Solaris 建立 Anonymous FTP Server

来源:岁月联盟 编辑:zhu 时间:2008-04-02
Solaris 建立 Anonymous FTP Server内容简介:加入以下资料在 /etc/passwd ,这个例子选择 /export/ftp 作为 anonymous ftp area。设定为不能看见 Shell 的內容 /nosuchshell。 ftp:x:30000:30000:Anonymous FTP:/export/ftp:/nosuchshell 加入以下资料在 /et 加入以下资料在 /etc/passwd ,这个例子选择 /export/ftp 作为 anonymous ftp area。设定为不能看见 Shell 的內容 /nosuchshell。
  ftp:x:30000:30000:Anonymous FTP:/export/ftp:/nosuchshell
  加入以下资料在 /etc/shadow
  以下shell script用來设定anonymous ftp area
  把以下內容放入 /etc/ftpanonymous
  # script to setup anonymous ftp area
  # verify you are root
  /usr/bin/id | grep -w 'uid=0' >/dev/null 2>&1
  if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
  exit 1
  # handle the optional command line argument
  case $# in
  # the default location for the anon ftp comes from the passwd file
  0) ftphome="`getent passwd ftp | cut -d: -f6`"
  1) if [ "$1" = "start" ]; then
  ftphome="`getent passwd ftp | cut -d: -f6`"
  *) echo "Usage: $0 [anon-ftp-root]"
  exit 1
  if [ -z "${ftphome}" ]; then
  echo "$0: ftphome must be non-null"
  exit 2
  case ${ftphome} in
  /*) # ok
  *) echo "$0: ftphome must be an absolute pathname"
  exit 1
  # This script assumes that ftphome is neither / nor /usr so ...
  if [ -z "${ftphome}" -o "${ftphome}" = "/" -o "${ftphome}" = "/usr" ]; then
  echo "$0: ftphome must be non-null and neither / or /usr"
  exit 2
  # If ftphome does not exist but parent does, create ftphome
  if [ ! -d ${ftphome} ]; then
  # lack of -p below is intentional
  mkdir ${ftphome}
  chown root ${ftphome}
  chmod 555 ${ftphome}
  echo Setting up anonymous ftp area ${ftphome}
  # Ensure that the /usr directory exists
  if [ ! -d ${ftphome}/usr ]; then
  mkdir -p ${ftphome}/usr
  # Now set the ownership and modes to match the man page
  chown root ${ftphome}/usr
  chmod 555 ${ftphome}/usr
  # Ensure that the /usr/bin directory exists
  if [ ! -d ${ftphome}/usr/bin ]; then
  mkdir -p ${ftphome}/usr/bin
  # Now set the ownership and modes to match the man page
  chown root ${ftphome}/usr/bin
  chmod 555 ${ftphome}/usr/bin
  # this may not be the right thing to do
  # but we need the bin -> usr/bin link
  rm -f ${ftphome}/bin
  ln -s usr/bin ${ftphome}/bin
  # Ensure that the /usr/lib and /etc directories exist
  if [ ! -d ${ftphome}/usr/lib ]; then
  mkdir -p ${ftphome}/usr/lib
  chown root ${ftphome}/usr/lib
  chmod 555 ${ftphome}/usr/lib
  if [ ! -d ${ftphome}/usr/lib/security ]; then
  mkdir -p ${ftphome}/usr/lib/security
  chown root ${ftphome}/usr/lib/security
  chmod 555 ${ftphome}/usr/lib/security
  if [ ! -d ${ftphome}/etc ]; then
  mkdir -p ${ftphome}/etc
  chown root ${ftphome}/etc
  chmod 555 ${ftphome}/etc
  # a list of all the commands that should be copied to ${ftphome}/usr/bin
  # /usr/bin/ls is needed at a minimum.
  # ${ftphome}/usr/lib needs to have all the libraries needed by the above
  # commands, plus the runtime linker, and some name service libraries
  # to resolve names. We just take all of them here.
  ftplib="`ldd $ftpcmd | nawk '$3 ~ /lib/ { print $3 }' | sort | uniq`"
  ftplib="$ftplib /usr/lib/nss_* /usr/lib/straddr* /usr/lib/*"
  ftplib="$ftplib /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/"
  ftplib="`echo $ftplib | tr ' ' '/n' | sort | uniq`"
  cp ${ftplib} ${ftphome}/usr/lib
  chmod 555 ${ftphome}/usr/lib/*
  cp /usr/lib/security/* ${ftphome}/usr/lib/security
  chmod 555 ${ftphome}/usr/lib/security/*
  cp ${ftpcmd} ${ftphome}/usr/bin
  chmod 111 ${ftphome}/usr/bin/*
  # you also might want to have separate minimal versions of passwd and group
  cp /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/netconfig /etc/pam.conf ${ftphome}/etc
  chmod 444 ${ftphome}/etc/*
  # need /etc/default/init for timezone to be correct
  if [ ! -d ${ftphome}/etc/default ]; then
  mkdir ${ftphome}/etc/default
  chown root ${ftphome}/etc/default
  chmod 555 ${ftphome}/etc/default
  cp /etc/default/init ${ftphome}/etc/default
  chmod 444 ${ftphome}/etc/default/init
  # Copy timezone database
  mkdir -p ${ftphome}/usr/share/lib/zoneinfo
  (cd ${ftphome}/usr/share/lib/zoneinfo
  (cd /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo; find . -print |
  cpio -o) 2>/dev/null | cpio -imdu 2>/dev/null
  find . -print | xargs chmod 555
  find . -print | xargs chown root
  # Ensure that the /dev directory exists
  if [ ! -d ${ftphome}/dev ]; then
  mkdir -p ${ftphome}/dev
  # make device nodes. ticotsord and udp are necessary for
  # 'ls' to resolve NIS names.
  for device in zero tcp udp ticotsord ticlts
  line=`ls -lL /dev/${device} | sed -e 's/,//'`
  major=`echo $line | awk '{print $5}'`
  minor=`echo $line | awk '{print $6}'`
  rm -f ${ftphome}/dev/${device}
  mknod ${ftphome}/dev/${device} c ${major} ${minor}
  chmod 666 ${ftphome}/dev/*
  ## Now set the ownership and modes
  chown root ${ftphome}/dev
  chmod 555 ${ftphome}/dev
  # uncomment the below if you want a place for people to store things,
  # but beware the security implications
  #if [ ! -d ${ftphome}/pub ]; then
  # mkdir -p ${ftphome}/pub
  #chown root ${ftphome}/pub
  #chmod 1755 ${ftphome}/pub
  # chmod 755 /etc/ftpanonymous
  # /etc/ftpanonymous ( 执行ftpanonymous )
  # cd ~ftp/etc <--- 检查有没有不能公开的文档
