
来源:岁月联盟 作者:陈淑雯 时间:2010-08-19

[Abstract] This paper analyzes the history of English grammar teaching, from 16 century to 19century. English grammar teaching method changed from Grammar-Translation Method to Direct Method, and to Audio-lingual Method. Nowadays, teachers and students are accustomed to 3P teaching model. According to the status quo of English grammar teaching, this paper defines the conceptions of language and language learning; introduces that grammar learning must follow the second language acquisition. Through the analysis of traditional grammar conception and teaching methods, this paper discovers the problem of grammar teaching.
Traditional grammar teaching was just for learning grammar. Teacher was the center in the class. But now as the different study level and unsuitable textbook and inappropriate teaching methods, English teaching quality is low. Therefore, to find suitable teaching methods is the best way to develop grammar teaching. At the same time, this paper studies three popular teaching methods for grammar teaching in order to solve the “five recognition, five underestimate” problem of grammar teaching in China. It advocates fostering students’ language using competence; grammar teaching not only focuses on forms but also on meaning.
[Key Words] grammar teaching; communicative ability; task-based approach; communicative approach; situational approach. 

[摘 要]本文分析了语法教学的,对从16世纪到19世纪的语法教学情况作了详细的阐述。语法教学经历了从翻译法到直接法,再到视听法的过程。现有语法教学现状是大部分教师及学生习惯了3P教学模式,本文根据了当前的现状,对语言及语言学习的概念进行界定,提出了学习语法应该遵照第二语言习得的意识发展进行。通过分析传统观念对语法的定义以及教学的方法,发现中学英语语法教学的问题及难点。语法教学的目的是培养学生掌握语言规则和运用语言的能力。
[关键词] 语法教学;交际能力;任务型教学法;交际法;情景教学法

1. The History of English Grammar Teaching   
From 16th to 18th century, European most popular foreign language teaching method was called the Grammar-Translation Method. At that time, in Europe, Latin is the school compulsory course; some English elementary schools are called simply Grammar school. Students study and drill the grammar rule in the class. The translation is the Latin grammar class’s important content. This kind of Grammar-Translation Method takes the grammar as a center in the study foreign language, it focuses on the study and the memory grammar rule. In the classroom, teachers explained grammar in native language. Students did a lot of translations practice to strengthen the memory. However, the shortcoming of this teaching method was very clear. It had neglected the spoken language and the ing training, student's communicative ability is poor; it purely pursued the accuracy of the grammar, and had neglected student's language creation ability, and cannot fully exploit the students’ subjective initiative.
In 19th century, the European countries exchanged a lot; the Grammar-Translation Method had been challenged. The direct method arose at that moment and was promoted in Europe and America. During this teaching method, the grammar still took the leading position, but it emphasized the actual application, the different context becomes the factor, which the grammar teaching must consider. The direct method started to exclude the native language. The characteristics of the direct method were that, using induction method to teach grammar rules; paying attention to the speaking and listening practice; choosing the talking material as the text book. It did not contrast with the native language. This method could foster the oral communicative ability, but had revealed its weakness in the ability of reading, writing, and the absorption language information.
In the 50's of 20th century, as a result of the structuralism in American                                              dominant position, there appeared Audio-lingual method in the US foreign language teaching. The American linguists have formulated a plan to train skills that were good at oral speaking. The Direct Method developed into Audio-lingual method under the influence of structural linguistics. The Direct Method’s characteristics were that, to master the grammar rules through a lot of listening and speaking practice, not to use native language and translation as far as possible. For example, in Fries’s Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language, he considered that the difficulties of foreign language learning are the result of different language structure system’s conflict.
Audio- lingual Method and other teaching method, which based on the theory of structural linguistics, their teaching point is on the sentence constitution rules. Afterward, as the use of the electrified aids, the audio-lingual method developed into the Audio—Visual Method. The criticism to the Direct Method, Audio-lingual method and other teaching method is their too limited grammar conception and abstract grammar teaching that divorced from the reality. Those students who were educated under these teaching methods cannot communicate with others naturally. There is another weakness that the Direct Method, Audio-lingual method neglects students’ acknowledged ability and language creation ability.
