【摘要】 目的 调查先天性脊柱侧凸患儿脊髓异常的发生率并探讨影像学诊断的地位。方法 107例先天性脊柱侧凸病例中合并脊髓异常者36例,占33.6%。所有病例均摄X线平片,脊髓造影或CT脊髓造影25例,MRI检查27例。结果 36例脊髓异常中脊髓栓系26例,二分脊髓8例,脊髓纵裂9例,脊髓空洞7例,低位圆锥8例。其中MRI检查27例均提示脊髓异常。结论 先天性脊柱侧凸患儿常合并脊髓异常,对有症状者及拟手术病例应常规行MRI检查。
Spinal Cord Abnormalities in Congenital Scoliosis
【Abstract】 Objective To determine the incidence of spinal cord abnormality in patients with congenital scoliosis and evaluate the role of imaging studies in the diagnosis.Methods Radiological imaging studies on patients with congenital scoliosis were reviewed.Results Of 107 patients with congenital scoliosis, 36 patients (33.6%) were found to have abnormalities of spinal cord. All of the 36 patients had spinal X-ray film, 25 had myelogram or CT myelogram and 27 had MRI examination. The abnormalities included 26 tethered cords, 8 diastematomyelia, 9 diplomyelia, 7 syringomyelia, and 8 low lying conus. MRI examinations were all positive.Conclusions Spinal cord abnormalities are common in patients with congenital scoliosis. MRI examination is indicated in symptomatic patients before operation.
【Key words】 Scoliosis,congenital Spinal cord abnormalities MRI Myelography
临 床 资 料
1. 先天性脊柱侧凸:形成缺陷21例(其中半椎体畸形19例,楔形椎2例),分节缺陷4例,混合型11例。
2. 脊髓异常:脊髓栓系26例,二分脊髓8例,脊髓纵裂9例,脊髓空洞7例,低位圆锥8例。
1. X线平片:所有病例均摄全脊柱X线平片,其中19例检查结果提示脊髓异常,椎弓根间距增宽15例,骨嵴7例。
2. 脊髓造影:检查25例(含CTM 16例),其中17例提示脊髓异常,造影剂充盈缺损14例,二分脊髓或脊髓纵裂9例。
3. MRI:检查27例,均提示脊髓异常,脊髓栓系18例,二分脊髓4例,脊髓纵裂2例,脊髓空洞7例,低位圆锥3例。
讨 论
长期以来,脊髓造影一直被用作诊断椎管内异常的重要手段。其可反映椎管内梗阻程度,并能较为清晰地显示某些类型脊髓畸形,如同时行CT扫描(CT脊髓造影)则效果更为理想。Pang[5]对一组脊髓畸形患儿的影像学资料分析表明,CT脊髓造影的诊断准确率要高于MRI,这主要体现在其显示脊髓分裂的骨和/或纤维性中隔时更具优越性。但脊髓造影属有创性检查,故该作者主张先用MRI行筛选检查,然后再对可疑者作CT脊髓造影,而Davis等[6]对81例脊柱脊髓异常的CT脊髓造影与MRI检查结果进行比较,并与手术结果对照,证实对于神经管闭合不全病例,MRI可显示多数异常改变如脊髓空洞、肿瘤及脊髓栓系部位等,T2加权像尚有助于空洞与脊髓纵裂的鉴别,但对于终丝增厚或评价背侧神经板引起的栓系较为困难。从本组资料来看,MRI对于脊髓空洞的诊断尤为敏感和准确,7例中仅有1例临床症状和体征提示脊髓空洞,经MRI检查后方作出诊断。脊柱侧凸常为脊髓空洞症的首发临床表现[7,8],MRI检查有助于早期发现脊柱侧凸患儿的并存脊髓异常。目前对于特发性脊柱侧凸患儿是否应行脊柱MRI检查尚有争论[9,10],鉴于先天性脊柱侧凸合并脊 髓异常比例更高,预后亦更难预测,因此对有症状患儿尤其是对拟行手术治疗的患儿应常规行MRI检查。
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