
来源:岁月联盟 作者:未知 时间:2010-07-12
【Abstract】The case coming from: In January, 2005~2006 year in December post-natal making a house-call 214 at the beginning of parturient woman, discovered nipple chapping is 92 people, stochastically divides into it the observation group 46 people; Comparison group 46 people, two groups of ages between 25~36 year old, state of health not obvious difference. Before the observation group each time nurses scours with the clear water, after nursing dips the yolk oil with the cotton and kapok bamboo slip to spread scratches the nipple, so relapse, around persisted the 1~2 month, the comparison group each time nurses with the conventional method, the clear water scours the nipple. Yolk oil to human body non-toxic harmless, to the female infant good influence, also has the sterilization, the bacteriostasis, restrains, lives the myo-function, compares with other therapies, the yolk oil manufacture is simple, economical, does not pollute the clothing, does not affect normal nursing, after spreads applies can promptly cure the nipple to chap, is suitable for clinical and the family breast-feeding period woman’s treatment.
【Key words】Yolk oil; Outside applies; The post-natal nipple chaps乳头皲裂是发生于哺乳期妇女的一种常见病,尤其是初产妇更易发生,在2005年1月~2006年12月两年期间,产后访视214人有92人发生轻重程度不同的乳头皲裂。发生占42.99%。临床上主要表现为乳头皮肤细小裂隙。干燥易出血,随着婴幼儿的吸吮,乳头会钻心般的疼痛,因而许多母亲拒绝母乳喂养孩子但又会导致乳汁滞留继发乳腺炎等疾病。严重影响母婴健康,也是导致母乳喂养率降低的一个因素。为此,我们在访视中采用蛋黄油外涂的方法,取得了良好的效果。现报告如下: 
观察组乳头皲裂程度加重者1人,痊愈39人,症状减轻4人,无明显改善1人,停止母乳喂养1人。 对照组乳头皲裂程度加重者18人,减轻者9人,无明显改善者12人,停止哺乳者7人。