
来源:岁月联盟 作者:李雪芬 时间:2010-08-19

[Abstract] The problem of poor learners is a big problem in the field of education, so it is the focus that a lot of researchers have been discussing for years.  This article discusses the importance of learning English and the embodiment of the “poor students” in English learning. Then the article focuses on the main cause of poor English learners in the respect of motivation, and introduces English learning motivation, one of the crucial factors influencing poor students. Lastly, the author suggests some ways of improving poor English learners’ motivation in the teaching process and the importance of parents and school’s role in motivating them as well. At the end of the article, the author also presents an example of improving poor students’ English learning to emphasis the role of learning motivation.
[Key Words] motivation ;  poor students ;  English learning

【摘 要】 差生问题是领域中最难啃的一块骨头,也是多年来教育家们不断地探讨

【关键词】 动机;差生;英语学习

1. Introduction
      The human race is now entering a brand new era. The 21st century is a time of advanced scientific and technological knowledge, and it is true that English plays an important role in the modernization of a country, providing a key to human education and development. According to the statistics in 1986, the people in the world take English as the mother tongue are over 400 million, almost ten percent people speak English. Approximately there are 20 countries taking English as the official language or the second language in the world, the population totally approaches 800 million. According to English culture committee's report, the population of studying English in the world probably approaches 1 billion, and 1.5 to 2 billion people use English to contact every day. The report also estimates that, to 2050, most of people in the world can use English. Furthermore, English enjoys a wider application. According to the statistics, above 75% mails are written in English; 60% of radio programs are broadcast in English; 80% of major international prints are published in English; what's more, English is regarded as the first general used language in the important international conferences. It's obvious that it has extended its antennae into every corner of the globe. In brief, English is so important that it exerts a far–reaching influence in the domain of politics, military, economy, science, technology, culture, trade, transportation, etc. China, as well, has entered a completely new stage in its history. With the development of the socialist market economy of China, the improvement of technology, the raising of international status, especially along with the entry of WTO, China is in an urgent need of large quantities of special talents who are skilled in English, so as to enable our country to play a greater role in the international affairs. Therefore, learning English has become essential for the social and economic development in China.
     However, English learning is a complex process. In other words, English learners need to learn not only its pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, but also its abundant culture. Some learners can learn English quickly and easily, while others find it difficult to learn,then these persons are the “poor learners” we often called .
2. Learning motivation—the main cause of poor learners
     It is well known that, English learning is quite a complex process. “There are many factors influencing English learners' success or failure in English learning, such as learners' motivation, aptitude, character, intelligence, and other components. ” [1] “According to Jakobvits' research, he claims that the main factors influencing English learning, motivation takes up 33%, talent 33%, intelligence 20%, others 14%.”[2] From what had been listed above, we can draw the conclusion that learners' motivation plays a crucial part in learning English. “Indeed, the role of learners' motivation in learning has been examined by many researchers who are interested in this subject area. Gardner(1985) seems to support this idea and points out that motivation in language learning is of particular importance. Similarly, Noels et al also believes that understanding more about motivation could improve learners' competence in learning English. ” [3]
2.1 Some definitions relating to motivation
      “Motivation”, as Jererny Harmer says, “is some kind of internal drive that encourages somebody to persevere in a course of sections”. “The origin of the word motivation is Latin for “a moving cause”(motivus). ” [4]
     “Psychologists define motivation as an internal process that activates, guides, and maintains behavior over time. It is one of the most important components of learning and one of the most difficult to measure. In plain language, motivation is what gets you going, keeps you going, and determines where you're trying to do.” [5]  It can be subdivided into extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
2.2 Concrete contents of motivation
      “ Extrinsic Motivation: A reward that is external to the activity, such as
recognition or a good grade. ” [6]  It comes from outside. It is closely related to parents, especially to teachers and students because schools are essentially artificial environments designed to motivate people to learn. Hence, teachers should have a good understanding of what initiative motivation and how motivation works.
