你不知道的几个 django 应用
这里收集了几个很有用,但是大多数人没有听说过的django app应用,看看你知道几个?用过几个?
1. Rietveld
This project shows how to create a somewhat substantial web application using Django on Google App Engine.
In addition, I hope it will serve as a practical tool for the Python developer community, and hopefully for other open source communities. As I've learned over the last two years at Google, where I developed a similar tool named Mondrian, proper code review habits can really improve the quality of a code base, and good tools for code review will improve developers' life.
Some code in this project was derived from Mondrian, but this is not the full Mondrian tool.
Source code has been published! See the Source tab above.
--Guido van Rossum, Python creator and Google employee
Project page
2. ConMan
The ConMan project was started by herlo to help run the Utah Open Source Conference.
The project is now maintained on GitHub but has been housed in Google Code as well. The GitHub is the current version of the ConMan project.
Project page
3. Django-messages
Django-messages enables your users to send private messages to each other. It provides a basic set of functionality your would expect from such a system. Every user has an Inbox, an Outbox and a Trash. Messages can be composed and there is an easy url-based approach to preloading the compose-form with the recipient-user, which makes it extremly easy to put "send xyz a message" links on a profile-page.
Project page
3. django-helpdesk
django-helpdesk was formerly known as Jutda Helpdesk, named after the company who originally created it. As of January 2011 the name has been changed to reflect what it really is: a Django-powered ticket tracker with contributors reaching far beyond Jutda.
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4. django-blocks
blocks is to be able do do a site without a real need to write many lines of code (or any) because almost common stuff like a content and how it should be shown will be configured by the user. It should be easy to do a Blog (like WordPress) or some other kind of CMS based site (like in Drupal) easily.
Project page
5. python-money (non-django specific)
python-money provides carefully designed basic Python primitives for working with money and currencies.
The primary objectives of this module is to aid in the development of financial applications by increasing testability and reusability, reducing code duplication and reducing the risk of defects occurring in the code.
Project page
6. uml-to-django
No manual python/django coding was involved in this conversion, the default application is completely generated for you.
However you can customise it after conversion. Customisations won't be lost if you re-run uml-to-django to include new changes from your UML diagram to the django code.
It currently works from a class diagram saved as a XMI file. Most UML authoring tools (Visio, ArgoUML, , Altova UModel, Visual Paradigm...) can export their diagrams in that format.
Project page
7. django-axes
django-axes is a very simple way for you to keep track of failed login attempts, both for the Django admin and for the rest of your site.
Project page
8. rfdjango
Project is meant to be central point for handling and presenting RF spectrum measured data for authorities and as well as for licensed telecom operators, radio and TV broadcasters etc. with different level of privileges, of course. Most measurement is supposed to occur automatically with no at all or a little operator intervention.
Project page
9. virttool
Virttool is a tool for managing datacenters using virtualization technologies. It is comprised of two distinct but interacting modules, a lightweight high-avaliability monitoring daemon and a web interface for easy management.
Project page
9. pygowave
PyGoWave is the next generation communication platform for the web coded in Python. It is similar to its big brother Google Wave and aims to be a comparable and compatible alternative.
Project page
Project website
10. djang0byte
Lightweight social networks engine written in python+django, that aims to bear great workloads.
Project page
11. openstates
The Open State Project collects and makes available data about state legislative activities, including bill summaries, votes, sponsorships and state legislator information. This data is gathered directly from the states and made available in a common format for interested developers, through a JSON API and data dumps.
Project page
12. django-kong
This project is an interesting combination that work together to solve two problems. The main problem is deployment testing and custom monitoring. It allows you to define a twill test that allows you to test all of the sites you deploy against. These tests could also be used for a monitoring purpose, and run every so often by a system like Nagios.
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13. django-polymorphic
On one hand it makes sure that model inheritance just works as you expect, by simply ensuring that you always get back exactly the same objects from the database you stored there - regardless how you access them, making model inheritance much more "pythonic". This can save you a lot of unpleasant workarounds that tend to make your code messy, error-prone, and slow.
On the other hand, together with some small API additions to the Django ORM, django_polymorphic enables a much more expressive and < intuitive programming style and also very advanced object oriented designs that are not possible with vanilla Django.
Project page
14. django-locking
Django has seen great adoption in the content management sphere, especially among the newspaper crowd. One of the trickier things to get right, is to make sure that nobody steps on each others toes while editing and modifying existing content. Newspaper editors might not always be aware of what other editors are up to, and this goes double for distributed teams. When different people work on the same content, the one who saves last will win the day, while the other edits are overwritten.
django-locking provides a system that makes concurrent editing impossible, and informs users of what other users are working on and for how long that content will remain locked. Users can still read locked content, but cannot modify or save it.
Project page
15. django-speedtracer
Simple performance monitoring for Django using Google Chrome's Speed Tracer
Project page
16. django-spider
A multi-threaded spider with a web interface
Project page
17. django-lint
Tool to lint Django applications and projects
Project page
18. django-vim
A set of vim plugins and settings for using vim to develop django.
Project page
19. django-autofixture
Can create auto-generated test data.
Project page
20. django-dtpanel-htmltidy
The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response and when clicked, display more details about the panel's content. HTML Tidy or HTML Validatory is custom panel for Django Debug Panel which validate your HTML and display warning and errors as panel.
Project page
Django debug toolbar
摘自 python.cn