Otherwise, Hymes advanced his famous view about “communicative ability”. In his opinion, people should have the ability of language and communication, so they can communicate with others at anytime, anywhere, with anyone, in any way. Advocated by Hymes and Labov, the social linguistics flourished in USA .The  foreign language teachers began to realize that it’s positive to practice grammar rules in the meaningful context; however, context was limited, mechanical practice can not foster students’ communication flexibility. Therefore, there appeared the Communicative Approach. It took the cultivation of communicative ability as their teaching aim; it emphasized on the meaning but not the accuracy of the sentence pattern. Grammar teaching must follow the communicative approach; some grammar rules are even completely neglected.
In the late 70’s, Krashen distinguish the conception between “acquisition “ and “study “. He proposed that study was to learn language rules, but it is useless to master language. Therefore, in Krashen’ theory, grammar lost its position. Till late 80’s, Krashen started publicly to reject the grammar teaching’s important position in the foreign language teaching. During 80’s, grammar teaching had once disappeared in class.
Nowadays, many foreign language teachers considered that grammar teaching could make language learning more easily. They emphasize on the importance of the grammar teaching in the class. After the development of teaching method, people all focus on the grammar awareness, they disagree to learn grammar rules through mechanical practice, their research stress is to find a best way to master grammar .So, how to teach grammar effectively is an important task. [1] p1-3
2. The Status Quo of English Grammar Teaching
From 1980’s, task –based grammar teaching held the view of communication, and took the meaning as its task. Although the learner says words smoothly, but they are lack of accuracy; the learners complete the task with enhancement, but the language usage and the pattern need more actually exercises. Under the development of the task –based grammar teaching, the communicative ability that including the grammar ability is discussed by all linguists. So, to express meaning, complete language task, people must be taught grammar. The grammar teaching cannot be given up at any time, any stage, in any situation. The foreign linguists also consider that is helpful for the accuracy of people’s expression. Student's study effect must depend on the human relations -like study effect. Regarding lacks of enough significance, the foreign language cannot only depend on the acquisition, but also depend upon the study. The grammar teaching’s essence is to use the language knowledge to help students with their communication in the real life. [2] P31
The duty of grammar teaching is to foster people’s real communicative ability. By Janewills’ flexible modal for tasked-based learning, the alignment between form and meaning apply a real environment for students, and cause the students to study language easily, to learn the language knowledge at same time. In the pre- task period, the teacher introduces the topic and the duty to the students; pops out the key point, and help the students to understand and prepares for their task. In the while task period, students develop their task in pairs or in groups first, teacher is just a monitor around the class. The teacher should just encourage students to communicate in various ways, and not to interrupt them in order to make students feel relaxed. However, in this period, the communicative task doesn’t pay too much attention to the language form. In the post-task period, each group must show the task they have finished to the whole class. After the preparation for the task, students must give a report and have a discussion about their task, and listen to others’ representation, so they can have a comparison with others’ task. In this period, the teacher should play a role as an assessor, he must do two things, that is, correcting mistakes and organizing feedback. [3] P38 And in the post-task period, the teacher can give examples to tell students how to learn foreign language in order to cause students to reflect. After these task periods of sensation, suspicion, supposition, attempt, students could understand the language point clearly. At this moment, the teacher can design some activities in order to consolidate students’ mastery of language knowledge. To the learner who is accustomed to the traditional 3P model, task-based grammar teaching is an attractive and creative model for them. This kind of teaching method achieves the aim of making the task-based teaching ideas and grammar teaching into conformity. It affords students chances to foster communicative ability. [4]
3. Defining Language
3.1 Definition of language from the literature
  1. Language is a means of cultural transmission.
    2. Language is what people use to talk about the things that are important to        them, for example, occurrence in their everyday lives.
  3. Language is a set of rules through which humans can create and understand   novel utterances, ones that they have never before articulated or encountered.
  4. Language is a means of interaction between and among people.
  5. Language is the means for doing something-accomplishing some purpose, for example, agreeing on a plan of action for handling a conflict.
