今天下午有站长反映,全球最大的域名注册商Godaddy,无法通过支付宝方式付费。包括域名注册、续费、以及空间续费等业务。咨询相关朋友也发现类似情 况,经小编核实,确实无法付费。支付方式选择支付宝支付的时候,会提示用户支付账户未被授权,建议用户使用其他支付方式支付。

提示内容为:There was a problem authorizing your credit. Please verify your payment information or use an alternate form of payment.
Thank you for contacting Online Support. We monitor the performance of our systems 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The shopping cart in particular is tested every few minutes. On the rare occasions it has failed, the problem has been noticed immediately and dealt with accordingly. At present the shopping cart is in working order. If your card has been rejected please verify that the information you have entered is identical to your billing information with the company that issued the card. You will need the name on the card to match exactly and have the billing address from your statement listed on your customer account. If you have confirmed all of this information and you are still getting an error when trying to process the transaction, we suggest contacting
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