
来源:岁月联盟 作者:董河,文秀青,黄辉 时间:2010-07-14

【关键词】  芬太尼

  摘  要:目的:观察芬太尼和利多卡因对异丙酚注射痛及人工流产术中镇痛效果的影响。方法:90例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级人工流产妇女随机分为三组,每组30例。对照组:异丙酚注射前给予生理盐水2 ml;利多卡因组:异丙酚注射前给予1%盐酸利多卡因2 ml;芬太尼组:异丙酚注射前给予25μg/ml芬太尼2 ml。采用4级口述描绘评分法(VRS)观察异丙酚注射痛程度;记录术中身体扭动的例数及苏醒时间。结果:芬太尼组和利多卡因组之间注射痛无差异,但均明显低于对照组(P<0.01)。利多卡因组和对照组术中身体扭动例数无差异,但均高于芬太尼组(P<0.05)。三组之间苏醒时间无明显差异。所有病例均在30 min内安全离院。结论:芬太尼和利多卡因均能明显降低异丙酚注射痛,同时芬太尼还能减轻流产手术所致的疼痛反应。小剂量芬太尼辅助异丙酚用于人工流产术具有可靠的安全性。

  关键词:芬太尼;异丙酚;  注射痛;麻醉;人工流产术

  Effects of Fentanyl on Pain Caused by Propofol Injection and Induced Abortion

  Abstract: Objective:To assess the effect of fentanyl and lidocaine on propofol-induced injection pain and vacuum abortion-induced pain. Method: 90 ASA grade I-II women scheduled for ambulatory pregnancy termination were randomly divided into three groups: The control group(n=30) received normal saline 2 ml before propofol injection; Lidocaine group(n=30) received 1% lidocaine 2 ml before propofol injection; Fentanyl group(n=30) received 25μg/ml fentanyl 2 ml before propofol injection. Pain at the time of propofol injection was assessed using a four-point verbal rating scale. The number of writhes during the operation and the recovery time of consciousness were recorded. Result:The propofol injection pain in fentanyl group was similar to that in lidocaine group, and the propofol injection pain in fentanyl group and lidocaine group were less than those in control group(P<0.01).The number of writhes in fentanyl group were fewer than those in lidocaine group and control group(P<0.05), and the number of writhes in lidocaine group were similar to those in control group .The recovery time of consciousness in three groups were similar. All patients left hospital safely in 30 minutes. Conclusion: Fentanyl and lidocaine can effectively reduce the propofol injection pain, and fentanyl can decrease the vacuum abortion-induced pain. Propofol  plus small  doses fentanyl as general anesthetics for early termination pregnancy is a safe method.

  Key words:  Fentanyl;  Propofol;  Injection pain;  Anesthesia;  Induced abortion


  1  资料与方法

  1.1  一般资料:选择ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级人工流产妇女90例,年龄18岁~42岁,体重45~68 kg,孕期45~70 d,既往无肝、肾、脑、心及肺等脏器方面的疾病。将该90例妇女随机分为对照组(Ⅰ组)、利多卡因组(Ⅱ组)和芬太尼组(Ⅲ组),每组30例。

  1.2  方法:术前禁饮食4~6 h ,均采用右手背浅静脉,20 号静脉穿刺针穿刺作为输液和注药通道。Ⅰ组:异丙酚注射前20 s 给予生理盐水2 ml;Ⅱ组:异丙酚注射前20 s 给予1%盐酸利多卡因2 ml;Ⅲ组:异丙酚注射前20 s 给予25 μg/ml芬太尼2 ml。以0.5 ml/s的速度推注1%异丙酚,边推注边询问病人感觉,待患者呼之不应、睫毛反射消失时开始手术。术毕患者清醒后观察30 min可离开。

  1.3  观察指标:①观察各组异丙酚注射过程中注射部位的疼痛:采用4级口述描绘评分法(VRS)评价疼痛程度(无痛、轻度痛、中度痛及重度痛)。②记录各组术中出现身体扭动的例数。③统计各组苏醒时间:指静注异丙酚后呼之不应到术毕后呼之能应的时间。

  1.4  统计学处理:注射痛程度用秩和检验分析,身体扭动例数用X2检验分析,苏醒时间用t检验分析。P<0.05为差异有显著性。

  2  结  果

  2.1  一般情况:三组之间年龄、体重、孕期及手术时间无统计学差异。

  2.2  异丙酚注射痛:芬太尼组和利多卡因组注射痛均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),芬太尼组和利多卡因组之间无显著差异(见表1)。表1  三组异丙酚注射痛的比较(略)

  2.3  术中身体扭动例数:芬太尼组显著低于对照组和利多卡因组(P<0.05),对照组和利多卡因组之间无显著差异(见表2)。

  2.4  苏醒时间:三组之间无显著差异(见表2)。表2  三组身体扭动例数及苏醒时间的比较(略)

  2.5  所有病人均在30 min内安全离院。

  3  讨  论


  研究发现,异丙酚无明显镇痛作用[5,6],所以在流产术中的疼痛刺激易致患者发生体动反应。麻醉镇痛药具有确实可靠的镇痛作用,配合异丙酚使用应能减轻流产术中的疼痛反应,但麻醉镇痛药物有剂量依赖性呼吸抑制作用,所以使用最小有效剂量为宜。我们的资料显示,小剂量芬太尼(50 μg)即可起到明显止痛作用,抑制术中体动反应。利多卡因虽然能有效减少异丙酚注射痛,但在术中并无明显镇痛作用。




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