  6. Language is a vehicle for communication meaning and message.
  7. Language is a medium through which one can learn other things.[5] P1
3.2 The link between definition of language and theories of learning  
Although there is not a unique connection between a particular view of language and a particular theory of learning, some theories of learning fit more naturally with certain definitions of language than others. Consistent with those conceptions of language was the habit-formation view of language learning, in which it was essence to be the responsibility of the teacher to help students overcome the habits of the native language and replace them with the habits of the second language.[6] P3
4. Views on Language Learning
4.1 Behaviorist theory
Behavioral psychologist Skinner initiated the behaviorist theory of language learning. Based on linguists’ experiments, behaviorist linguists formulated a stimulus-response theory of psychology. In this theory all complex forms of behavior—motions, habits, and such are seen as composed of simple muscular and glandular elements that can be observed and measured. They claimed that emotional reactions are learned in much the same way as other skills. The key point of the theory of conditioning is that “you can train an animal to do anything (with reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement” (Harmer, 1983:30) [7] P5
4.2 Cognitive theory
The term cognitivnism is often used loosely to describe methods in which students are asked to think rather than simply repeat. It seems to be largely the result of Noam Chomsky reaction to Skinner’s behaviorist theory, which led to the revival of structural linguistics. The key point of Chomsky’s theory is relected in his most famous question: if all language is a learned behavior, how can a child produce a sentence that has never been said by others before? [8] P5
    According to Chomsky, language is not a form of behavior; it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system. There are a number of grammatical rules in the system and with knowledge of these rules an infinite number of sentences can be produced. A language learner acquires language competence that enables him to produce language.
5. The Problem of the Grammar Teaching
5.1 The “Inert Knowledge” Problem
    As the important part of the foreign language teaching, grammar teaching has two common problems for a long time. One is that unsatisfactory effect. In the class, it seems that the teacher has explained the grammar rules clearly, and students has understood the rules distinctly, and they can do all exercises; however, they cannot prevent from making many mistakes when they are talking or writing. This phenomenon of that learners cannot make full use of the knowledge in the class in their real life, it was called “inert knowledge”. Moreover, the other problem of grammar teaching is that, a lot of students feel dull when they learn grammar rules. [9] Pf4 Few students sustain their enthusiasm for learning when the lesson focuses on the parts of language. Indeed, when students are asked to shift from a communicative activity, to say, a grammar exercise, there is often an audible response of displeasure.
5.2 The problem of China ’s grammar teaching
    After the publication of The New Standard of English Lesson, people have found the demerits of China’s English grammar teaching.
As for Chinese, the grammar teaching is inclined to “five recognition, five underestimate”. It is that, mind knowledge teaching, underestimate skill; mind clear explanation, underestimate repetitive practice; mind written practice, underestimate oral practice; mind grammar analysis, underestimate grammar usage. [10] p189 
5.3 The reason of the problem
In China, students’ duty is to pass the university entrance examination. What
determines their destiny is the mark of their written examination. So, in the English examination, students who learn grammar rules well can get the high mark. Therefore, for a long time, teachers just pay all attention to the grammar rules and grammar pattern. Lots of teachers use translation method and deductive method in grammar teaching. But these kind of methods are often criticized because,1)It teaches grammar in an isolated way; 2)Little attention is paid to meaning;3)The practice is often mechanical.[11]p63 Although these two kind of methods may help to increase students’ confidence in those examinations which are written with accuracy as the main criterion of success, it neglects students’ communicative ability. During the teaching procedure, teachers consider each grammar pattern as a unit and do not focus on whose sentence’s teaching. It brings the result that students hate the dull grammar learning. All these bring so many problems of China’s English grammar teaching.[12]P95
6. Traditional Statements of Grammar And Its Learning And Teaching
6.1 Traditional conceptions of grammar
(1) Grammar is an area of knowledge: Knowledge about the language system and knowledge of how to use the language.
(2) When people say something is grammatical, they mean that it is accurate.
(3) Grammar has to do with rules. “Grammar and rules”, they often provide students with security, something to hold onto. They provide useful guidance about how a language is structured.
