光盘安装 IRIX 6.5详细步骤

来源:岁月联盟 编辑:zhu 时间:2008-02-17
光盘安装 IRIX 6.5详细步骤内容简介:【IRIX教程】 潜水两天终于成功的安装上了Irix 6.5,感激各位大虾的贴子的帮忙,奉献上我第一次安装Irix 6.5的具体过程,希望能给曾经象我一样的新手提供参考。 [预备工作] Package Upgrade IRIX 6.5.X Overlays IRI

  【IRIX教程】潜水两天终于成功的安装上了Irix 6.5,感激各位大虾的贴子的帮忙,奉献上我第一次安装Irix 6.5的具体过程,希望能给曾经象我一样的新手提供参考。

  Package Upgrade IRIX 6.5.X Overlays
  IRIX 6.5.X Installation Tools and Overlays (1 of 4)
  IRIX 6.5.X Overlays (2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4)
  IRIX 6.5.X Applications
  IRIX 6.5.X Foundation 1
  IRIX 6.5.X Foundation 2
  Package basic IRIX 6.5
  IRIX 6.5.X Development Foundation(假如编程需要)
  IRIX 6.5.X Development Libraries(假如编程需要)
  Customer Diagnostics for silicon Graphics Fuel visual workstation 1.0
  Freeware(part 1 of 4)
  Freeware(part 2 of 4)
  Freeware(part 3 of 4)
  Freeware(part 4 of 4)
  ONC3/NFS Version 3(假如有相应的设备)
  SNMP Access to HP-UX MIB 1.1.3(假如有相应的网络)
  OpenGL Performer 3.0.2
  IRIX 6.5.19 Base Document
  Silicon Graphics General and Platform Demos 6.5.12(1 of 2)
  Silicon Graphics General and Platform Demos 6.5.12(2 of 2)
  /var/yp/ypdomain, etc.

  [IRIX 6.5.X 的安装步骤:]

  1. 重新格式化 and exercise the drive (可选推荐)

