【关键词】 癌胚抗原
Different expression and clinical application of CEAmRNACEAp system in benign and malignant ascites
【Abstract】 AIM: To understand the different expression of carcinoembryonic antigen mRNA (CEAmRNA)carcinoembryonic antigen protein (CEAp) system in benign and malignant ascites and to assess the value of CEAmRNACEAp for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of benign and malignant ascites. METHODS: Ninetythree patients were examined, among whom 60 cases were with malignant ascites and 33 cases with benign ascites. The ascites were collected and used for CEAmRNA and CEAp detection. CEAmRNA was detected by reverse transcriptasenested primerspolymerase chain reaction (RTNPPCR) and CEAp was detected by magnetic antibody immunoenzymometric assay (MAIA). RESULTS: The positive rates of CEAmRNA and CEAp were 49 (81.7%) and 34 (56.7%) in the malignant ascites group and 1 (3.0%) and 3 (9.1%) in the benign ascites group.The positive rates of both CEAmRNA and CEAp in the ascites of patients with malignant ascites were significantly higher than those of benign patients (P<0.01). In the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of malignant ascites, the specificity, sensitivity, the positive likelihood ratio, the negative likelihood ratio, the positive predictive value, the negative predictive value and the accuracy of CEAmRNA and of CEAp were respectively [0.970 and 0.909], [0.817 and 0.567], [27.233 and 6.231], [0.189 and 0.476], [0.980 and 0.919], [0.744 and 0.544], [0.871 and 0.699]. CONCLUSION: Both CEAmRNA and CEAp are useful indexes for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of malignant ascites. The diagnostic efficiency of CEAmRNA is higher than that of CEAp.
【Keywords】 carcinoembryonic antigen; RNA, messenger; carcinoembryonic antigen protein; diagnosis, differential; ascites, malignant
【摘要】 目的: 了解癌胚抗原信使核糖核酸(CEAmRNA)癌胚抗原蛋白(CEAp)系统在良、恶性腹水中表达的差别,评估检测CEAmRNACEAp系统指标诊断与鉴别诊断良、恶性腹水的应用价值. 方法: 恶性腹水组60例,良性腹水组33例. 采集腹水为检测标本,应用反转录套式聚合酶链反应(RTNPPCR)技术检测CEAmRNA,磁性抗体分离酶免疫测定(MAIA)技术检测CEAp. 结果: 良、恶性组腹水中CEAmRNA和CEAp的阳性率分别为3.0%(1/33)和9.1%(3/33),81.7%(49/60)和56.7%(34/60),良、恶性腹水间均具有显著的统计学差异(P<0.01). 用CEAmRNA和CEAp指标诊断与鉴别诊断恶性腹水的特异度、敏感度、阳性似然比、阴性似然比、阳性预测值、阴性预测值、准确度分别为0.970和0.909, 0.817和0.567, 27.233和6.231, 0.189和0.476, 0.980和0.919, 0.744和0.544, 0.871和0.699. 结论: 检测腹水中CEAmRNA和CEAp对良、恶性腹水的诊断与鉴别诊断均具有较高的应用价值,其中以CEAmRNA指标更为重要.
【关键词】 癌胚抗原;RNA,信使;癌胚抗原蛋白;诊断,鉴别;恶性腹水
腹水是临床常见表现,其良性、恶性的鉴别有时较困难,而常规方法和指标因敏感性或/和特异性较低,不能满足临床诊断与鉴别诊断的需求. 因此,研究更好的方法和指标对诊断与鉴别诊断良、恶性腹水,具有重要的临床意义. 研究表明[1],癌胚抗原信使核糖核酸(carcinoembryonic antigen mRNA, CEAmRNA)癌胚抗原蛋白(carcinoembryonic antigen protein, CEAp)系统在良、恶性腹水中的表达水平具有非常显著差别. 我们应用CEAmRNACEAp系统指标诊断与鉴别诊断良、恶性腹水,并讨论其临床价值.
1.1材料确诊的住院腹水患者93例,均经临床检查、实验室诊断、影像学诊断、介入检查、临床等. 恶性腹水组60例,包括胃癌20例,结肠癌20例,肝转移癌12例,胰腺癌8例;男32例,女28例,年龄34~78岁. 良性腹水组33例,包括肝硬化腹水15例,结核性腹膜炎腹水18例;男18例,女15例,年龄30~78岁. 采集腹水为检测标本,标本如不能被及时检测,应尽快分离提取有核细胞(检测CEAmRNA)密封贮存于-70℃和液相(检测CEA)密封贮存于-20℃.
