Nginx 1.2.12稳定版正式发布(附下载地址)

来源:岁月联盟 编辑:exp 时间:2013-02-13
nginx(发音同engine x)是一款由俄罗斯程序员Igor Sysoev所开发轻量级的网页服务器、反向代理服务器以及电子邮件(IMAP/POP3)代理服务器。起初是供俄国大型的门户网站及搜索引擎Rambler(俄语:Рамблер)使用。此软件BSD-like协议下发行,可以在UNIX、GNU/Linux、BSD、Mac OS X、Solaris,以及Microsoft Windows等操作系统中运行。

Nginx 发布最新稳定版 1.3.12:
  • nginx-1.3.12
  • nginx/Windows-1.3.12
    *) Feature: variables support in the "proxy_bind", "fastcgi_bind", "memcached_bind", "scgi_bind", and "uwsgi_bind" directives.
    *) Feature: the $pipe, $request_length, $time_iso8601, and $time_local variables can now be used not only in the "log_format" directive.
    *) Feature: IPv6 support in the ngx_http_geoip_module.
    *) Bugfix: in the "proxy_method" directive.
    *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if resolver was used with the poll method.
    *) Bugfix: nginx might hog CPU during SSL handshake with a backend if the select, poll, or /dev/poll methods were used.
    *) Bugfix: the "[crit] SSL_write() failed (SSL:)" error.
    *) Bugfix: in the "client_body_in_file_only" directive; the bug had appeared in 1.3.9.
    *) Bugfix: in the "fastcgi_keep_conn" directive