
来源:岁月联盟 作者:未知 时间:2010-08-19

社会语言学家Dell Hymes 于1971年在《论交际能力》文中,指出交际能力(communicative competence)包括语法能力(grammatical competence),社会语言学能力(sociolinguistic competence),篇章阅读能力(discourse competence)和策略能力(strategic competence)培养学生的交际能力重要的一方面就是要注重整体教学,培养学生阅读理解能力。初中大纲中对“读”这一技能也作出了明确规定:“通过三年的教学,要使学生能独立阅读所学语言知识范围内的材料,生词率不超过2%,阅读速度为每分钟40-50个词,理解正确率达到70%。”当今社会知识日新月异,科技突飞猛进,为了能满足社会的需要与学生的兴趣爱好,为了能直接地迅速地了解世界科技发展的最新动态,学生必须具备良好的阅读理解能力,英语教学大纲把培养阅读能力作为目标是符合社会需要的,学生一旦具备了独立阅读能力,也就具备了一定的自学能力,为他们今后的学习打下了坚实的基础,因此提高阅读能力是每一个学习者必须达到的目标。



心和认识语言学等理论认为,阅读是一种复杂的主动思维的心理活动,是读者根据自己的已知信息,已有知识和经验,对信息经行体验,预测和确认的思维过程,也是读者通过语篇这一媒介与作者相互作用的语言交际行为,美国著名心理学家Goodman甚至提出:“阅读是心理语言学的猜谜游戏,包含思想和语言的相互作用过程”,70年代以后,Rumelhart的“相互作用理论”(Interactive Approach)和Carrel的“图式理论”(Scheme Theory)又进一步丰富和发展了外语阅读理论,并对世界各国的外语教学产生了很大的影响。近年来,国外语言学理论的新观念在我国已被广泛应用,交际教学法和语篇教学法的盛行即是证明。

作者把自己的思想用文字符号表达出来,这是一个由词组成句子和话语和言语编码过程。读者在阅读过程中,对由视觉输入的语言文字符号的信息进行解码,凭借自己已有的语言文化背景知识,生活经验并通过联想重建的创造性思维活动,获取作者表达的意思。阅读的主要目的是理解作者用文字表达的思想,因此理解能力是阅读中最重要的能力。阅读理解的程度可由浅入深分为三个层次:表层理解(literal comprehension)、深层理解(inferential comprehension)和评价性理解(critical comprehension),即从辨认文字符号的感性认识阶段到理解内容,吸收信息、创造性思维译码的理性认识阶段。


以第三册Lesson94(Ayers Rock )为例谈几点做法。


1  Presentation

    Talk about Picture A

What can you see in the picture ? Is the mountain quite large ? The mountain is not high,it's quite low. Are there any rivers at the foot of the mountain ? What is the land covered with at the foot of the mountain ? There are many clouds in the sky ? (Turning the smaller slide with hardly any clouds onto the big one ) Now are there many clouds in the sky ? No, there are hardly any clouds in the sky . Look , we can see the sun is rising. (Turning the picture of the sun up and down) Now is the sun rising ? No, it's going down. What animals can you see at the foot of the mountain ? Sheep and kangaroos . Can you guess where the mountains ? Right, It's in Australia. The name of the mountain is Ayers Rock.

At the same time of presenting, teach the words on the blackboard:

low, at the foot of , grass, sky ,hardly, rise, Ayers Rock

    Talk about Picture B

Where is Ayers Rock ?

How far is it from Sydney ?

What is the weather like when the plane is flying over a line of mountains ?

What's the weather like after the plane has left the mountains behind?

2.快速阅读(表层理解即全面理解)根据美国学者的实验统计(Albert J. Harris,How to Increase Reading Ability,1948,Page450)美国中学生的正常阅读速度(本族语)平均为每分钟250个单词,阅读能力强的学生可以达到每分钟500个单词,差的学生每分钟不到40个单词,而目前我国中学生阅读速度(外国语)平均每分钟不到40个英语单词,相距甚远。大纲指出要求能以每分钟50个单词左右的速度进行阅读,提高阅读速度能快速掌握其大意,为以后阅读报刊,科技文章及英文原著打下良好的基础,从而达到真正掌握和运用英语的目的。因此,培养学生具有快速阅读能力势在必行。






2  Drill :

In Australia , the population of Australia is the same as the population of Shanghai, but Australia has a lot of sheep.

Read the text and find the answer: How many sheep does Australia have ?