1.2.1检测CEAmRNA应用反转录套式聚合酶链反应(reverse transcriptasenested primerspolymerase chain reaction, RTNPPCR)技术检测CEAmRNA,试剂盒由上海复星实业股份有限公司提供,RTNPPCR检测CEAmRNA的引物序列为: ① 5′TCTGGAACTTCTCCTGGTCTCTCAGCTGG3′, ② 5′TGTAGCT GTTGCAAATGCTTTAAGGAAGAAGC3′, ③ 5′GGGCCACTGTCGGCATCATGTTGG3′, ④ 5′TGT AGCTGTTGCAAATGCTTTAAGGAAGA AGC3′[1]. 检测操作经RNA模板提取、反转录合成CEAmRNA的特异的cDNA、PCR扩增(①, ②引物. ③, ④引物各按93℃ 45 s→54℃ 45 s→72℃ 60 s条件扩增30次循环)、扩增产物经25 g/L琼脂糖凝胶电泳分带、溴化乙啶染色、紫外检测仪观测等步骤(详见试剂盒操作说明书). 结果以出现与CEAmRNA阳性对照(试剂盒中提供)同齐的核酸电泳亮带,判读为CEAmRNA阳性. PCR扩增仪为英国OmnE2150仪器,PCR专用紫外检测仪和电泳系统为上海复星实业股份有限公司产品.
1.2.2检测CEAp应用磁性抗体分离酶免疫测定(magnetic antibody immunoenzymetric assay, MAIA)技术检测CEAp,试剂盒为加拿大Biochem Immunosystems公司产品,由北京倍爱康生物技术有限公司提供. 检测CEAp经过CEAp与特异性抗体结合、磁性抗体结合、磁固定、洗涤与分离游离抗体、显色、上机经三波长(492, 550, 630 nm)连续测定等步骤,以CEAp>16 μg/L为阳性. 检测操作详按试剂盒操作说明书进行. 三波长磁分离酶免疫测定系统为美国Biozyme1仪器.
统计学方法: 应用卡方检验对检测结果进行统计学分析,以P<0.05为具有统计学差异. 为分析方便,将CEAp按计数资料(CEAp>16 μg/L为阳性结果)处理.
在恶性腹水组内PCR检测CEAmRNA的阳性率为81.7%,MAIA检测CEAp的阳性率为56.7%, CEAmRNA与CEAp同时阳性结果的有33例,CEAmRNA阳性而CEAp阴性的有16例,CEAp阳性而CEAmRNA阴性的有1例,CEAmRNA的阳性率高于CEAp的阳性率(配对校正卡方检验,χ2=11.529, P<0.01). 在良性组内CEAp的阳性结果(3/33)略高于CEAmRNA(1/33). CEAmRNA和CEAp指标诊断与鉴别诊断恶性腹水的特异度(specificity)、敏感度(sensitivity)、阳性似然比(PLR)、阴性似然比(NPR)、阳性预测值(PPV)、阴性预测值(NPV)、准确度(accuracy)分别为0.970和0.909, 0.817和0.567, 27.233和6.231, 0.189和0.476, 0.980和0.919, 0.744和0.544, 0.871和0.699.表1各组腹水标本检测CEAmRNA和CEAp的阳性结果(略)
CEAp是肿瘤及某些幼稚细胞合成的蛋白质,是常用的肿瘤标志物,但敏感性较低[2,3]. CEAmRNA是指导合成CEAp的模板,它不能在细胞外存在,与肿瘤关系密切,是新近热点研究的肿瘤标志物[1,4-7]. 如在浆膜腔内发现CEAmRNA表达,多提示其中有肿瘤生长或发生肿瘤的转移[4]. 我们实验显示,恶性腹水CEAmRNA和CEAp的阳性结果显著高于良性腹水,且CEAmRNA的敏感性显著高于CEAp;同时还发现,CEAmRNA可早于其它指标被阳性发现而提供肿瘤信息. 我们研究表明,CEAmRNACEAp系统在恶性腹水时被高度活跃表达,其中CEAmRNA指标优于CEAp,具有更高的应用价值.
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