  2. 安装 IRIX 6.5.X

  3. 建立网络信息

  第一步: 重新分区调整盘大小

  1. 启动电脑,选择“Stop For Maintenance” 或者按 Escape,进入Prom
  2. Prom Monitor中选择 “Enter Command Monitor” 进入Command Monitor .
  3. 找到控制器CD-ROM 的unit number和controller driver number,输入命令,
  4. 屏幕上显示hinv 的信息:
  1 600 MHZ IP35 Processor
  CPU: MIPS R14000 Processor Chip Revision: 2.4
  CPU: MIPS R14010 Floating Point Chip Revision: 2.4
  Main Memory Size: 1024 Mbytes
  Instruction cathy size: 32 Kbytes
  Data cathy size: 32 Kbytes
  Secondary unified instruction/data cathy size: 4 Mbytes
  Integral SCSI controller 0: Version QL12160, low voltage differentil
   Disk drive: unit 1 on SCSI Controller 0
  Integral SCSI controller 1: Version QL12160, single ended
   CDROM: unit 6 on SCSI Controller 1
  IOC3/IOC4 serial port:tty1
  IOC3/IOC4 serial port:tty1
  IOC3 parallel port: plp1
  Graphic board: V12
  Integral fast Ethernet:ef0, version 1, module 001C01, pci 4
  USB controller: type OHCI
  5. 启动fx组件。插入CDROM: Installation Tools and Overlays (1 of 4)
  boot -f cdrom(1,6,sash64 cdrom(1,6,7)stand/fx.64 -–x
  boot -f dksc(0,1,sashARCS dksc(0,1,7)stand/fx.64 -–x
  6. fx设备名称。输出如下所示,黑体字为操作步骤.
  SGI Versions 6.5 ARCS
  fx :device-name = (dksc) <ENTER>;
  fx :ctlr# = (0) <ENTER>;
  fx :drive# = (1) <ENTER>;
  注重: 假如你运行 O2 R10K 或者机器的系统盘不是 ID 1 或者 the Controller 不是 0, 在输入ENTER之前确定 the Disk ID number Controller number.
  ...opening dksc(0,1,)
  ...controller test ...OK
  Scsi derive type = = SEAGATE ST34502LC 0005
  --- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu) ---
  [exit]t [d]ebug/ [l]abel/ [a]uto
  adblock/ [exe]rcise/ [r]epartition/ [f]ormat
  fx>; exe <ENTER>; (检查磁盘)
  ----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
  utterfly [seq]uential [set]testpat
  [e]rrlog [st]op_on_error [sh]owtestpat
  [r]andom [m]iscompares [c]omplete
  fx/exercise>; seq <ENTER>;
  fx/exercise/sequential:modifier = (rd-only) wr-c <ENTER>; (*DESTRUCTIVE*)
  fx/exercise/sequential:starting block# = (0) <ENTER>;
  fx/exercise/sequential:nblocks = (71687340) <ENTER>;
  fx/exercise/sequential:nscans = (1) <ENTER>;
  * * * * * WARNING * * * * *
  sequential pass 1 :scanning [0, 71687340]
  about to destroy data on disk dksc(0,1,0) ! ok? yes <ENTER>;
  ----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
  utterfly [seq]uential [set]testpat
  [e]rrlog [st]op_on_error [sh]owtestpat
  [r]andom [m]iscompares [c]omplete
  fx/exercise>;.. <ENTER>;
  --- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu) ---
  [exit]t [d]ebug/ [l]abel/ [a]uto
  adblock/ [exe]rcise/ [r]epartition/ [f]ormat
  fx>; r <ENTER>; (重新分区)
  Note:假如使用的是新的系统盘,在“fx/repartition>;”提示符下选择“ro” ,确保系统盘是 rootdrive.
  ---- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu) ----
  [ro]otdrive [o]ptiondrive [e]xpert
  srrootdrive [re]size
  fx/repartition>; re <ENTER>; (重新定义分区大小)
  Type ? at prompt for a list of all possible choices
  fx/repartition/resize:partition to change = (swap) <ENTER>;(选择一个分区)
  current: type raw base: 3597 cycls, 8125623 blks, 3968 Mb
  len: 116 cycls, 262044 blks, 128 Mb
  fx/repartition/resize :partitioning method = (megabytes(2^20)) <ENTER>; (选择分区类型)
  fx/repartition/resize :size in megabytes (max 34301)= (12 512 <ENTER>;
  ----- partitions-----
  part type blocks Megabytes (base size)
  0: xfs 4096 7836252 2 3826
  1: raw 7840348 1048576 3828 512
  8: volhdr 0 4096 0 2
  10: volume 0 8888924 0 4340
  Use the new partition layout? (no) yes <ENTER>;
  [ro]otdrive [o]ptiondrive [e]xpert
  srrootdrive [re]size
  fx/repartition>; /exi <ENTER>; (退出FX应用)
  NOTE: 有些系统还会出现如下得信息.:
  label info has changed for disk dksc(0,1,0). write out changes? (yes) yes <ENTER>;
  7. 退出 fx, 屏幕变黑. 假如有任何的错误信息出现,重新格式化硬盘或换一个硬盘驱动器。假如仍有任何错误信息出现, 就会退回到 PROM Monitor.

