LINQ to SQL删除实现体会小结
在实现LINQ to SQL删除时可以使用Lambda Expression批量删除数据那么在解析表达式过程中生成Where Condition会有大量的代码生成,那么这里向你做一点简单的总结,算是一点体会吧,希望对你有所帮助。
根据LINQ to Sql原有的设计,解析Query得到DbCommand应该是SqlProvider干的事,只是现在这个SqlProvider只从IReaderProvider出(事实上MS也没设计个IUpdateProvider或者IDeleteProvider来着),所以也只对SELECT感冒。搞的咱们只能在DataContext里自力更生了。
LINQ to SQL删除实现的实例:
- public static int DeleteAll﹤TEntity﹥(
- this Table﹤TEntity﹥ table,
- Expression﹤Func﹤TEntity, bool﹥﹥ predicate)
- where TEntity : class
- {
- IQueryable query = table.Where(predicate);
- DbCommand com = dc.GetCommand(query);
- //TODO:改造sql语句
- return com.ExecuteNonQuery();
- }
- }
- SELECT fields... FROM tableName AS TableAlias WHERE Condition
LINQ to SQL删除的目标:
- DELETE FROM tableName WHERE Condition
可见关键是得到tableName,用正则是首选。不过这里还有一个缺陷就是只能用expression来做删除不能用linq query,比如我想这样:
- var query = from item in context.Items
- where item.Name.StartsWith("XX")
- select item;
- context.DeleteAll(query);
LINQ to SQL删除最终完成如下:
- public static class DataContextEx
- {
- public static int DeleteAll(
- this DataContext dc, IQueryable query)
- {
- DbCommand com = dc.GetCommand(query);
- Regex reg = new Regex("^SELECT[//s]*(?﹤Fields﹥.*)
- [//s]*FROM[//s]*(?﹤Table﹥.*)[//s]*AS[//s]*
- (?﹤TableAlias﹥.*)[//s]*WHERE[//s]*(?﹤Condition﹥.*)",
- RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- Match match = reg.Match(com.CommandText);
- if (!match.Success)
- throw new ArgumentException(
- "Cannot delete this type of collection");
- string table = match.Groups["Table"].Value.Trim();
- string tableAlias = match.Groups["TableAlias"].Value.Trim();
- string condition = match.Groups["Condition"].
- Value.Trim().Replace(tableAlias, table);
- com.CommandText = string.Format(
- "DELETE FROM {0} WHERE {1}", table, condition);
- if (com.Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
- com.Connection.Open();
- return com.ExecuteNonQuery();
- }
- public static int DeleteAll﹤TEntity﹥(
- this Table﹤TEntity﹥ table, Expression﹤Func﹤TEntity, bool﹥﹥ predicate)
- where TEntity : class
- {
- IQueryable query = table.Where(predicate);
- return table.Context.DeleteAll(query);
- }
- }
注:reg表达式取自MSDN Forum
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