      There are four kinds of extrinsic motivation: reward, punishment, cooperation and competition. “Reward and punishment has high motivational value. Praise should be given to those who have done well on their performance. Meanwhile, appropriate punishment should be given to those who have done poor work, made careless mistakes or have been lack of improvement. Teacher, however, can neither praise nor punish students absolutely. Teacher should be more critical to the top students, and never give a punishment without showing the students how to do it better. Cooperation and competition can affect motivation as well. For example, if two top students share a desk, they may help each other; and simultaneously they compete with each other. Doing pair work and group work is a good approach for students to co-operate and compete. For instance, if teacher asks students to do group work to list ten things which people need during a trip, students may discuss heatedly among them before they have the result. Indeed, various activities are helpful in encouraging students to learn. ” [7]
      “Intrinsic Motivation: An aspect of an activity that people enjoy and therefore find motivating.” [8]  It is largely connected with all the factors in the classroom, such as: physical conditions, teaching method, and teacher. “Physical conditions: such as the bad light, dull setting and overcrowded classroom de-motivate the students. Teaching method: the method by which the students are taught must have some effects on their motivation. If they find it deadly boring, they can hardly concentrate on class, as a result, they wouldn't like to participate in class activities and receive negative comment frequently. Thus, it is the teacher's method that affects their intrinsic motivation.” [9]  Teacher: A well-trained teacher should make his classes interesting, be fair to his students and be a good language user. Setting appropriate goals to the students can also lead to success or failure in the classroom. That is to say, a type of much relaxed atmosphere in which a language is learnt can stimulate the students to have a positive attitude to the language. And the student's confidence in the method is largely in the hands of the most important factors affecting intrinsic motivation, the teacher.
Many investigations and researches suggest that the result of learning depends on the learners' intrinsic motivation. Once the learners are interested, they will work hard, act more actively and positively. Or the following phenomena will appear:   
1. Lack of Interest
     Most students begin learning English as eager learners. They enjoy learning about animal words, greeting phrases, and almost anything else. But beginning at about the second or third year, however, learning becomes difficult for some students. So they gradually decrease their interest and even give up learning it.
2. Lack of confidence
     The students who are lack of the confidence in learning English explain failures by low ability often, they begin to experience helplessness, which is a motivational state acquired through consistently internal and stable attributions of causes for failure. Learned helplessness comes from repeatedly blaming their failure on low ability. They are self-abased and think that they are not born to learn English .They even don't like to talk with others in English, and raise any questions as well. They are afraid of making mistakes. If failure is repeatedly experienced, and if it becomes attributed to stable internal causes (low ability), confidence (the belief in one's power to affect outcomes) diminishes and they feel they might as well not try.
3. Lack of self-efficacy
      “The outcomes of a learner's actions have the greatest effect on self-efficacy. Success generally increases self-efficacy whereas failure generally decreases it.” [10] Some students' learning foundation is poor. These students response slowly and always haven't got good result in the tests. Therefore, they get little chance to be praised by their teacher, while more chance to be criticized. Then a learner's self-efficacy is gradually influenced and decreased. And this often leads to students' anxious and nervous mood in learning and also affects their study record.
2.3 The role of motivation
      Generally speaking, without study motivation there will be no learning activities. It is well-known that study motivation is one of the keys to the success in the study. A student with strong learning motivation will be active in the study, as proved in many experiments. The study motivation is an internal strength that impels the students to carry on the learning activities. And the function of motivation in the student learning activities mainly is represented in the following three aspects:
     Firstly, study motivation determines study direction. It takes the study goals as the starting point, and aims to impel the student to work hard for achieving the certain goals. Therefore, the study motivation requests the student to understand why they study and what direction they head for. Only when a student has been clear about the study goal and the direction could he carry on the learning activity and get good results.
     In the second place, study motivation determines study process. Whether the student's study motivation is strong or weak directly affects the stability and the durability of learning process. The student with strong motivation will show the strong will and the earnest study attitude in the study process. According to American psychologist J·W·Atkinson's research of learning motivation in 1980, the time needed in finishing a study assignment is closely related to the motivation involved in it.     
      Besides, many researches also testify that the difference, whether or not a student will study perseveringly,mainly lies in motivation. The student with strong motivation will study assiduously and perseveringly until eventually accomplish the assignment.
      Last but not least, study motivation influences the study effect. Another American psychologist H·J·Wa1berg, after a study on the relation between motivation and academic record, said that the stronger study motivation a student has, the better academic record will he or she get. The direct proportion reaches 98%.
