开源项目之在线网页截图工具 IECapt

来源:岁月联盟 编辑:exp 时间:2012-09-11

        class CEventSink :public CComObjectRootEx <CComSingleThreadModel>, public IDispatch 实现了网页接口的事件接收器。
        class CMain :public CWindowImpl <CMain> 窗口主要界面,快照的实现(获得网页接口对象)。
// Implementation of CMain::SaveSnapshot 
BOOL CMain::SaveSnapshot(void) 

long bodyHeight, bodyWidth, rootHeight, rootWidth, height, width; 
CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatch; 
// TODO: "If the document object type is not safe for scripting, 
// this method returns successfully but sets ppDisp to NULL. For 
// Internet Explorer 7 and later, the return code is S_FALSE..." 
HRESULT hr = m_pWebBrowser->get_Document(&pDispatch); 
if (FAILED(hr)) 
return true; 
CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> spDocument; 
hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void**)&spDocument); 
if (FAILED(hr)) 
return true; 
CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spBody; 
hr = spDocument->get_body(&spBody); 
// Apparently with MSHTML failing to get the body is not a failure, 
// so if there is no HTML body to get, which may be the case with 
// SVG images loaded directly, this succeeds but sets spBody to the 
// NULL pointer, leading to a crash. I am not sure how to obtain 
// the sizing information for SVG documents so this errors out here. 
// A work around would be the make HTML host documents or wrapping 
// the SVG code in a XHTML document, but that may break scripts. 
if (FAILED(hr) || spBody == NULL) 
return true; 
CComPtr<IHTMLElement2> spBody2; 
hr = spBody->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement2, (void**)&spBody2); 
if (FAILED(hr)) 
return true; 
hr = spBody2->get_scrollHeight(&bodyHeight); 
if (FAILED(hr)) 
return true; 
hr = spBody2->get_scrollWidth(&bodyWidth); 
if (FAILED(hr)) 
return true; 
CComPtr<IHTMLDocument3> spDocument3; 
hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument3, (void**)&spDocument3); 
if (FAILED(hr)) 
return true; 
// We also need to get the dimensions from the <html> due to quirks 
// and standards mode differences. Perhaps this should instead check 
// whether we are in quirks mode? How does it work with IE8? 
CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spHtml; 
hr = spDocument3->get_documentElement(&spHtml); 
if (FAILED(hr)) 
return true; 
CComPtr<IHTMLElement2> spHtml2; 
hr = spHtml->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement2, (void**)&spHtml2); 
if (FAILED(hr)) 
return true; 
hr = spHtml2->get_scrollHeight(&rootHeight); 
if (FAILED(hr)) 
return true; 
hr = spHtml2->get_scrollWidth(&rootWidth); 
if (FAILED(hr)) 
return true; 
width = bodyWidth; 
height = rootHeight > bodyHeight ? rootHeight : bodyHeight; 
// TODO: What if width or height exceeds 32767? It seems Windows limits 
// the window size, and Internet Explorer does not draw what's not visible. 
::MoveWindow(m_hwndWebBrowser, 0, 0, width, height, TRUE); 
CComPtr<IViewObject2> spViewObject; 
// This used to get the interface from the m_pWebBrowser but that seems 
// to be an undocumented feature, so we get it from the Document instead. 
hr = spDocument3->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject2, (void**)&spViewObject); 
if (FAILED(hr)) 
return true; 
RECTL rcBounds = { 0, 0, width, height }; 
_TCHAR* tcsExt = _tcsrchr(m_fileName, '.'); 
if (tcsExt && _tcscmp(_T(".emf"), tcsExt) == 0) { 
HDC hdcMain = GetDC(); 
int iWidthMM = GetDeviceCaps(hdcMain, HORZSIZE);  
int iHeightMM = GetDeviceCaps(hdcMain, VERTSIZE);  
int iWidthPels = GetDeviceCaps(hdcMain, HORZRES);  
int iHeightPels = GetDeviceCaps(hdcMain, VERTRES);  
Gdiplus::RectF rcBoundsX(0, 0, 
(Gdiplus::REAL)width, (Gdiplus::REAL)height); 
rcBoundsX.Y      *= iHeightMM * 100 / iHeightPels;  
rcBoundsX.X      *= iWidthMM  * 100 / iWidthPels;  
rcBoundsX.Width  *= iWidthMM  * 100 / iWidthPels;  
rcBoundsX.Height *= iHeightMM * 100 / iHeightPels;  
Gdiplus::Metafile emf(T2W(m_fileName), hdcMain, rcBoundsX, 
Gdiplus::MetafileFrameUnitGdi, Gdiplus::EmfTypeEmfPlusDual, 
L"[TODO: Description]"); 
Gdiplus::Graphics g(&emf); 
HDC imgDc = g.GetHDC(); 
// For unknown reasons Internet Explorer will sometimes 
// fail to draw glyphs for certain characters here even 
// though they are rendered in Internet Explorer itself. 
// On other pages, Internet Explorer will simply render 
// a single bitmap into the emf which isn't really what 
// this should do. I've no idea how to fix that however. 
hr = spViewObject->Draw(DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, NULL, NULL, imgDc, 
imgDc, &rcBounds, NULL, NULL, 0); 
return false; 

CImage image; 
// TODO: check return value; 
// TODO: somehow enable alpha 
image.Create(width, height, 24); 
HDC imgDc = image.GetDC(); 
hr = spViewObject->Draw(DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, NULL, NULL, imgDc, 
imgDc, &rcBounds, NULL, NULL, 0); 
image.ReleaseDC();  www.2cto.com
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) 
hr = image.Save(m_fileName); 
return false; 
