
来源:岁月联盟 作者: 时间:2010-07-12

【关键词】  鼻咽肿瘤/药物疗法,放射疗法;结果

  Comparison of the longterm effects of chemoradiotherapy and  radiotherapy alone for patients with stage Ⅲ, Ⅳa nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  【Abstract】 AIM: To study and compare the longterm effects of  chemoradiotherapy and  radiotherapy alone in the treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). METHODS: A total of 180 patients with stage Ⅲ or Ⅳa  NPC diagnosed pathologically were randomly divided into chemotherapy plus radiotherapy group (CT/RT group) and radiotherapy alone group (RT group). Cisplatinbased induction chemotherapy was performed in CT/RT group for 2 cycle (DFP, TFP, in 47 cases; PF, PFB, EFP in 43 cases) and radiotherapy was started in 1 week after the last chemotherapy. The methods of radiation were the same in both groups. RESULTS:  The distant metastasis free survival (DMFS) rates in 3 and 5 years  were 88.9%, 82.2% and the relapse free survival (RFS) rates in 3 and 5 years were 75.6%, 67.8% in CT/RT group; the 3, 5year DMFS rates were 72.2%, 65.6% and the 3, 5year RFS rates were 71.1%, 64.4% in RT group; there was no differences of statistical significance in 3, 5year RFS rates (P=0.089, P=0.076), but there was statistically significant difference in 3, 5year DMFS rates (P=0.029, P=0.024). The therapeutic effect of induction chemotherapy project including paclitaxel such as DFP, TFP was more excellent than classical chemotherapy projects such as FP, FBP, EFP (3, 5year DMFS: P=0.019, P=0.022). The  acute oral mucositis of Ⅲ, Ⅳ degree and leucopenia in the former groups were much more severe than those in the latter groups (51.1% vs 30.2%, P=0.018; 34.0% vs 14.0%, P=0.07). But these adverse eactions can be tolerable by using GCSF. There were no cases or death of allergy correlated to treatment. No patients need to decrease the dose of chemotherapy or radiation or to terminate the treatment, or to delay the late radiotherapy. CONCLUSION: The chemoradiotherapy can decrease significantly the rate of distant metastasis as compared  with radiotherapy alone, but there is  no statistically significant difference in RFS rate. The therapeutic effect of induction chemotherapy project including paclitaxel such as DFP, TFP is more excellent than classical chemotherapy projects such as FP, FBP, EFP, but  acute oral mucositis (Grade Ⅲ of Ⅳ) and leucopenia in the former groups were much more severe than those in the latter groups. The adverse reactions can be tolerable by using GCSF.

  【Keywords】 Nasopharyngeal neoplasms /drug therapy, radiotherapy; treatment outcome

  【摘要】 目的:比较诱导化疗综合放疗与单纯放疗对局部晚期鼻咽癌远期生存的影响. 方法:病理确诊的Ⅲ,Ⅳa期鼻咽癌180例随机均分为化放组和单放组,化放组用含Cisplatin为主的联合方案诱导化疗2个疗程后1 wk内开始放疗,其中采用DFP,TFP方案化疗47例,采用PF,PFB,EFP方案化疗43例. 两组采用的放射治疗技术基本一致. 结果:化放组与单放组3,5 a累积转移10,16例和25,31例;累积复发22,29例和26,32例;化放组无转移3,5 a生存率(DMFS)为88.9%和82.2%;无复发生存率(RFS)为75.6%和67.8%;单放组3,5 a DMFS为72.2%和65.6%;3,5 a RFS为71.1%和64.4%. 两组3,5 a RFS无差异(P=0.089, P=0.076),而3,5 a DMFS统计学有显著差异(P=0.029, P=0.024). 诱导化疗以含紫杉醇类的联合方案(DFP,TFP)较经典的FP,FBP,EFP方案疗效为优(3,5年DMFS:P=0.019; P=0.022). 但前组群Ⅲ,Ⅳ度急性口腔粘膜炎和白细胞下降明显高于后组群(51.1% vs 30.2%,P=0.018;34.0% vs 14.0%, P=0.07). 在GCSF等支持下不良反应尚可耐受,无治疗相关死亡、过敏、终止或需降低放化疗剂量的病例. 无后期放疗需推迟进行的病例. 结论:诱导化疗综合放疗组较单纯放疗组能明显降低局部晚期鼻咽癌的远处转移率. 但两组RFS无差异. 诱导化疗系列方案中DFP,TFP方案较经典的FP,FBP,EFP疗效为优,但Ⅲ,Ⅳ度不良反应前组群方案为重.

  【关键词】 鼻咽肿瘤/药物疗法,放射疗法;治疗结果


  鼻咽癌单纯放疗后的5 a生存率约为60.0%左右[1],其中Ⅲ,Ⅳa期鼻咽癌的3 a生存率仅为46.0%. 随着鼻咽癌高发现场依据不同的TNM分期预后采用不同的个体优化治疗方案的推出,对提高Ⅲ,Ⅳa期鼻咽癌的无转移生存率提供了可能[2-3]. 我们比较诱导化疗在局部晚期鼻咽癌放射治疗中的增益作用.


  1.1对象199701/199901病证实且无远处转移的Ⅲ,Ⅳa期初治鼻咽癌患者180例(1992年福州分期标准). ZubrodECOGWHO标准评分0~2级;预计生存期>10 mo;血常规、肝肾功能正常. 按照随机分组原则分别进入单纯放疗组(简称单放组)和诱导化疗综合放射组(简称化放组),各90例接受治疗. 两组资料具有可比性(P>0.05).