(4) Grammar is arbitrary. Speakers use their knowledge of grammar for particular reasons.  Grammatical resources are limited and precious. They are distributed in a nonarbitrary manner.
(5) One good thing about grammar is that there is always one right answer. Teachers know this to be true, either intuitively or because they recollect the times when a student has asked if a particular way of saying something is correct and they have felt compelled to answer.
(6) Grammar has to do with word endings and word order within a sentence and structures, such as word endings or morphology. Grammar does have to do with the sentence and subsentence levels. Grammar is about word order in the sentence (syntax) and word formation processes (morphology); it is also about using the correct function words. [13] P13
6.2The statements apply to the learning of grammar
(1) Grammar is acquired naturally; it doesn’t have to be taught.
(2) Grammar structures are acquired in a set order, one after another.
(3) All aspects of grammar are learned in the same way.
6.3The statements relate to the teaching of grammar
(1) Learners will eventually bring their performance into alignment with the target language; error correction or feedback is unnecessary.
(2) Grammar (teaching and/or learning) is boring.
(3) Not all students need to be taught grammar. Children, for instance, do not benefit from formal grammar instruction.
7. Learning Grammar: insight from SlA research and consciousness-raising  It is a myth that grammar can be learned on its own, that it need not be taught. 
The point of education is to accelerate the language acquisition process, not be satisfied with or try to emulate what learners can do on their own.
7.1 The process of grammar acquisition in general based on SLA research
    Overall, most language acquisition researchers operate under the assumption that grammatical development begins when learners have hypotheses about features of the target language. If the researchers’ theoretical commitment is to Chomsky’s universal grammar (UG), then the “hypotheses” would be seen to arise from an innate UG, consisting of a set of core principles common to all languages, and parameters, which vary among the world’s languages.
    Inference is also the cognitive process used by researcher as they attempt to understand language learners’ behavior. When such behavior includes overgeneralization of rules.

7.2 SLA of grammar always a matter of figuring out the rules
A newer approach, called connectionism, also relies on inductive inferencing to model learners’ performance, but it rejects an account that claims that it is rules that are being induced. Connectionists have developed computer models of networks, which are held to be analogous to the neural networks in the brain.  The networks consist of interconnected nodes. The nodes are taken to represent neurons, which are connected with one another through synapses. The computer models are “trained” by receiving massive amounts of target language input.
7.3 Patterned sequences or lexicogrammatical units?
Connectionsist modeling may be very useful in accounting for the acquisition of multiword strings or lexicogrammarical patterns.
In other word, grammar acquisition may be first characterized as a period of lexicalization, in which learners use prefabricated sequences or chunks of language, followed by a period of syntacticization, in which learners are able to infer a creative rule-governed system.
7.4 Fluctuation of students’ language learning
A common observation in SLA research is that the language that learners produce, their interlanguage changes rapidly. Besides its variability and its systematictity, another striking feature of learners’ interlanguage is its nonlinearity. Furthermore, even when learners appear to have mastered a particular aspect of the target language, and even when they sustain the same degree of effort, it is not uncommon to find backsliding occurring when new forms are introduced. [14] P78
8. How To Teach Grammar
8.1Traditonal grammar teaching method
8.1.1Deductive method
The deductive method relies on reasoning, analyzing and comparing. First, the teacher writes an example on the board or draws attention to an example in the textbook. Then teacher explain the underlying rules regarding the forms and positions of certain structural words. The explanation are often done in the students’ native language and using grammatical terms. Sometimes, comparisons are made between the native language and target language or between the newly presented structure and previously learned structures.