  第二步: 安装 IRIX 6.5.X
  1. 在PROM monitor中选择 Install System Software 选项
  2. 选择 Local CD-ROM , 然后双击 Install.
  3. 出现下列信息:
  “Insert the installation CD-ROM now.”
  插入CD IRIX 6.5.X Installation Tools and Overlays (1 of 4)
  点击Click,installation tools 自动拷贝到磁盘上
  4. “IRIX Release 6.5” 的版本信息会出现在屏幕上.
  WARNING: 有时候安装会停在以下命令:
  Unable to mount partition: /dev/dsk/dkscXdYs0 on /root
  Press ENTER to invoke C shell csh# <ENTER>;
  输入下列命令建立文件系统 (X------- the controller (一般情况是 0 ,ONYX1 IR 可能是 1) Y--------- SCSI ID (一般是 1)):
  # mkfs /dev/rdsk/dksXdYs0 <ENTER>;
  # exit <ENTER>;
  Mounting file systems:
  /dev/dsk/dksc0d1s0: Invalid argument
  No valid file system found on: /dev/dsk/dksc0d1s0
  This is your system disk: without it we have nothing on which to install software.
  Make new file system on /dev/dsk/dks0d1s0 [yes/no/sh/help]: yes <ENTER>;
  About to remake (mkfs) file system on: /dev/dsk/dks0d1s0
  This will destroy all data on disk partition: /dev/dsk/dks0d1s0
  Are you sure? [y/n]: y <ENTER>;
  Block size of filesystem 512 or 4096 bytes? 4096 <ENTER>;
  meta-data =/dev/rdsk/dks0d1s0 isize=256 agcount=8 agsize=131246blks
  data = bsize=4096 blck=1049963 imaxpct=25
  log = internal log bsize=4096 blocks=1000
  realtime = none bzise=65536 blocks=0 rtextents=0

  Note: 假如没有提示你建立新的文件系统 (mkfs), 要选择 “admin” (13) 在 “Inst>;” 提示下 输入 “mkfs” (11) 在 “Admin>;” 提示符下, 所有问题都回答 “yes” . 最后, 输入 “..” 回到开始菜单

