作者:姚琦 唐佩福 黄鹏 王继芳
【摘要】 [目的]通过CT测量股骨骨折髓内钉固定术后骨折端旋转移位程度,探讨术中纠正旋转畸形的方法。[方法]CT扫描测量56例股骨骨折闭合复位髓内钉固定后的前倾角值,并与健侧对照,双侧前倾角的差值,借此判断骨折远端旋转畸形的程度。前倾角增大表明骨折远端内旋,反之代表骨折远端外旋。根据AO分类标准,股骨粗隆下A3型骨折9例,股骨干A型骨折12例,B型骨折15例,C型骨折7例,股骨髁上A型骨折13例。[结果]所有入选病例的伤侧前倾角均发生变化,股骨干骨折的前倾角变化最大,为-13.35°~47.21°。粗隆下骨折的前倾角变化最小,为-7.12°~36.35°,髁上骨折的前倾角变化居中,为-11.10°~39.22°。骨折远端内旋移位的程度和发生率均大于外旋移位。内旋移位占60.71%,外旋移位占39.29%。股骨干骨折远端内旋移位的变化最大,为1.37°~29.82°,平均12.34°。粗隆下骨折远端内旋移位的变化最小,为0.81°~23.21°,平均8.32°。髁上骨折居中,为1.72°~27.11°,平均8.38°。骨折远端外旋移位仍以股骨干骨折表现最明显,为1.11°~21.12°,平均9.33°。粗隆下骨折变化最小,为1.31°~16.23°,平均7.71°。股骨髁上骨折变化居中,为0.97°~17.96°,平均8.22°。分别对3个骨折部位的健侧和伤侧配对t检验,P<0.001,差异显著。[结论]股骨骨折闭合复位髓内钉固定术后,骨折端旋转移位的发生率非常高,术中影像监测可有效控制旋转移位。
【关键词】 股骨骨折 交锁髓内钉术后 CT 旋转畸形
CT scan to measure fracture malrotation after interlocking intramedullary nailing of femoral fracture∥
Abstract:[Objective]To measure the extent of malrotation of femur fractures with CT scan after fixation with interlocking intramedullary nailing , and to discuss the methods which can help to correct the malrotation of femur fracture during the operation. [Method]With CT scan, the anteversion of femur fracture after the close reduction and fixation with interlocking intramedullary nailing in 56 cases was measured, and the difference of anteversion between the fracture side and the contralateral side was evaluated. The increase of anteversion represented internal rotation of the distal fragment, whereas the decrease of anteversion meaned external rotation. According to AO classification system, the type A of infratrochanteric fractures happened in 9 cases, type A of femoral shaft fractures happened in 12 cases, type B in 15 cases,type C in 7 cases,and 13 cases of femoral supercondyle fractures were type A. [Result]The results of measurement showed that the femoral anteversion after fixation with interlocking intramedullary nailing was changed in all patients. The anteversion of the femoral shaft fracture ranged from 13.35°to 47.21°. The aneversion of infrotrochanteric fractures ranged from -7.12°to 36.35°, and the supercondyle fracture of femur from -11.10°to 39.22°. For the extent of malrotation of distal femoral fracture, the internal rotation was more obvious than the external rotation. The number of Internal rotation cases accounted for 60.71%, and the external cases accounted for 39.29%. The maximum internal malrotation happened in femoral shaft fracture, from 1.37°to 29.82°with average malrotation 12.34°. and the minimum internal malrotation happened in infratrochanteri fracture, from 0.81°to 23.21°,with the average malrotation 8.32°. The medium internal malrotation was femoral supercondyle fracture, from 1.72°to 27.11° with the average malrotation 8.38°. The maximum external malrotation happened in femoral shaft fracture, from 1.11°to 21.12°with the average of them 9.33°. The minimum external malrotation happened in infratrochanteri fracture, from 1.31°to 16.23°with the average 7.71°. The medium external malrotation was seen in femoral supercondyle fracture, from 0.97°to 17.96°with average 8.22°. For these three parts of femoral fracture, the partnership T test was done between the fracture side and the contralateral side, the results showed that there were significant differences among of them,P<0.001.[Conclusion]The incidence of malrotation of distal femoral fractures after close reduction and fixation of interlocking intramedullary nailing was high. We must pay attention to strictly correct the malrotation intraoperatively.
Key words:femur fracture; malrotation; interlocking intramedullary nailing
随着对BO(biology osteosynshesis, BO)理念的认识,闭合复位交锁髓内钉固定长管状骨骨折日益广泛。其手术特点是术中不强调骨折端之间的解剖复位,而是要求恢复肢体的长度、轴线和旋转移位。对于股骨骨折,侧方移位和成角畸形比较容易发现并校正,但是旋转移位经常被忽视,即使术中发现移位也很难获得精确校正。因骨折端旋转移位、畸形愈合而致使肢体功能障碍的临床病例屡见不鲜。本文对56例单侧股骨骨折行髓内钉固定的患者进行CT测量双侧前倾角,对照分析骨折端旋转畸形情况,探讨其预防方法。
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料
本组56例,男35例,女21例,年龄23~78岁,平均38.2岁,均为2001年1月~2003年2月于本科行闭合复位交锁髓内钉固定的患者。根据骨折的AO分类标准:粗隆下骨折9例,均为A3骨折;股骨干骨折34例,其中A型骨折12例,B型骨折15例,C型骨折7例;股骨髁上骨折13例,均为A3骨折。所有手术均为闭合复位,并在牵引床上完成髓内钉固定术。内固定选择:粗隆下骨折选择PFN(proximal femoral nail,PFN)固定7例,长重建钉固定2例;34例股骨干骨折均选择交锁髓内钉固定;13例股骨髁上骨折均选择逆行髓内钉固定。术后2周内CT测量双侧股骨前倾角,伤侧和健侧股骨前倾角的差值定义为骨折旋转畸形程度。
1.2 研究方法
采用“常用法”测量双侧股骨前倾角。受试者平卧于CT床上,下肢与躯干长轴平行,垂直躯干长轴以层厚为5 mm对股骨头中心、股骨头颈、股骨颈基底和股骨髁CT扫描,标记股骨头中心点、股骨颈中点、股骨颈基底部中心点,将三点连接即为股骨颈的中轴线。测量股骨颈中轴线与水平线之间的夹角,得到股骨颈的前倾角的测量值。同样方法测量股骨髁后缘连线与水平线之间的夹角。股骨颈的实际前倾角=股骨颈前倾角的测量值-股骨髁后缘连线与水平线之间的夹角。以健侧股骨前倾角为对照,患侧前倾角增大表明骨折远端内旋,反之代表骨折远端外旋(图1~3)。
图1 双侧股骨髁后缘连线与水平线夹角的测量(略)
图2 健侧股骨颈中轴与水平线夹角的测量(略)
图3 患侧股骨颈中轴与水平线夹角的测量(略)
2 研究结果
表1 股骨骨折髓内钉固定术后前倾角的分布值(略)
表2 股骨骨折髓内钉固定术后骨折端旋转移位情况(略)
3 讨论
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