(170,000,000 . The population of Australia is 17,000,000. There are ten sheep for every person, so there are 170,000,000 sheep in Australia. )

B: Choose the best answers:

1. Bob White went to Ayers Rock ____.

   A. to buy something spend a holiday see mountains

2. They went to Ayers Rock ___ most of the way.

   A. by land B. by sea C. by air

3. Ayers Rock is in the ____ of Australia.

   A. southeast B.southwest C.middle

4. Ayers Rock is the name of _____.

   A. a city B.a country C.a mountain

5. Bob and his family started climbing before the sun rose because it was too ____ later. B.cold C.cloudy



①就课文内容问答(Yes-No Question,WH Question)






Not taking into account whether the students choose the answers right or wrong, ask them to read the text again carefully and then answer the questions on the slide.

1. What did Bob and his family go to Ayers Rock for ?

2. How did they go there most of the way ?

3. What was the weather like after they left the mountains behind them ?

4. What was the weather like when they flew over a line of mountain?

5. What did the land below look like ?

6. Were there many people or many sheep down there ?

7. When did they get up the next morning? Why ?

8. What is the most of the ground covered with at the foot of Ayers Rock ?

9. What is around Ayers Rock ?

10. Did they reach the top ? Why not ?

11. How do the sand and the sky look when the sun goes down ?

12. Did they have a good time there ?

    During the period. Teach the following sentences on the blackboard:

    Nothing grows there at all .

    All around it is sand . / All around him are students.

    as because for

    I don't go to school because I am ill.

    As it is hot in summer, people like swimming.

    She stopped to buy some bread, for she was hungry.

3  Listen to the tape.

Answer: Who is the letter from and who is the letter to?

        When and where did Bob write the letter?

        When did Bob receive Wei Hua's letter?

        What does Bob want Wei Hua to send him?

Read the text together.

Read it aloud by themselves.

4  Retell the story after the teacher according to the two pictures

( Ss say the next word when the teacher stops)

The letter is from Bob to Wei Hua. Bob wrote the letter on Apr.14th in Sydney. He received Wei Hua's letter on Apr.11th. Bob wants Wei Hua to send him some Chinese stamps.

Ayers Rock is a large, low mountain. All around it is sand. It is in the centre of Australia. It's about 2,000 kilometres away from Sydney.

Bob and his family went to Ayers Rock for a holiday. They went by plane.

It was very cloudy when they flew over a line of mountains, and there was

hardly a cloud in the sky. After they left the mountains behind them. Most of the land below looked like sand, but there were lots of sheep there

hardly any people. The next day, they got up early in the morning before the sun rose. They started climbing before it was light. At the foot of Ayers Rock it is covered with forest and grass. There are even a few rivers. When you climb higher, you'll find nothing grows there at all. Bob and his family didn't reach the top because it was too hot . When the sun goes down ,both the sky and the sand are red. So it is very beautiful. Though they stayed there for a few days ,they had a good time there.

4. 运用(即意图层次,即评价性理解)



   Discuss the following questions in groups.

   1. What is the best title of the passage?

   2. Do you think Ayers Rock is a good place ?

      If you think so, please say what you like best about it.

      If you don't think so , please say what you don't like about it .

   3. Do you think Shaoxing is a good place, too ? Would you like Bob to visit it ?

5. 巩固(写的训练)运用所学知识,培养学生“写”这一输出技能。

Consolidation :

Lu Le says Ayers Rock is a good place and she says Shaoxing is a good place ,too. She will write to Bob and ask him to come here.

What is her address ? To revise the form of a letter .

                                    Class 3, Grade 3

                                    No 5 Middle School

                                    Shaoxing 312000

                                    Zhejiang Province


                                    April 2nd,1999

Dear Bob,


___________________________( Write a letter as homework )_____

                                    Yours ,

                                       Lu Le

Complete the blanks in their exercise books.

1. There are hardly any birds singing in the trees,______ ______?

2. not high                   (          )

3. go up                      (          )

4. light                      (          )

5. very high hill             (          )






1. 陈焰,《交际法在商务英语教学中的应用》,见《外语与外语教学》1998.8

2. 刘雪岚,《阅读的策略》,见《外语与外语教学》1998.11

3. 李秋颖,《阅读理解的三个层次》,见《中小学英语教学》99.1

4. 夏国梁,《浅谈如何利用课文培养阅读能力》,见《中小学外语教学与研究》97.2

5. 佘广安,《阅读的心理机制以及英语阅读教学中应注意的几个问题》,见《中小学外语教学与研究》97.12

6. 胡鉴明,《交际法在阅读理解教学中的应用》,见《中小学外语教学与研究》98.7

7. 吕华锋,《阅读教学中激发创造性思维的提问》,见《中小学外语教学与研究》98.11

8. 黄远振,《高中英语阅读课文教学模式探讨》,见《中小学外语教学与研究》98.11

9. 杭宝桐,《中学英语教学法》,华东师范大学出版社,98年出版