谷歌重申不过滤搜索结果 做好停止中国业务准备
报道说,谷歌副总裁黄安娜(Nicole Wong)10日表示,如果北京要求谷歌必须审查网络搜寻结果,或是选择退出全球人口最多的中国网络市场,谷歌准备撤离中国。
WASHINGTON (AFP) – A top Google executive reaffirmed Wednesday that the Internet giant is prepared to leave China if Beijing says it must censor Web searches or quit the country.
"Google is firm in its decision that it will stop censoring our search results for China," Google vice president and deputy general counsel Nicole Wong told a key US House of Representatives Committee.
The company is mindful that it has "hundreds of employees on the ground" and understands "the seriousness or the sensitivity" of its decision but "we will stop censoring" search results in China, she said.
If Beijing's response is to demand the firm shutter its site and close up shop in China, "we are prepared to do that," Wong told the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
"We are not going to change our decision on not censoring results anymore," she told lawmakers looking into the relationship between Internet technology and aiding democratic activists around the world.