:20 <1.9> [1100139459]: 错误环境: 用户名: 1100139459  修改的用户名: 1100139459 事务: 下载 表名: ES_APP_BARCODEI. 05/17 20:05:20 <1.9> [1100139459]: 脚本版本: BCGET  脚本: {call EAPP_BARCODE_DOWNLOAD(?,?)} 错误环境结束I. 05/17 20:05:20 <1.9> [1100139459]: 警告: [10010] 未定义任何错误处理脚本。缺省的动作代码 (3000) 将决定错误行为。I. 05/17 20:05:20 <1.9> [1100139459]: download_cursor ES_APP_BARCODE(关闭)


从错误信息看来,是由于调用存储过程时所使用参数个数错误导致,后来经过查找发现:可能出现该原因是在ODBC设置中未勾选“Procedure Returns Results”所致,进入ODBC设置面板,修改相关参数,再运行,一切正常。