【关键词】 Pilon骨折;开放性骨折;有限内固定;外固定架
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the clinical effects of treatment of open Pilon fractures of tibia through limited internal fixation and external fixation.Methods 25 cases of open Pilon fractures by Kirschner wires,absorbable screws limited internal fixation and “T” external fixation,were enrolled,whose wounds and fractures were observed.Results All cases were followed up,18 got Ⅰ-phase wound healing,the other 7Ⅱ-phase wound healing;all of them got fracture healing.According to Tenny value ways of ankle joint,the functional recovery was excellent 7 cases,good in 15,fair in 3 and poor in 2.Conclusion The treatment of open Pilon fractures of tibia through limited internal fixation with external fixation,has exactly effects,little damages to soft tissue,small complications and rate of disability.
【Key words】 Pilon fracture;open fracture;limited internal fixation;external fixation stent
1 资料与方法
1.1 病例资料 本组25例,男16例,女9例,年龄17~55岁。左侧12例,右侧13例,均有腓骨骨折,时间0.5~6h。根据Ruedi-Allgouer骨折分型方法[1]Ⅱ型16例,Ⅲ型9例。开放性骨折按Guslilo分型[2]:Ⅰ度12例,Ⅱ度8例,Ⅲ度5例。
1.2 术前准备 均常规X线正侧位片,必要时CT检查及三维重建,选择克氏针、螺钉及单臂万向关节的T形外固定架及直径4mm半螺纹固定针。
1.3 治疗方法 彻底清创后,先行小腿右外侧切口行腓骨开放复位,并视骨折类型行1/3半管形钢板或克氏针固定,恢复腓骨的长度,胫骨下端视伤口情况扩创或另做切口,尽量使两切口距离大于6cm,整复骨折和关节面后采用螺丝钉、克氏针固定,骨缺损视创面软组织情况,Ⅰ期或Ⅱ期植骨,尽可能Ⅰ期修复创面,必要时行旋转或游离皮瓣覆盖伤口,C臂透视满意后行T形外固定架固定。术后石膏外固定3~6周,常规使用抗生素7天~3周。
2 结果
25例病人随访时间6个月~4年,骨折全部骨性愈合。Ⅱ型骨折解剖复位15例,Ⅲ型骨折解剖复位7例。伤口Ⅰ期愈合18例,Ⅱ期愈合7例。最长换药时间8周。效果评价参照Jeeny 等踝关节功能评分系统[3],从疼痛、步态、踝关节活动度等方面进行评分:优7例,良13例,可3例,差2例。
3 结论
1 Ruedi TP,Allgower M.The operative treatment of intrarticular fractures of the lower end of the tibia.Clin Orthop,1979,138:105-110.
2 Gustilo RB.Problems in the Management of type Ⅲ open fracture s: a newclassification of type Ⅲ open fracture.J Trauma,1984,24:742.
3 Teeny SM,Wiss DA.Open reduction and internel fixation of tibia plafond fractures:Variables Contributing to poor results and complications.Clin orthop,1993,292:108-117.
4 Anglen JO.Eavly outcome of hybriu external fixation for fracture of the distal tibia.J Orthop Trauma,1999,13:92-97.