      In fact, all students are motivated. The question is: What are they motivated to do? Students may vary in ability, in experience and in reaction to learning, but their quality of performance will depend on how much they are motivated to perform. Researchers have no trouble spotting poor students, the kids who are lack of motivation in study, spending their time watching the clock and waiting to end. In fact, these students are highly visible, and their numbers are disconcerting. The educator’s job is to discover, and simulate their motivations to learn, and to engage them in activities that lead to learning.
3. The means of motivating poor learners
3.1 The role of the teachers
      Firstly, let's look at a report of students’ view of good teachers. What good qualities does a teacher need to help in providing intrinsic motivation?
A study done by Denis Girard (1997) suggests certain conclusion:
   “1) The teacher must show great patience;
    2) The teacher must show sympathy for his students;
    3) The teacher must show same interest in every student as far as possible;
    4) The teacher has to make his classes interesting;
    5) The teacher must offer a good model as the target language user.
    6) The teacher must be a good technician: his students should understand what
        is wanted of them, be able to pronounce correctly, and be stimulated into     
       activity in the target language.” [11]
      From what has been mentioned above, we can draw the conclusion that teacher plays a significant role in motivating students' learning. So a well–trained teacher should make his classes interesting, be fair to his student and be a good language user.
3.1.1 Helping poor learners set their own goals
      One fundamental principle of motivation is that people work harder for goals that they themselves set than for goals set for them by others. So firstly teachers should have them set up short-term and proper goal.
     In the first place, teacher should help students set their short-term goal. That is, the task which they have to finish is the short-term task. For example, a student might set a minimum number of books she expects to read at home or a score she expects to attain on an upcoming quiz. At the next goal-setting time the teacher would discuss student attainment or failure of goals and set new goals for the following period. During these times the teacher might help students learn to set ambitious but realistic goals and would praise them for setting and then achieving their goals.
     In the second place, a rewarding learning goal must be regarded by the learner as being not too easy, nor too difficult. Or the learner may tend to withdraw from it. As we know, the goal which is too easy will become boring soon. To avoid this, a teacher needs to make learning goals a little challenging, but not discouraging. Challenging goal offers students, to explore the unknown, and to activate thinking, which is expected to bring about a satisfaction of achievement.
     So, a teacher must be careful not to set a goal so difficult as to cause a feeling of frustration. In that case poor students may soon give up the hope completely. To present the learning content at the right level of students requires a teacher to be able to make an appropriate analysis of the teaching material before each class and adjust the inappropriate items in accordance with the poor students’ ability.
3.1.2 Building up their confidence
      Interest by itself is not always sufficient to engage learning. For example, children may be interested in learning to swim, but because they are frightened of the water, or believe they cannot learn, they do not try. The motivational effects of interest may be disrupted by fear or a lack of belief that a goal can be attained. As a consequence, building confidence, or a belief in one's power to affect outcomes, is an important issue for teachers to stimulate students' interest.
(i ) Guiding them calmly to face the failure
      Life is made up of success and failure. No one is always successful and also no one is always a failure. So the teacher should guide the poor students to realize that it doesn't make much difference whether they are successful or not. The most important thing is simply what they should do to face success or failure. If they lose heart when they fail, or show arrogance when they succeed, they'll never succeed. Instead, they should face it bravely and keep up the courage when they fail, then the failure can be changed into a success. Furthermore, they should remember that pride always goes before failure and sticks to working hard when they succeed, then they can make even greater progress. Failure is the mother of success. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to guide the poor students calmly to face the failure.
(ii) Enhancing the poor students' self-efficacy
      A student’s self-efficacy of himself as a learner may have a powerful effect   on his engagement in a learning task. Most of the people expect to be respected.  Teacher should try to plan and assign the work so that even the poor students can experience a certain amount of success. Repeated failure will in time kill the desire to try while anticipation of success will enhance the motivation to explore and learn.  So a teacher should provide opportunities for the poor student to see his strong points. No matter how little progress he has made, giving him appreciation or reward immediately by recognizing and praising him will reinforce his confidence in making further progress. So one of the duties of a teacher is to help these students to overcome their obstacles, get them involved in learning and build up their confidence to achieve and win.
