补骨脂素加长波紫外线对NB4, K562白血病细胞株的作用

来源:岁月联盟 作者: 时间:2010-07-12


【关键词】  紫外线

     Effects of psoralen plus ultraviolet A on NB4 and K562 leukemia cell lines

  【Abstract】 AIM: To explore the effects of psoralen plus ultraviolet A(PUVA)on NB4 cells and K562 cells. METHODS: NB4 cells and K562 cells were subjected to the research.The effects of psoralen extracted from Chinese medicine plus ultraviolet A(UVA) of wave length 360 nm on leukemia cell lines were observed. The factorial design was applied to observe the effects of psoralen at different concentrations, UVA with different exposure time, on the inhibition rates and apoptosis rates of different leukemia cell lines, and the interaction among the each factor. RESULTS: ①When the concentration of psoralen was 80 mg/L and the exposure time of UVA was 15 min,the inhibition rates of NB4 cells reached the peak. When the concentration of psoralen was 80 mg/L and the exposure time of UVA was 10 min, the inhibition rates of K562 cells reached the peak. ②When the concentration of psoralen was 40 mg/L and exposure tim of UVA was 10 min,the apoptosis rates of NB4 cells reached the peak. When the concentration of psoralen was 80 mg/L and exposure time of UVA was 15 min,the apoptosis rates of K562 cells reached the peak. ③The inhibition rates and the apoptosis rates of different leukemia cell lines induced by psoralen at different concentrations plus UVA with different exposure time had statistical differences, and there was the interaction between each factor. CONCLUSION: PUVA can inhibit the growth of NB4 and K562 cell lines and induce their apoptosis. The most effective point of PUVA on NB4 and K562 cell lines is that the concentration of psoralen is 40-80 mg/L and the exposure time of UVA is 10-15 min.

  【Keywords】 PUVA therapy; ultraviolet rays; NB4 cell line; K562 cell line

  【摘要】 目的:探讨补骨脂素(PSO)加长波紫外线(UVA)对NB4,K562白血病细胞株的作用. 方法:以NB4,K562细胞株为研究对象,观察中药补骨脂中提取的PSO加波长为360 nm的UVA对人白血病细胞株的作用;采用析因设计,观察不同浓度的PSO、不同照射时间的UVA对不同白血病细胞株抑制率、凋亡率的影响以及各因素间的交互作用.结果:①当PSO浓度为80 mg/L,UVA照射时间为15 min时,NB4细胞的抑制率达峰值;当PSO浓度为80 mg/L,UVA照射时间为10 min时,K562细胞的抑制率达峰值.②当PSO浓度为40 mg/L,UVA照射时间为10 min 时,NB4细胞的凋亡率达峰值;当PSO浓度为80 mg/L,UVA照射时间为15 min时,K562细胞的凋亡率达峰值. ③不同UVA照射时间、不同PSO浓度对不同白血病细胞株的抑制率、凋亡率的差异有统计学意义,且各因素之间有交互作用.结论:①PSO加UVA (PUVA)可抑制NB4,K562白血病细胞株的生长,并可诱导其凋亡.②40~80 mg/L PSO与波长为360 nm的UVA照射10~15 min是PUVA抗NB4,K562白血病细胞的最佳作用点.

  【关键词】 补骨脂素紫外线A疗法;紫外线;NB4细胞株;K562细胞株


  补骨脂素(psoralen,PSO)是一类环杂化合物,1938年由瑞士皮肤病学家Kuske从植物中分离出来,并鉴定了它的光敏活性.目前国外主要使用人工化学合成的8甲氧基补骨脂素(8methoxypsoralen, 8MOP),且经研究证实其具有光敏性质与抗肿瘤活性.我们以NB4, K562细胞株为研究对象,观察了自中药补骨脂中提取的PSO加波长为360 nm的长波紫外线(ultraviolet A,UVA)对人白血病细胞株的作用;采用析因设计,观察了不同浓度的PSO,不同照射时间的UVA对不同白血病细胞株抑制率和凋亡率的影响以及各因素间的交互作用,以期为PSO加UVA(PUVA)的临床应用提供实验依据.


  1.1材料人早幼粒细胞白血病细胞株NB4由上海血液学研究所陈竺院士惠赠;人红白血病细胞株K562由医学院天津血液学研究所提供.PSO由大连理工大学及我院共同由纯中药补骨脂中提取和制备.二甲基亚砜(DMSO)购自北京化工厂,RPMI 1640培养液、胎牛血清为Gibco产品,小牛血清系杭州四季青生物材料工程公司产品,四氮唑蓝(MTT)为Sigma产品.


  1.2.1细胞培养NB4细胞、K562细胞分别常规培养于含100 mL/L胎牛血清和含100 mL/L小牛血清的RPMI 1640培养基(含硫酸庆大霉素25 U/L)中,于37℃,50 mL/L CO2饱和湿度培养箱中进行连续培养.

  1.2.2MTT法检测PUVA对细胞生长的抑制作用取20个细胞培养瓶,分别加入处于对数生长期、密度为4.0×109/L的NB4细胞5 mL.每5瓶为1组,分别加入0,10,20,40,80 μL的PSO,剩余体积由RPMI 1640补齐,使其终浓度分别为0,10,20,40,80 mg/L; 37℃,50 mL/L CO2饱和湿度培养箱中预孵1 h后,分别放入5个石英比色皿中,置于λ=360 nm的GLY10型光量子血液平衡仪上以1 J/m2辐射量边震荡、边照射相同时间.PUVA处理后,分别自5个石英比色皿取200 μL,接种于96孔板中,设3个平行孔.常规培养48 h后,加入MTT贮存液10 μL,37℃,50 mL/L CO2培养4 h,将培养板以3000 r/min离心3 min,弃上清液,每孔加入100 μL二甲基亚砜,置旋涡振荡器振荡5 min,至细胞内和周围的紫色颗粒充分溶解,于自动酶标仪上测定各孔A540值,取3个平行孔的平均值细胞抑制率:抑制率(%)=1-A540 nm实验组/A540 nm空白组×100%.依据UVA照射时间不同,20个细胞培养瓶分为0,5,10,15 min 4个照射组. K562细胞的处理方法同NB4细胞.