
来源:岁月联盟 编辑:exp 时间:2012-03-31

使用wget下载infobright的rpm包,我用的是infobright-4.0.5-0-x86_64-ice.rpm  #rpm -ivh /home/czp/infobright-4.0.5-0-x86_64-ice.rpm –prefix=/usr/local/  报错如下 15:22:03 Failed on infobright initialization. You can investigate /tmp/ib4.0.5-0-install.log and log files from /usr/local/infobrigh t-4.0.5-0-  x86_64/data. 15:22:03 At this stage the current installation may be broken. You need to uninstall it and 15:22:03 fix the cause before retrying the installation. 15:22:03 Possible reasons for the failure are: LDAP service is running or 15:22:03 system has unsupported glibc but nscd service is not  running. 15:22:03 Possible work arounds are: If LDAP is running, you may stop LDAP service prior to the installation. 15:22:03 If you have unsupported glibc,  you need to start nscd service prior to the installation.  因为centos 6没有集成nscd这个包进去 glibc版本也过低 导致infobright初始化失败  首先卸载 # rpm -e infobright # yum -y install nscd # nscd  然后再安装  装完后在目标目录下会有两个新文件夹, infobright-version-86_x64和其链接infobright 进入/usr/local/infobright/ 运行 ./ 这个脚本将拷贝配置文件my-ib.cnf到/etc下 然后初始化mysql内部的数据 在/usr/local/infobright/scripts/下运行 ./mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr/local/infobright --datadir=/usr/local/infobright/data  这里可能有个问题,就是/usr/local/infobright/data/brighthouse.ini文件的归属用户不是mysql 所以要通过chown修改该文件归属用户为mysql 然后启动infobright:/etc/init.d/mysqld-ib start 任意路径下运行mysql-ib -u root 登陆infobright后 
创建新的远程用户newuser GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO newuser@"%" IDENTIFIED BY '123456' WITH GRANT OPTION; 下面就可以使用客户端在远程登陆登陆了    作者 方世玉