8.1.2Inductive method
    The inductive method, teacher induces the learners to realize grammar rules
without any form of explicit explanation. It is believed that the rules will become
evident if the students are given enough appropriate examples. For example, in order to present the two forms “this is” and “these are”, the teacher will first hold up a book, saying, “This is a book.” He will do the same showing other objects. Then the teacher holds up several books and says, “These are books.” After several similar examples, it is hoped students will understand “These are” is used with plural forms of nouns.[15]p62
8.2 How to solve the “Inert Knowledge” problem
8.2 .1Introduction of task-based grammar teaching
One approach to teaching language that has attracted a lot of attention over the past twenty-five years was task-based approach for learning and teaching. In task-based approaches, the focus of classroom activities is on the task, and at last on meaning. In Jane Willis’ flexible model for task-based learning, learners begin by carrying out a communicative task, without specific focus on form. After they have done the task, they report and discuss how they accomplished this, perhaps ing to a fluent speaker doing the same task. Only at the end is there a specific focus on features of language form.
The advantage of the task-based approach, according to its advocates, is that during the task the learners are allowed to use whatever language they want, freeing them to focus entirely on the meaning of their message. This makes it closer to a real-life communicative situation.
One danger of task-based approaches is that focus on meaning could come at the expense of focus on form. Learners become quite fluent, but their utterances are not often accurate. In addition, they develop strategies to complete the tasks quite quickly, cutting corners in their language use and form.
Nevertheless, the task-based model is an attractive and liberating one, especially if learners have been accustomed to a Presentation – Practice – Production model. [16]
“Inert Problem” is that, a lot of students feel dull when they learn grammars, few of them could sustain their enthusiasm for learning when the lesson focused on the parts of language. If teacher use task-based approach to teach grammar, give students some interesting task and create free environment, students will learn grammar rules in a special way, and sustain their enthusiasm in dull grammar learning.
8.2.2 Why in China, teachers should take task-based grammar teaching now
 In order to meet our country’ the s need for reform and opening to the outside world, the under the lead of Country’ the s Bureau of Education, new criterion of English is published; students are given new textbooks. This set of textbook is complied according to the structure function law. It attaches importance to the cultivation of listening and speaking, and the advancement of writing, so that students can develop their communicative and self-study ability. In that new set of textbook, language pattern can carry through the frame of communicative function; therefore, grammar is its center. To Compared with the traditional textbook, in the new criterion of English lesson, the grammar explanation is conscious and clear, the it emphasizes on the grammar's usage in the real communicative association; make bald grammar rules embodiment and interesting, so that students can master grammar rules in the language using practice. Grammar teaching always plays an important role in the new text book, it is the major teaching context of the new textbook. Because language communicative ability. Because language ability is the precondition. The cultivation of communicative ability bases on the cultivation of language ability. Language ability means the ability to use the grammar structure; no language ability, no communication. [17]
8.2.3 How to carry on task-based grammar teaching under the language communicative law
In task-based language teaching, the teacher must create an environment that is conducive to collaborative learning. In this free environment, students perform their best, assess their own growth, and feel that their opinions, ideas, and responses carry weight. This allows the teacher to see a more authentic performance and provides the teacher with a more realistic picture of the students' capabilities (Glazer & Brown, 1993). So it is the teacher's responsibility to provide an appropriate setting in which tasks can be demonstrated effectively.
The establishment of language scene is the best way to embody the communication law. Grammar knowledge and language situation, the classroom real scene organically unifies in particular, the grammar rules would not arbitrary and vague. So students can grasp the grammar knowledge easily in a relaxed situation, and practice grammar at the same time.
 e.g. If teacher wants to explain, “have somebody do something.” “have something done.” “have somebody doing something.”, he must attract students’ attention to that pattern, and then give them some examples:
(1)The nurse has several patients. (Look after)
(2)They had the patient (take) to the hospital.
(3)The boss had them (work) all day long.
(4)She had him (wait) at the gate.
At last, students would make many mistakes, but teacher should not correct their mistakes first, he just says, “Attention, please! I have something to say to you.” and says to another students “open the door, please “, and then ask the whole class “what did I ask him to do?” Students would answer, “You asked him to open the door.” “Yes, I had him open the door, I had the door open.” In this way, students can understand how the grammar was used in a real situation. [18] p75-76
From the example above, creating a language environment is useful for students’ understanding on the grammar pattern. It is necessary to present a communication task typology, which can be used to different tasks according to their contributions to language learning. The typology consists of seven types of tasks, each with a different structure of activity and goal. Examples of tasks, which have already been used in teaching and research, are provided for each task type, together with a critical discussion on their effectiveness in these contexts, such as
(1) Real-world or target task: A communicative act we achieve through language in the world outside the classroom.