     As we know, in one class there are always some passive and slow students who are hesitant about their response to a question or some learning tasks. There are also some poor students who are shy or reserved and will not participate until they are 100 percent sure of themselves. These groups of students are usually quite sensitive or self-conscious. If they are neglected, which suggests the loss of quite a number of supporters or participants in learning activities. Teaching in that sense is not likely to be successful. In my teaching experience I had one boy student who was very shy and not so excellent, so he never answered or asked any question however I encouraged him. Then one day I asked my students to record their reading of a text. After ing to the recording of that shy boy I gave a comment: your voice is so beautiful, I really appreciate it. From then on the boy broke his silence and became active in class. In fact there are numerous examples in our teaching practice which illustrate the magic power of praise and encouragement.
(iii) Helping poor learners overcome helplessness
    The concept of helplessness derives from the theory that students may become academic failures through a conditioning process based on negative feedback from teachers, school experiences, peers and students themselves. Numerous studies show that students consistently fail, “they might feel that regardless of how hard they try, they cannot avoid failure, so eventually they stop trying.” [12] They become conditioned to helplessness. Teachers can help to counter this syndrome, including attribution training, self-esteem programs, goal restructuring, success-guaranteed approaches, and positive feedback systems.
“The following general principles are helpful to all poor students, especially those who have shown a tendency to accept failure.

 1. Accentuate the positive: Get to know the students' strengths, and then use these as building blocks. Every student has something she or he does well. Be careful that the strength is authentic. For example, a student may like spoken English a lot but writes poorly. Have the student complete assignments by speaking rather than writing. When his confidence is restored, the teacher can slowly introduce writing. 
2. Eliminate the negative: Do not play down a student's weaknesses. Deal with them directly but tactfully. In the above example, talk to the student about problems with writing. Then have the student develop a plan to improve on the writing. Discuss the plan, and together make up a contract about how the plan will be completed.
3. Go from the familiar to the new, using advance organizers or guided discovery: Some students have difficulties in concepts, skills, or ideas with which they are not familiar. Also, students relate better to lessons that are linked to their own experiences.
4. Create challenges in which students actively create problems and solve them using their own knowledge and skills.” [13]
3.2 The role of teaching-process or mode 
Some ways of improving students' motivation can be employed:
3.2.1 Setting up easy and pleasant atmosphere
     Anxiety is a constant companion of education. Every student feels some anxiety at some time while in school; but for poor students, anxiety seriously inhibits learning or performance, particularly on tests. The main source of anxiety in school is the fear of failure and, with it, loss of self-esteem. Low achievers are particularly likely to feel anxious in school, but they are by no means the only ones. We all know that some high-achieving students who are also very anxious may even be terrified to be less than perfect at any school task.
Some poor students are always in a highly anxious state. They do everything with the greatest care as not to make mistakes. While some are totally careless about anything as they regard their situation as hopeless. These students are low-spirited.  S.D.Krashen says, “Emotion may block or speed up learning. Only in the best emotion condition can the students get the best result.” So what must the teacher do is to create an environment that leads students to study in a good state.
      Anxiety can block school performance in several ways. Anxious students may have difficulty in learning in the first place; they may have difficulty in using or transferring knowledge on tests. Anxious students are likely to be over self-conscious in performance settings, a feeling that distracts attention from the task at hand.Therefore, teacher should apply many strategies to reduce the negative impact of anxiety on learning and performance. Obviously, it's important to create a classroom climate that is accepting, comfortable, and noncompetitive. Giving students opportunities to correct errors or improve their work may also help anxious children. In testing situations, teachers can do many things to help anxious students to do their best. They can avoid time pressure, giving students plenty of time to complete a test and check their work. Tests that begin with easy problems and only gradually introduce more difficult ones are better for anxious students and tests with standard, simple answer formats help such students. Test-anxious students can be trained in test-taking skills, and this can have a positive impact on their test performance.
3.2.2 Motivating their interest
     Interests are motivational effects of values and knowledge. Albert Einstein once said, “To all, interest is the best teacher.” And also as the saying goes in Confucian Analects, “They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.” Therefore, successfully stimulating their interests is another crucial way to their continued motivation to learn. There are different ways to motivate poor students to be active in class.