  1.2.1放射治疗采用60CO γ射线进行连续放射治疗. 根据CT扫描图像在定位片上进行放射野设置,并在模拟机上摆位验证,用铅挡块保护靶区正常组织. 放射治疗第1段采取双侧面颈联合野+下颈前野照射36 Gy;第2段依据口咽和颈淋巴结的受累情况,改用双侧耳前野照射34 Gy,颈前野照射14~24 Gy;或将面颈联合野后界前移避开脊髓照射14~24 Gy,后颈部用线野补量14~24 Gy后,再改为双侧耳前野照射10~20 Gy. 时间剂量分割方式为2 Gy,1次/d,5次/wk.

  1.2.2诱导化疗诱导化疗采用含DDP为主的联合方案,每3 wk 1个疗程,共2个疗程. 其中DFP,TFP组群47例,PF,PFB,EFP组群43例,末次化疗结束后1 wk内开始放疗.

  统计学处理:  采用SPSS 10.0进行统计分析,两个样本的比较用χ2检验,生存率分析用KaplanMeier法,生存曲线比较采用LogRank检验法,余为t检验. 预后及不良反应评价采用RFS和DMFS两组预后评价指标统计. 生存时间以放疗开始,在随访期内无复发生存率以出现复发为终点,未出现复发为终检值;无远处转移生存率以出现转移为终点,未出现转移为终检值. 不良反应以主观症状和客观体征评价为主,按WHO标准分为0~Ⅳ度.


  全部病例均随访满5 a以上. 化放组失访4例,单放组2例,随访率分别为95.6%(86/90)和97.8%(88/90). 其中化放组3,5 a累积复发22例和29例;累积转移10例和16例,而单放组3,5 a累积复发26例和32例;累积转移25例和31例.  化放组3,5 a RFS为75.6%和67.8%;3,5 a DMFS为88.9%和82.2%. 单放组3,5 a RFS为71.1%和64.4%;3,5 a DMFS为72.2%和65.6%. 两组3,5 a RFS无差异(P=0.089;P=0.076),而3,5 a DMFS统计学有显著差异(P=0.029,P=0.024,表1,图1).


  A: 3 a; B: 5 a.


  DFP,TFP组群3,5 a DMFS为91.5%和83.0%;PF,PFB,EFP组群为72.1%和62.8,差异有统计学意义(P=0.019; P=0.022,图2). 常见不良反应是恶心、呕吐和急性口腔粘膜炎,血液学不良反应主要是白细胞和血小板下降. 其中含紫杉醇类的DFP,TFP组群Ⅲ~Ⅳ度急性口腔粘膜炎和白细胞下降的发生率明显高于PF,PFB,EFP组群(51.1% vs 30.2%,P=0.018;34.0% vs 14.0%, P=0.07). 但在GCSF等支持下不良反应尚可耐受,无相关死亡、过敏、终止或需降低放化疗剂量的病例. 无后期放疗需推迟进行的病例. 其他毒副反应两组比较无差异(P>0.05). 化放组死亡25例,单放组死亡39例,死亡率分别为27.8%和43.3%,两组差异有显著意义(χ2=6.37,P<0.05). 死亡原因为肝肺转移和伴骨髓侵犯的多发性骨转移和鼻咽癌局部复发伴侵犯颅底或多组颅神经受累.

  A: 3 a; B: 5 a.



  不同的T,N分期预后,给鼻咽癌化疗综合放疗提供了依据. 已知T分期的严重程度与原发灶的控制有关,而N分期的大小不仅与区域淋巴结的复发有关,更与远处转移密切相关. 诱导化疗能显著提高N2~N3期患者的无疾病进展生存期(P<0.01),但不能提高总生存. 本组180例确诊时已属Ⅲ期和Ⅳa期,是极易造成治疗失败的高危转移组群,本结果可以看出,诱导化疗综合放疗能明显降低局部晚期鼻咽癌的远处转移率,提高3,5 a无远处转移生存率(88.9% vs 72.2%,P=0.029;82.2% vs 65.6%,P=0.024). 但不能提高3,5 a无复发生存率(75.6% vs 71.1%,P=0.089;67.8% vs 64.4%,P=0.076).

  DDP是目前治疗头颈部恶性肿瘤最有效的药物,在初治患者中单药缓解率可高达70.0%. 在治疗鼻咽癌等联合化疗方案中,DDP+5Fu,DDP+5Fu+BLM,DDP+5Fu+EPI等有效率大致相同,为79%~91%. 有意义的是近几年来肿瘤学界研究发现,Taxol和Docetaxel作为第一、二代紫杉醇类抗癌药,其联合方案在治疗鼻咽癌方面显现了较标准的一线化疗方案更为有效. 我们的化放组以DDP+5Fu,DDP+5Fu+BLM,DDP+5Fu+EPI 3个方案化疗者共43例,以TAX +5FU +DDP,DOC+5FU +DDP 2个方案化疗者共47例,比较这2组方案之间的3,5年DMFS,分别为72.1%,62.8和91.5%,83.0%,差异有统计学意义(P=0.019; P=0.022)说明含Docetaxel或Taxol的联合方案较经典的FP等方案效能为优. 与国外报道相类似[7-8].


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