  Invoking software installation
  Inst 3.6 Main Menu
  1. from [source]
  2. open [source]
  3. close [source[
  4. list [keywords] [names]
  5. go
  6. install [keywords] [names]
  7. remove [keywords] [names]
  8. keep [keywords] [names]
  9. step [keywords] [names]
  10. conflicts [choice ...]
  11. help [topics]
  12.view ...
  Inst>; 1 <ENTER>; (确定安装软件的位置)
  Previous installation sites:
  1. /CDROM/dist
  2. none (no distribution. view installed products)
  3. quit (no action)
  Install software from: [/CDROM/dist] <ENTER>;
  more ? (h=help) q
  Reading product descriptions .. 25%
  Setting distribution to /CDROM/dist
  Reading product descriptions .. 100% Done.
  1. Place me on the maintenance stream
  2. Place me on the feature stream
  3. cancel
  Enter a choice: 2 <ENTER>;
  You can insert another CD (or specify the name of a different distribution) and press "Enter"
  1. /CDROM/dist
  2. done (distribution information read, return to inst prompt)
  5. 放入CDIRIX 6.5.X Overlays (2 of 4).
  Install software from: [/CDROM/dist] <ENTER>;
  Reading product descriptions... 13%
  Reading /root/var/inst/hist/
  Reading product descriptions... 25%
  Setting distribution to /CDROM/dist
  Reading product descriptions... 100% Done.
  subsystem installation messages)
  You can insert another CD (or specify the name of a different distribution) and press "Enter"
  1. /CDROM/dist
  2. done (distribution information read, return to inst prompt)
  Install software from: [/CDROM/dist/unbundled] /CDROM/dist <ENTER>;
  subsystem installation messages)
  more? (h=help) q <ENTER>;
  Reading product descriptions... 0%
  Setting distribution to /CDROM/dist
  Reading product descriptions... 100% Done.
  subsystem installation messages)
  You can insert another CD (or specify the name of a different distribution) and press "Enter"
  1. /CDROM/dist
  2. /CDROM/dist/unbundled
  3. done (distribution information read, return to inst prompt)
  IRIX 6.5.X Overlays (3of 4
  IRIX 6.5.X Overlays (4of 4)
  IRIX 6.5.X Foundation 1
  IRIX 6.5.X Foundation 2
  IRIX 6.5.X Applications
  IRIX 6.5.X Development Foundation(假如编程需要)
  IRIX 6.5.X Development Libraries(假如编程需要)
  Customer Diagnostics for silicon Graphics Fuel visual workstation 1.0
  Freeware(part 1 of 4)
  Freeware(part 2 of 4)
  Freeware(part 3 of 4)
  Freeware(part 4 of 4)
  ONC3/NFS Version 3(假如有相应的设备)
  SNMP Access to HP-UX MIB 1.1.3(假如有相应的网络)
  OpenGL Performer 3.0.2
  IRIX 6.5.19 Base Document
  Silicon Graphics General and Platform Demos 6.5.12(1 of 2)
  Silicon Graphics General and Platform Demos 6.5.12(2 of 2)
  7. 完成预安装和子系统的安装
  Install software from: [/CDROM/dist6.5] done <ENTER>;
  Inst>; keep *
  Inst>; install standard
  Inst>; go <ENTER>;
  conflicts: sw.common can’t complimet with sw.common90..
  1a. do not install sw.com…
  1b. do not install sw.comon90…
  2a. do not install …
  2b. do not install …
  more?(h = help) yes <ENTER>;
  Inst>; 1 <ENTER>;
  Inst 3.6 Main Menu
  1. from [source]
  2. open [source]
  3. close [source[
  4. list [keywords] [names]
  5. go
  6. install [keywords] [names]
  7. remove [keywords] [names]
  8. keep [keywords] [names]
  9. step [keywords] [names]
  10. conflicts [choice ...]
  11. help [topics]
  12.view ...
  Inst>; conflicts 1a 2a 3a.. .. ..(可以同时解决多个冲突) <ENTER>;
  (因为不是irix专家,假定选择a方案可以很好的解决冲突,这样可以顺利得安装,但是不能保证今后在使用过程中会不会出现问题 )
  Inst>; go <ENTER>;
  Pre-installation check... 8%
  Checking space requirements... 16%
  Pre-installation check completed
  Installing/removing files... 16%
  Please insert the "IRIX 6.5 FOUNDATION-1" CD.
  Type control-C interrupt:
  Note: 此时不需要按任何键盘,只要按照安装指示插入CD,系统会自动识别
  Please insert the "IRIX 6.5 Application " CD.
  Type control-C interrupt:
  Note: 假如需要下列信息也不用担心,是因为系统等待了太长的时间,而没有发现适当的盘。只要根据提示用适当的盘代替当前盘,输入 “retry”.或者” continue”
  Error/Interrupt Menu
  2. stop
  3. continue
  4. set
  5. help
  6. sh
  7. shroot
  Interrupt>; 3 <ENTER>;
  Please insert the "ONC3/NFS Version 3 FOR IRIX 6.2 THROUGH 6.5" CD. (Only if NFS/NIS was installed in step 10 the system ask for this CD)
  Type control-C interrupt:
  Please insert the "IRIX 6.5 FOUNDATION-2" CD.
  Type control-C interrupt:
  Please insert the "OCTANE/IMPACT VIDEO FOR IRIX 6.5" CD. (Only if OCTANE or IMPACT was installed in step 9 the system ask for this CD)
  Type control-C interrupt:
  Please insert the "IRIX 6.5.X Installation Tools and Overlays 1-of-4 " CD.
  Type control-C interrupt:
  Please insert the "IRIX 6.5.X Overlays 2-of-4" CD.
  Type control-C interrupt:
  Inst>; <ENTER>;
  Inst 3.5 Main Menu
  1. from [source]
  2. open [source]
  3. close [source[
  4. list [keywords] [names]
  5. go
  6. install [keywords] [names]
  7. remove [keywords] [names]
  8. keep [keywords] [names]
  9. step [keywords] [names]
  10. conflicts [choice ...]
  11. help [topics]
  12. view ...
  13. admin
  14. quit
  Inst>; quit <ENTER>;
  Requickstarting ELF files (see rqsall(1)).. 100% done.
  Automatically reconfiguring the operating system.
  Ready to restart the system. Restart? { (y)es, (n)o, (sh)ell ,(h)elp } : yes <ENTER>;
   The system is coming up.
  The system detected an old corn. The old corn is being moved to……
  IRIS’s Internet address is the default.
  Using standalone net mod

  第三步 建立网络信息

  /etc/hosts, /etc/sys_id, /etc/TIMEZONE, /etc/aliases, /etc/fstab, /etc/group,
/etc/hosts.equiv, /etc/passwd, /var/yp/ypdomain, etc.
