Warning #10210 : problem with Microsoft compilation
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July 2, 2009 12:00 AM PDT
Problem :
We get “icl: warning #10210 : problem with Microsoft compilation” when we use /FD compiler option.
Environment :
Windows, Intel C++ compiler
Resolution :
This warning occurs when (under certain circumstances) the Intel compiler is forced to call the Microsoft compiler and the Microsoft compiler can't compile the code. One of these cases is when you use the /FD (generate file dependencies) switch. In order to generate the file dependencies the "icl" driver must call "cl".
Normally the Microsoft compilation works fine and the user can't even tell that happened. But under certain circumstances there might be something in the source file which the Microsoft compiler can't handle. One example would be a C99 extension like _Complex types.
So you would see this warning, for example if you tried to use the C99 extension that the Intel compiler supports under the /Qstd=c99 (but the Microsoft compiler does not) and also put /FD on the command line. You can determine what is in your code that the Microsoft compiler can't handle by just compiling with "cl" instead of "icl".
// U66517.c
int main() {
float _Complex c;
return 0;
C:/f>icl /Qstd:c99 /FD -c U66517.c
Intel(R) C++ Compiler Professional for applications running on IA-32, Version 11.1 Build 20090511 Package ID: w_cproc_p_11.1.035
Copyright (C) 1985-2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
icl: warning #10210: problem with Microsoft compilation of 'U66517.c'
C:/>cl /FD -c U66517.c
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01 for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
U66517.c(4) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'c'
U66517.c(4) : error C2065: 'c' : undeclared identifier
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