  (2) Pedagogical tasks: A piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the language while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather than forms. They have a non-linguistic outcome, and can be divided into rehearsal tasks or activation tasks.
  (3) Rehearsal task: Pieces of classroom work in which learners rehearse, in class, a communicative act they will carry out outside of the class.
  (4) Activation task: A piece of classroom work involving communicative interaction, but NOT one in which learners will be rehearsing for some out-of-class communication. Rather they are designed to activate the acquisition process.
  (5) Enabling skills: Mastery of language systems grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary etc. which enable learners to take part in communicative tasks.
  (6) Language exercise: A piece of classroom work focusing learners on, and involving learners in manipulating some aspect of the linguistic system
  (7) Communication activity: A piece of classroom work involving a focus on a particular linguistic feature but also involving the genuine exchange of meaning.[19]
After these activities are suitable for students’ acquisition and learning pattern; according to the second language acquisition theory, as a second language learner, especially a novice, it is very difficult for them to give attention to both meaning and form, so they often give up pattern to make sure the correct meaning. But during the period of the task teaching, it would come into hot and creative atmosphere for their task. Although some students would feel difficult because of their lack of basic grammar knowledge, group activity would not give them too much stress, so they will pay much attention to their discussion of the task, and learn much grammar knowledge from the process of discussion.
8.3 Carrying on communicative approach
8.3.1The definition of communicative approach
Communicative Language Teaching makes use of real-life situations. The teacher sets up a situation,which are likely to encounter in real life.
Situations change from day to day. Students' motivation to learn comes from their desire to communicate in meaningful ways about meaningful topics. Margie S. Bern, an expert in the field of communicative language teaching, writes that “language is interaction; it is interpersonal activity and has a clear relationship with society. In this light, language study has to look at use of language in context, both its linguistic context.
Wilkins, a British linguist proposed a communication definition of language serves as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for language teaching. Instead of describing the core language through traditional concepts of grammar and vocabulary, Wilkins demonstrated the systems of meaning that lay behind the communicative uses of language. Both Americans and British proponents now treat communicative language teaching as an approach that not only to make communicative competence the goal of language teaching but also to develop procedures for the four grammar knowledge systemically can develop their communicative ability. So grammar learning is essential part of language study; however, teacher cannot teach grammar just for grammar. Grammar is resource of the understanding and creation of speaking and writing. Grammar teaching’s goal is to foster students’ communicative ability. This teaching model based on the communication focuses on the grammar pattern, and not neglects language meaning.
8.3.2How to teach grammar under communicative approach
Teachers in the class take the communicative practice should pay attention to these points:
(i) Build a real communicative environment. People must exchange ideas and get information in a particular situation. No context, no communication activity. Based on the textbook, it is useful for students’ language using ability and communicative ability.
(ii) Grammar teaching must integrate with other language skill learning. Grammar lesson must combine with listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
(iii) Choose both deductive method and inductive method. Some grammar rules adapt to deductive method that relies on the reasoning, analyzing, and comparing. And some grammar rules suit for inductive method that induces the learners to realize grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation. [20]P63
(iv) Make the students as the center; all the activities are around the students’ desire. Students are the main body.    
(v) Organize many activities. Through tasks and activities, students not only grasp the grammar knowledge but also get more chances to practice. The tasks in the class must have information gap, so that it can arouse student’s curiosity and interest in order to make a good foundation for their communicative ability.
(vi) In the practice of communication, focus must paid on the meaningful communication, but not just the form. Teachers should encourage students to use the new grammar pattern in their communication.[ 21]
Through communicative tasks, students would master grammar rules in a language environment.. So the “five recognition, five underestimate” problem could be solved. Communicative task can practice students’ skill, written English, oral speaking, and grammar usage.