A. Group work
     Group work takes an important part in English class. The purpose is to let the students solve some problems they come across by themselves. This can not only train their ability of learning and using language, but also improve their communicative competence. Here are several ways used in group work.
a. group discussion (presentation)
The whole class can be divided into small groups of four or five and let the students try to solve the problems they encounter. After discussion, each group choose one student to report to the class how they have done or the problems they can’t solve and are still interested in. At the end of the class, the teacher should offer his ideas about the problems and give a short comment on their work. Usually great encouragement should be given to the students and make them full of confidence
in themselves, and increase their interests in learning English. This method often appeared in classes in Western countries, foreign teachers like to organize the class very casually and provide the students with a lot of opportunities to speak. I think we Chinese should learn from it.
b. pair work
     This activity required the students to work in pairs. It is often used in practicing
a dialogue or a pattern drill. When a new drill or a conversation is learned, some interesting topics or familiar situation should be given to each pair for practicing the pattern drills they just covered, and several groups or volunteers may be chosen to present their conversation in front of the class. From my experience, such activity can greatly arouse students' interests in learning English.
B. Debate
     This activity required the participation of all the students. The whole class can
be divided into two sides and they will have an argument around one topic, then the teacher will limit the time. The students, even the poor students, are often quite excited and struggled hard in this activity, as the students of each side want to show they are winners. [14] In this way, the poor students can take the chance of involving into the class and on the other hand, build up their confidence.
C. Interesting things
     Students are more likely to be curious about interesting things, as they can draw students' attention and arouse their interest. Therefore, teacher can use the objects, flash cards, recording, video and various ways to stimulate their interest.
D. Games
     Games are an important part of class activity, “not only for the language practice they provide, but also for the positive effect they have. They provide amusing atmosphere for students.” [15] Teacher can take the advantage of a variety of games. Learning English songs, reciting poems, telling stories, dancing, playing games and performing role plays, are useful ways to ease poor students' mood of tense and tiredness, and what' more, stimulate their interest.
Despite of the ways mentioned above, another important thing is to make the best use of modern educational technology such as projector, multimedia power point and so on. It is not only visualized, vivid and interesting, but also easy to accept. It is important to stress that the technology of language teaching is part of a much wider trend in education, the technological revolution that has made such an impact on language teaching has simultaneously in a more general way also affected other areas of education .
3.3 The role of school and parents 
3.3.1 The role of school
     In a common sense, school education plays a leading role in forming students' study motivation. Especially with the shunt from exam-focus education pattern to all-around development pattern, raising student's study motivation becomes an important target of the development of education.
The school can guide and promote student's study motivation from the following three aspects: Firstly, attach great importance to students' matriculation education. For example, at the beginning period of learning English, school should give the students a general introduction about the language. If the students realize the importance of English clearly from the very beginning, they are motivated to study the subject.  Secondly, create a fair competition environment. Students' poor motivation has close relationship with the existence of unfair competition, which can greatly hurt the students in mind and thus unable to promote the well study motivation and even influence the study. Therefore, it is very important that the school must create a fair competition environment. Thirdly, communicate more with parents. Education is not the sole task of school, but also of parents. Here is a research confirmed to us that, when the parents and the whole family positively involve in the children's education, the children will be able to learn more. And this news reminds the schoolmaster, the teacher and the parents of paying attention to this question. US Minister of Education Richard Riley says the parents are playing the crucial role in improving the education of school. While on the other hand, the sole report card delivered for the family is not enough, school should closely keep in touch with the parents during the teaching process. The report also shows that the hope of the parents wishing to get the instruction from school which assists the children to study. Therefore, school could make full use of its function to help the parents get a better understanding of their children and get them involve in the children's education.
3.3.2 The role of parents
     As the saying goes, parent is the first teacher of the child. Apparently, parents are also playing an important part in children’s education. Most of the parents are longing to see their children succeed in English study, however, it is not an easy job, especially for the poor students. Therefore the parents should have a clear view of the influence of family education on the children and pay great attention to raise student's study motivation since the formation of reasonable motivation is of vital significance to the students.
     Student's study motivation, to a great extent, is the embodiment of parents' request, attitude and ambition. The opinion of the family plays a very important role to the children's request and their academic record. For example, the parents of good learners' may put forward more definite and more practical request to their children; and even pay more attention to the foster of the children's independency to study. Generally speaking, when parents' request is in accord with school and the social education goal, then it will enhance and deepen the children's initial correct motivation. Otherwise, it will destroy the establishment of correct motivation. Some psychologists, after the investigation to different kinds of students, indicate that, the children's study motivation, by and large, reflects parents' attitude and the goal.
