
来源:岁月联盟 作者: 时间:2010-07-12


【摘要】    T细胞亚型分化漂移可能与一些自身免疫病的发病机制有关。本研究旨在通过分析特发性血小板减少性紫癜(idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura,ITP)患儿外周血Th/Tc、Th1/Th2、Tc1/Tc2细胞的平衡状态,探讨T细胞亚群失衡在ITP发病机制中的作用。收集30例ITP患儿外周抗凝静脉血,分离纯化得T细胞,以PE标记的抗CRTH2单克隆抗体和Cy5标记的抗CD4、CD8单克隆抗体作双色流式细胞术检测,分析ITP患儿Th/Tc、Th1/Th2、Tc1/Tc2比例的变化。结果显示:ITP患儿外周血T细胞与健康儿童相比,Th细胞百分率及Th/Tc比例明显下降(P﹤0.05),Tc细胞百分率无明显变化(P﹥0.05);Th1及Th2细胞百分率明显下降(P﹤0.05),Tc1及Tc2细胞百分率无明显变化(P﹥0.05),Th1/Th2 及Tc1/Tc2比例明显升高(P﹤0.05)。结论: ITP患儿外周血可能存在细胞免疫功能低下及T细胞亚群漂移,Th1及Tc1细胞比例升高,呈明显Th1类细胞优势,此结果说明T细亚群分化异常在ITP发病过程中起着重要作用。

【关键词】  特发性血小板减少性紫癜;T细胞亚群; Th/Tc; Th1/Th2 ;Tc1/Tc2;CRTH2

  Analysis of Peripheral Blood T Cell Subsets in  Children    with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

  Abstract    The pathogenesis of some autoimmune diseases has been considered to be  related to abnormal differentiation of T cell subsets. This study was aimed at investigating the change of Th1-like and Th2-like cells balance in ITP children,and analyzing the role of T cell subsets disequilibrium in the pathogenesis of ITP.  Peripheral blood T cells were collected from 30 ITP patients,the T-cells were isolated and purified.   The ratios of Th/Tc,Th1/Th2 and Tc1/Tc2 in peripheral blood T cells were analyzed by immunofluorescence staining   and bicolor flow cytometry (FCM) in vitro. The results showed that as  compared with the ratios of Th1/Th2 (48.76%±6.17%) and Tc1/Tc2 (18.90%±4.12%) in  healthy children,the  ratios  of Th1/Th2 (56.21%±5.95%) and Tc1/Tc2 (23.09%±3.31%) in ITP children increased obviously. FCM analysis revealed  that average percentages of Th,Th1,Th2,Tc,Tc1 and Tc2 were 22.31%±6.51%,21.92%±6.42%,0.39%±0.14%,31.12%±6.15%,30.95%±5.45% and 1.34%±0.84% in ITP children versus 39.24%±5.82%,39.01%±5.47%,0.80%±0.16%,30.25%±5.63%,28.72%±5.20% and 1?52%±0.68% in healthy children. The average percentages of Th,Th1 and Th2 decreased obviously,while the average percentages of Tc,Tc1 and Tc2 did not changed. It is concluded that  the ratios of Th1/Th2 and Tc1/Tc2 in peri-pheral blood T cells  increase obviously in ITP children  and the  cellular immunity in ITP children shiftes to Th1 type immunity superiority,which suggest that the abnormal differentiation of T cell subsets may play an important role in the pathologic process of ITP.

  Key words idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura;  T cell subset; Th/Tc;  Th1/Th2 ;Tc1/Tc2;CRTH2

    特发性血小板减少性紫癜(idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura,ITP)是一种发病机制尚未完全明了的自身免疫性疾病。目前发现,ITP的发生、与患者体内Th1类/Th2类细胞的平衡失调有关[1、2]。目前认为,CRTH2 (chemoattractant receptor-homologs molecule expressed on Th2 cells)是Th2、Tc2特异性表面标志物[3],本研究应用PE标记的抗CRTH2单克隆抗体和Cy5标记的CD4、CD8作双色流式细胞术检测ITP患儿及健康儿童外周血的T细胞各亚群的百分率。分别以CD4+CRTH2-T、CD4+CRTH2+T、CD8+CRTH2-T及CD8+CRTH2+T细胞代表Th1、Th2、Tc1及Tc2细胞,分别以CD4+T、CD8+T细胞代表Th、Tc细胞,并进一步探讨Th1类/Th2类细胞在ITP发病机制中的作用。





  Cy5标记抗CD4、CD8单克隆抗体为EB公司产品,PE标记的抗CRTH2单克隆抗体为Miltenyibiotec公司产品,流式细胞仪为Beckman公司产品(型号为EPICS-XL),T细胞分离富聚柱(h CD3+ T Cell Enrichment Column)为Becton Dickinson公司产品,淋巴细胞分离液(密度为1.077)为Axis-Shield公司产品。


  无菌采集患儿及正常健康儿童外周静脉血5 ml,肝素抗凝,用淋巴细胞分离液分离得单个核细胞。放于无菌玻璃培养皿内在37℃下培养30分钟,去除黏附于玻璃培养皿的单核细胞,以获取悬浮的淋巴细胞。加入0.85% NH4Cl溶液溶解红细胞,经T细胞分离富聚柱采用负筛选法获得获纯化的T细胞。用20%的小牛血清RPMI 1640培养液调整细胞浓度约2×106/ml。S-AP/P免疫组织化学法检测其纯度大于98%,台盼蓝拒染法检测其活性大于95%。


  取3支试管,各加入100 μl  T细胞悬液,3管分别加入小鼠抗人单克隆IgG1-PE和小鼠抗人单克隆IgG1-Cy5(阴性对照管)、抗CD4-Cy5和抗CRTH2-PE(CD4+管)、抗CD8-Cy5和抗CRTH2-PE(CD8+管),各种标记抗体均15 μl。混匀,4℃避光30分钟,PBS洗涤2次,各管加入0.5 ml缓冲液,上流式细胞仪检测。


  所有结果以X±SD表示,两两比较采用成组t检验,经SAS 8.22软件分析(α=0.05)。

  结 果


  ITP患儿外周血Th细胞百分率及Th/Tc比例明显下降,与正常儿童比较差别有统计学意义(P﹤0?05);Tc细胞百分率无明显变化,与正常儿童比较差别无统计学意义(P﹥0.05)(表1、图1)。Table 1. Determination of T subsets: Th and Tc(略)


  ITP患儿外周血Th1,Th2细胞百分率明显下降,与正常儿童比较差别有统计学意义(P﹤0.05);Tc1,Tc2细胞百分率无明显变化,与正常儿童比较差别无统计学意义(P﹥0.05);Th1/Th2及 Tc1/Tc2比例升高,与正常儿童比较差别有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)(表2、图2)。Table 2.  Determination of T subsets: Th1/Th2 and Tc1/Tc2 (略)

  讨 论





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