8.4 Teaching grammar in the context under situational approach
Grammar is a form of language. Context is a combination that concluding some particular language type: a same word would have different meaning in different context and sentences. Some words and phrases can just be understood in the particular sentence of the context, and know the usage clearly. For example, The lamb is too hot to eat. In Chinese, this sentence means “羊感到太热,不能吃东西”, “羊肉太热,不能吃” and many different meanings in different situations. As the same with Chinese, English grammar pattern can be comprehended for different meaning. If learners have context or particular situation, grammar problem could be solved easily. Learners need not understand each word’s meaning sentence by sentence. Grammar knowledge must play into particular context, so that it could have real meaning; divorce with context, grammar knowledge would become dull and uninteresting.
    As a teacher, when they are teaching grammar, they must pay attention to subjective initiative, make grammar into context in order to enable students have deep apperception. Actually grammar just plays an assistant role in the discourse. An English teacher of Foreign Language Middle School, in his class he wanted to teach passive voice. He didn’t explain the grammar rule, pattern and usage to his students. He supposed a situation that somebody’s purse was stolen, according to the situation, ask students to design communication task in groups. As a result, students not only could master the passive tense’s usage hard and fast, but also communicate smoothly. In deed, this approach makes communicative law and structural law into a good combination that stresses the characteristic of the context, and makes grammar have more interesting and actual communicative meaning. [22] p27
People can see from the above discussions of the different principles underlying the above two language approaches. The principles can be applied to teach a variety of language contents. However, different approaches may be used preferably to teach different skills. Both of the two approaches focus on meaning instead of on unattached grammar items. Comparatively, situational approach is more fully developed. There are series of textbooks that are used to teach all kinds of language contents to students from the very primary level to advanced level. However, communicative approaches are interpreted in different ways by different linguists and teachers, and have no fixed syllabus model or procedure. Using situational approach, a teacher can systematically teach students graded vocabulary and grammar by putting them into concrete situations, which facilitates the students in learning the language knowledge by heart. For example, the teacher may teach the word “punctual” by telling the students an interesting story of what happened when someone was late for an appointment. Students are not likely to lose their interest in learning grammar as it happens in the Grammar-Translation Method when the teacher just makes up some unrelated sentences using this word, but the students may lack the practice of applying what they have learned into real communicative situations because the teacher is, for most of the time, the center of the class. So they maybe at a loss to communicative in the culture of the language studied as Johnson and Morrow (1981) point out that a large numbers of students in traditional grammar-based courses are structurally competed but communicatively incompetent.[23]
Communicative approach focuses on the communicative competences, using real-life communication in the target language between students to help the students learn the usage of words and grammar. The learner works all the time in English and the activities require them to speak and listen to English from the first day, not only writing and reading. For example, the teacher may manage a discussion on the topic why we should learn a foreign language. In this discussion, students may encounter the subjunctive mood as in the sentence “ If I hadn’t learned English, I would not have been able to tell the foreigner the way to the station.” In a communicative class, students may have more changes to put the target language into practice, but they are more likely to make mistakes since the primary goal is to achieve fluency instead of accuracy. Students may also get confused at some grammar points because grammar is not the focus of this approach.
9. Conclusion
The new English lesson criterion’s duty is to inspire and cultivate students’ learning interest, build up their confidence, raise good learning habit, form effective study strategy, develop their self-study ability and cooperative spirit; foster students observation, memory, imagination, and creation spirit; help students to know much about the world. After research and practice, people conclude that, in the English grammar teaching, task-based approach, communicative approach, and situational approach is the most creative and challengeable grammar teaching method in this new environment. These teaching methods would have more influence in a short period; they are all useful to the advancement of students’ English level and to activate classroom dynamics. [24] P214

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[4] 同[2]
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[6] 同[5] P3
[7] 同[3] P5

[9] 同[5] Pf4
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[12] 宋能祥. 中学英语语法教学新思路[J]. 基础教育研究, 2003, 6.p95
[13] 同[5] P13
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[20] 同[3] P63
[21] 洪 梅. 交际性英语语法教学初探[J]. 商丘职业技术学院学报, 2005,3
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