    Therefore, parents should help students improve the study motivation according to the social need as well as children's character: Firstly, arouse children's self-consciousness of study through helping them set up the study goals. Helping them set up the study goals aims to make children correctly understand the social significance of study, thus form the long-term motivation and enhance their study enthusiasm and study self-consciousness. During this period, parents should also adjust the incorrect motivation and study attitude of children themselves, then help them overcome these weakness and gradually form the correct study motivation and attitude. Secondly, raise children's thirst for knowledge and the interest for study. Thirst for knowledge is the most active component in study motivation, which is one of the reasons that leads to many great scientist's achievement. When a student has the desire and interest to study, he is always in a positive and happy mood to carry on the study on his own initiative. In the third place, parents should provide an easy and pleasant environment for children. The better environment of the family is, the happier mood the children will get in the study. And parents should try to communicate with these children to know what they want or what they need. Lastly, the parents should keep on encouraging the children instead of coaxing them for the failure in the study all the time. It is not strange that students make silly mistakes in examinations. The reason is that students, especially poor students, are nervous when they have examination. If a student often fails, he will lose the interest to study. So the main aim of parents is to stimulate him to make progress. Anyhow, people prefer reward to punishment.
4. An example of motivation
    According to Harmer “Activity is a loose term used to give a general description of what will happen in a class.” The principles of motivation activities include: variety, flexibility and balance. Now, let me take the text “The Blind Men and The Elephant” in Senior English Book One for example.
Activity One: Pre - reading discussion
The students will read a text about animals. Then the teacher let students have a discussion in class, and raise some easy questions for poor students, such as: What do you know about animals? Have you been to a zoo? What kinds of animals have you seen? How do they look like?
Purpose: This is a kind of warming-up exercise which can offer poor students chance to speak on their personal experience. It certainly can sustain their interest and make an active relaxed atmosphere in class.
Activity Two: Scanning.
Reading for specific information to show how quickly a student can find out the following facts from the text. Write the answers next to the corresponding questions below. How many blind men are there in the story? Where did they live? Where did they go every day? Could they agree with one another as to what an elephant was like? Why not?
Purpose: Ask the poor students to do some reading-comprehension. Through it they may get the main idea of the whole text. The fast reading can develop their reading skills and speed.
Activity Three: Picture drawing.
The teacher asks some poor students to draw a picture on their exercise-books with words on each part of the elephant.
Purpose: Arouse the poor students' interest and help them easily remember the new words.
Activity Four: Pair work
Divide the text into two parts (from the second paragraph to the fourth paragraph is part A, from the fifth paragraph to the seventh paragraph is part B). Let student A reads part A, student B reads part B (The student A and B are always very shy in class) .
Purpose: In pair work, they can communicate with each other, exchange their opinions on the text practicing their speaking ability.
Activity Five: Role play
Imagine the conversation which they have talked just now. Begin like this. Student A: We often hear of an elephant, but have never seen one. We do wish to have a look some day. Student B: Listen. Someone is coming. What is he doing?
Purpose: The teacher make a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom so that the poor students need not worry about their words and mistakes when they are playing. It is certain that some students will become active and talkative when playing roles.
Activity Six: Writing games
Now the students will be asked to write a short text. What did the six blind men do? What lessons can we learn from this story?
Purpose: It is the way of encouraging the poor students in the written practice. Now they are familiar with the text. It is not very difficult for them to write a short paragraph.
5. Conclusion
    In fact, motivation is a major factor which affects learning. It is so important and complex. No matter what kind of lesson a student has, he or she must have motivation. If the learner who is interested in the social and culture customs of native speakers of language they are learning, they are likely to be successful. On the contrary, those poorly-motivated learners with little interest in English, or in the way of teaching by the teachers, are almost to be unsuccessful. If the students have low or no motivation, they probably stop learning when they feel boring in the class, learners who are highly-motivated are more likely to get more information than those who are  poorly- motivated.
     Truly, I can see no difference between the so called “good students” and “poor students”. In my opinion, they are all the same. And since motivation is so important and complex, I could not include all the ways of improving students' motivation. But I do hope through this kind of study, more and more teachers will realize the importance of motivation and do some research in the ways of motivating students and later use different and useful teaching methods in the class.
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